
List of courses which address Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics










Environmental Studies




Ecosystem, Foodchain, Foodweb, Pollution and its control, Afforestation










Application of Computer science, RAM, ROM, EPROM, Types of computer.







Ecology &

Utilization of Plants

Biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous, forest and grassland structure of ecosystem.






Natural resources and their management, environmental pollution, green house

effect, ozone layer, bio-degradation of pollutants.




M.Sc. (P)



IV- Computer and differential


Basic structure and functioning of computers with PC, computer programming in 'C', UNIX, WINDOWS, DOS




M.Sc. (F)




Environmental Chemistry


Air, Air Pollution, Water, Water Pollution


M.Com. (F)

Bus. Admn.



Strategic Management concept, need, role of S.M. in business and non-business





M.Com. (F)


Bus. Admn.

II-Development of Business


Economic development and entrepreneurship concept, social context and psychlogical factures in entrepreneurship, self employement.




M.Com. (F)



V- Management

and management accountancy

Definitation of management, evolution of management, organization and planning




M.Com. (F)




growth and development

A study of growth and development models, monetary and fiscal measures for accumulation of capital and acceleration of economic growth


M.Com. (F)


VIII- Industrial


Retionale of industrialisation, foundations of modern industry, natural, human

and economic resources industrial productivity and growth



 Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution


The digital revolution is transforming the world. Thus, the current education pattern should be outcome based. This requires a clear shift from education as transmission of expert knowledge to education as building learner competencies including the “4Cs”; Creativity to find solutions, Critical thinking to think logically Cooperation and Communication to work together.

The Key aspects in Outcome-Based Education (OBE) are the assessment of Course Outcomes.  At the initial stage of OBE implementation, the Course Outcomes (COs) for each course are defined based on the Program Outcomes (POs) and other requirements.  At the end of each course, the COs are assessed and evaluated to check whether they have been attained or not.


Program outcomes describe what students are expected to know and would be able to do by the time of graduation.

Course Outcomes defines about what a student should know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a course. It states the major skills, knowledge, attitude or ability that students acquires after completion of the course. COs should drive program outcomes.

               Thus, SRLS Government College has placed well-defined POs & COs for all programs and all the courses. These POs & Cos are published in the institution website and are integrated with the teaching learning and evaluation system of the College. 

Programme Outcomes:

Seth R.L. Saharia Government PG College offers three year undergraduate degree programmes in Commerce, Arts and Science.

 The learning outcomes of graduate programs reflect advanced knowledge, skills, and values appropriate to the discipline. The program should articulate and address critical issues in their field of study. It should also generate skills to analyze and think critically at an advanced level, including global competencies. All students in different academic fields of study should have proper communication skills and ability in learning new methods and technologies. Standards of academic and professional integrity should be acquired and demonstrated. Some of the program outcomes in general areas are as follows:

Program Name

POS name

Program Outcome


PO-1: Knowledge:


  Learners are encouraged to apply the knowledge of subject and science fundamentals to various solutions of complex problems. Student is exposed to a wide range of topics in various subjects and is given intensive training in each of the courses that have laboratory related work. At the end of the program, students are able to gain thorough knowledge in key areas in the subjects offered.

PO-2: Problem Analyses


At the end of the program, students will be able to identify, formulate and analyze scientific problems and reach concrete solutions using various principles of sciences.

PO-3: Communication Development


On successful completion of the Programme, the students will be skilled in both oral and written communication.

PO-4: Employability

The development of scientific or technical skills or strong quantitative reasoning capabilities in students plays an important role in their long-term professional pursuits.

PO-5: Ethics



One of the main objectives of any academic exercise is to produce well-groomed individuals who understand the significance of ethical values and abide by them even in the most pressing circumstances. In this program, this process is enabled through courses and facilitators who integrate the teaching of ethics in everyday pedagogy.

