"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.
Intelligence plus character––that is the goal of true education." – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear Students, Welcome to Government Arts College, Kota, a premier education institution of Hadoti region. The College was established in 2014 but it became a separate entity when it Arts Faculty was bifurcated from Government College, Kota, in October 2015. The college still runs in the impressive heritage premises in the heart of the city with some P.G. Departments being run in the new additional building across.
The college is a renowned centre of education for under-graduate, post-graduate and research studies, with around 8700 regular students from diverse backgrounds, which can be testified by our growth in admissions, infrastructure, results and recognition.
The College provides the student with the experience of life- skills, social values, knowledge and holistic personality development including, NSS, Sports, Games, Cultural, Literary and other allied activities. We strongly believe that education should empower the students to make a positive impact on self, family, society, state and the world. Education is not only the learning of many facts but also training of mind to think. Our team of excellent teachers and learning resources offer a comprehensive perspective to students through innovative pedagogy, value added programmes, technological assistance and above all strong value orientation. The college continues its journey crossing several milestones, carrying out its mission and realizing its vision.
To quote Swami Vivekanand, “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man. Arise, awake and stop not till that goal is reached.” So, dear students, gear yourself for an enriching educational experience in an enlivening environment.
Prof. Roshan Bharti