PO-6: Environment and Sustainability:

Environmental sustainability’ has become the watchword of the 21st century. An increased engagement with environment related concerns is appearing tangibly on global fronts; academics cannot and should not remain quarantined from this massive development. Through incorporation of a compulsory paper and classroom discussions and research projects, the B.Sc. program facilitates an understanding with factors which influence human-ecology interactions.

PO-7: Science and Society

learners are encouraged to apply logical reasoning based on the knowledge, skills, designing solutions to assess societal, health, safety issues and the responsibilities that go along with the scientific practice


PO-1: Humanities Education

B.A. program meets the standards prescribed by general humanities education.

PO-2 : Cognitive skills

Students choosing combination of three subjects develop social, political, historic, economic and literary consciousness and will be better able to appreciate different civilizations, culture.

PO-3: Knowledge of Different Civilization

In the three-year duration, they will cultivate the sensibility to discern the evolution of civilizations and cultures. Students on completion of the undergraduate degree will be better able to appreciate the literary and cultural diversity.

PO-4: Employability

On graduating, the students will be eligible for employment in tourism, media, hospitality, and other industries. Students also become employable in non-governmental organizations. They will also be able to appear for competitive examinations conducted for public sector jobs.

P O-5: Values

Humanities education is designed in such a way that it lays particular emphasis on human values.

PO-6: Critical Thinking

It equips them to think critically about the issues of contemporary relevance and hold an informed opinion on them.


PO-1: Knowledge of industry needs

This program could provide well trained professionals to meet the requirements of industries, banking sectors, insurance, companies, financing companies, transport agencies, warehousing etc.  After completing graduation, students can get skills regarding various aspects like marketing manager, selling manager and over all administration abilities of the company. 

PO-2: Employability

Students can independently start up their own business and can get thorough knowledge of finance and commerce.

PO-3: Decision making and problem solving skills

The students will acquire the knowledge, skill in different areas of communication, decision making, innovations and problem solving in day to day business activities.The study of economics can also provide valuable knowledge for making decisions in everyday life.

PO-4: Advanced Career and Research

Students will learn relevant Advanced accounting career skills, applying both quantitative and qualitative knowledge to their future careers in business.  Also they will be able to do their higher education and can do research in the field of finance and commerce.

PO-5: Preparation of Professional Exams

Students will prove themselves in different professional exams like C.A., C S, CMA, MPSC, UPSC as well as other persuades.


Course Outcomes:

Course Name



1. Sound Knowledge of different Historical Periods.

2.  Knowledge of the Development of Historical perspective:

3. Describe main features of prehistoric and proto-historic cultures and discusses various aspects of society, economy, polity and religious practices that are reflected in the Early Vedic and Later Vedic texts.

4. Describe the main features of the megalithic cultures of the Central India, Deccan and South India.

5. The Making of its Early Modern History

6. Upon completion of this course the student shall be able to:  analyze different kinds of sources -- archaeological, architectural and a variety of textual materials. 

7. Analyze processes of urbanization and state formation.

8. Examine the role of politics associated with scientific and technological developments and its economics in the capitalist economy. 


1. The curriculum is designed to make students familiar about earth surface, environment and various human activities affected by nature. ‘

2. Physical Geography’ develops the understanding of students about features of earth surface like rocks, soil, denudation, topography made by different agents of erosion and various changes the earth has gone through in geological time history. 3. The curriculum deals with the atmospheric phenomena like stratification of atmosphere, related characteristics, air pressure, wind belts, global climatic classification and related flora and fauna.

4. Oceanography explains the relief features of the oceans, their salinity, density, temperature, ocean currents etc. Biography is added as a unit of the paper to make the student aware of the ecosystem, food chain, producers and consumers at various levels. This paper gives the basic information to students about our surroundings.

5. ‘Geography of Resources’ paper helps students understand about the classification of resources and their world distribution. As the exploitation of resources is reaching dangerous levels, the need for awareness of conservation techniques is becoming a prime necessity. This paper contributes to creating this awareness.

6. ‘Human geography’ focuses on the study of humans. Since human is the active agent of nature, he creates vivid changes in nature through social, cultural, economic activities such as trade and transport etc. These all changes have been taught in the paper. Besides systematic approach, regional approach has been given equal significance in the syllabus.

7. Geography of India, Geography of Rajasthan and Regional Geography of the world are the papers which give a new perception to students for spatial analysis of macro to micro regions .


Political Science


1. The under graduate program in Political Science familiarizes a student with a wide spectrum of political theories, concepts and politicking. The course includes the study of key concepts such as Behaviouralism, Post- Behaviouralism, Power, Authority, Legitimacy, Political System, Political Development, Political Modernisation, Political parties, Pressure Groups, Constitutionalism, Liberalism, Democracy, Dictatorship, Political parties, Idealism, Marxism, Democratic Socialism, Anarchism, Feminism, etc.

2. The understanding of various Indian political thinkers such as Manu, Kautilya, Shukra, Ram Mohan Roy, Dayanand Saraswati, Gokhale, Tilak, Vivekanand, Gandhi, Nehru, ambedkar, M.N.Roy, J. P. Narain, D. D. Upadhyay and western thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Acquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, J.S. Mill, Marx is in the purview of the course.

3. Some selected political systems such as that of Britain, USA, People’s Republic of China and Switzerland, besides the working of the Indian political system have been included in the syllabus, representative of various systems enabling the students to comprehend the execution of the political        order.

4. The study of international developments post World War II, U.N.O, USA and the third world, collapse of Communist block, reorganization of Europe, Indian foreign policy and its relations with its neighbours as well as major powers, India and UN, NAM and its relevance, India’s Look East Policy and India in contemporary multi-polar world is included in the ambit of Political Science programme. This equips with students with the knowledge about the dynamics of the political system and their challenges.

Home Science

1. Home Science being a dynamic subject helps students to draw and synthesize the knowledge, concepts and theories from Arts, Science and Humanities.

2. The curriculum of B.A. (pass course) is well designed to acquaint students to deal with relationship between individuals, families, communities and the environment in which they live.

3. The course acquaints the students with developmental schemes, rights and responsibilities, modern techniques; functional and vocational skills, thus improving quality of personal and professional life.

4. It helps in leading and more satisfying family, personal and community life because of the knowledge, understanding skills of social, cultural, spiritual values students acquire through Home Science.

5. The vocational courses in the curriculum provide the necessary training and skills as well as technical knowledge which prepares individuals for jobs, occupation or trade viz (Family event management, food preservation, childhood educator, dyeing and printing etc.)





1. The course helps students to understand human behavior, its mental processes and allow them to understand, think, act and feel the surrounding environment (home & workplace) in a better manner. The curriculum designed for students to understand people’s motivation, perception, emotions and behavior in a different perspective.

2. Provide the understanding of the basic facts and concepts related to research design in Psychology; accurately analyse and interpret data generated through their own studies.

3. The course acquaints to identify, describe and classify the major theoretical perspectives and key concepts used in Psychology.

4. Helps to understand basic anatomy and physiology of nervous system.

5. This equips the students to communicate empirical and theoretical information effectively when generating knowledge or when using knowledge in applied setting.

6.  The syllabus is also designed to make students understand the influence that variables such as race, class, sexuality and gender may have on mental constructs and behaviours.



1. The syllabus of sociology in the graduation program covers the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society. A student is familiarized with social institutions such as family kinship, religion, property, cooperation, competition, accommodation, assimilation etc.

2. Student is made aware of social problems like illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, child labour and abuse, castism and various other crimes.

3. The curriculum framework for Sociology is intended to help students understand the nature of society in which they live and acquire skills to view social reality objectively.

4. It enables through critical thinking and observation at a national and global level of institutions and social problems of inequality and development in realms of gender, environment, polity, religion, economy, kinship and culture.

5. The objective of the course is to introduce sociological concepts and theories to students and help them link these to actual life experiences.



1. Literature inculcates human values in us and inspires us to make our lives sublime. The curriculum is designed for interpretation and appreciation of selected texts from the genres of poetry, drama, prose and fiction.

2. Strengthening skills of not making, summarizing and dialogue writing.

3. Understanding texts with specific references genres, forms and literary terms.

4. It broadens the horizons of our knowledge and improves our mind.

5. It helps us develop an optimistic approach to life; to discover our inner strengths and hidden potential and to encounter the challenges of life boldly.


1. हिन्दी साहित्य साहित्य के विद्यार्थियों के लिए स्नातक स्तर पर साहित्य की विभिन्न विधा�"ं जैसे - कविता, कहानी, निबन्ध, नाटक, एकांकी एवं उपन्यास आदि का प्रयोग पाठ्य सामग्री के रूप में किया गया है।

2. इससे न केवल वे साहित्य की विधा�"ं से परिचित होते हैं अपितु उनमें पढ़ने के प्रति सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण भी विकसित होता है।

3. पाठ्यक्रम विद्यार्थियों का अभिव्यक्ति कौषल सुधारता है जिसके फलस्वरूप भाषा का सटीक प्रयोग करना उन्हें आता है। 4. साहित्य की पाठ्य सामग्री, पठन कौषल के साथ श्रवण, वाचन �"र लेखन कौषल की अभिवृद्धि में भी सहायक होती है।


1. संस्कृत इण्डो-यूरोपीयन भाषा की प्राचीनत एवं वैज्ञानिक भाषा है।

1. 2. वैदिक विज्ञान व अन्य सामाजिक विज्ञानों मंे अन्तर्सम्बन्धों का व्यापक अध्ययन।

3. आयुर्वेद विज्ञान के क्षेत्र में रोजगार सृजन में महती भूमिका का निर्वाह। ज्योतिष् - विज्ञान अध्ययन के क्षेत्र मंे विपुल संभावनाएँ।

4. मानव संसाधन विकास व संस्कृति अभिवर्धन में योगदान। भारतीय संस्कृति के संरक्षण हेतु युवा�"ं को जोड़ने में आवष्यक सेतु का कार्य।

5. भारतीय संस्कृति, सभ्यता, साहित्य एवं प्राचीन व अर्वाचीन इतिहास विष्लेषण में सहायक।

6. भाषा विज्ञान की समृद्धि मंे सहायक। योग साधना के क्षेत्र में रोजगार सृजन में सहायक।

7. कर्मकाण्ड व पौराहित्य कार्य रोजगार हेतु अवसर। पुरातत्व विभाग में अनुसंधान व रोजगार के अवसर। संस्कृत अध्येता�"ं के मस्तिष्क को अधिक तीव्र करती है जिससे अन्य भाषा व विषयों को समझने में सरलता होती है। साथ ही यह सत्व गुण में वृद्धि करते हुए नैतिक बल व चरित्र को सात्विक बनाती है।


1. Statistics enables the students to comprehend data collection its classification and techniques for analysis and their application in various fields.

2. Corporate accounting provides knowledge of various accounting methods in different fields. Cost accounting gives the knowledge of cost estimation, methods of cost control and how to make quotations of tenders in domestic and foreign markets.

3. Auditing gives to the students the knowledge of checking the authenticity of accounts, which is necessary for tax calculation, declaration of dividend, taking loan from financial institution and detection of errors & fraud. Income tax gives them knowledge of various needs of income, rules of their calculation, deductions and computation of tax.

4. GST gives them knowledge of taxable and exempted goods and services, various rules regarding computation of GST, distribution of GST in central & state government management accounting gives them knowledge of managing accounts and techniques of making various decisions.

Economic Administration and Financial Management

1. A nutshell study of E.A.F.M. gives knowledge of administration and management of economic and business units in the country. The syllabus of E.A.F.M. gives knowledge of administration of economic affairs at state as well as at central level.

2. The study of financial management enables the students to manage the business enterprise with limited funds.

3. The study of business budgeting trains the students to prepare the draft of the budget of a business unit in various fields such as production, sales, purchase, etc.

4. The study of business economics gives knowledge of markets where with limited resources an individual or firm has to achieve the twin targets of cost minimization and profit maximization.

Business Adminstration

1. Bus. Admn. Course enables the students to develop a broad understanding of business organizations and provides them with subject specific knowledge in areas such as markets, customers, finance, operations, communication, information technology and business policy and strategy.

2. Various papers of Bus. Admn. Group opens the doors for the students to variety of career opportunities such as Accountants, Commercial loan officer, City managers, Sales managers, Human resource managers, Public relations specialist, Advertising executive etc.



1. Students will be acquainted with the knowledge of classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, thermal physics, electronics, optics etc. and will be able to apply this knowledge to analyze a variety of physical phenomena.

2. Electronics is widely used in information, processing telecommunication and signal processing. The ability of electronic devices to act as switches makes digital information processing possible. Power electronics applications are extended to various fields such aero space, automotive, electrical and electronic systems.

3. Electromagnets are used in all kinds of electrical devices including hard disk drives, speakers, motors, generators, in MRI| machines etc.

4. The knowledge of quantum theory can be used in quantum computing, LEDs, Lasers, Superconducting magnets.

5. Further, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in mathematics as the mathematical concepts needed for a proper understanding of physics are part of the curriculum.


1. Mathematics helps us to have better problem solving skills analytical thinking refers to the ability to think critically about the world around us.

2. Analytical and reasoning skills are important because they help us to solve problems and look for solutions. Differential equations have remarkable ability to predict exponential growth and decay change in investment return. We use the derivative as cost strength, amount of material use in a building.

3. The application of dynamics and statics as modeling the behavior of moving and stationary object.

4. Linear programming problems have a great applications in inventory problems, transportation problems, quining theory and assignment problems and game theory etc.


1. The expected outcome of the course is to equip students with the concepts, principles, theories and practical applications of Chemistry to facilitate the students in pursuing their higher studies in chemistry, to boost their career and employment options and to apply chemistry in their everyday life.

2. Graduates from this syllabus courses will be better prepared to understand the new environment friendly systems and can understand the processes that the chemical society / industry is adopting


The three years UG course of Botany is divided in nine papers (three papers per year) with related practical exercises to enrich student with the basic knowledge of concepts and the phenomena related to the world of plants. At the completion of B.Sc. in Botany the student are able to understand –

1. The structural organization of cell, cell organelles, cell division, genetics and inheritance.

2. The morphological and structural organization of algae, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.

3. The various physiological and metabolic           activities of plants, biotechnology and biochemical estimation of byproducts.

4. Economic botany and plant utilization in concern with human life.

5. Study of microorganisms and their industrial applications.

6. Diversity of plants., environment, ecosystem and biogeochemical cycles in nature, phytogeography etc.

7. Student is equipped to gain self employment in the field of organic manure preparation, horticultural plant production, cultivation of crops, plant tissue culture, biotechnology and genetic engineering, mushroom cultivation, food industries etc.


The course offered in zoology Graduation programme enables the students to:-

1. Have a broad understanding of animal diversity, including knowledge of the scientific classification and evolutionary relationships of major groups of animals.

2. Comprehend the relationships between structure and functions at different levels of biological organization (e.g., molecules, organs, organisms, populations, and species) for the major groups of animals. Explains how organisms function at the level of the gene, genome, cell tissue, organ and organ-system.

3. Characterize the biological, chemical, and physical features of environments (e.g., terrestrial, freshwater, marine, host) that animals inhabit. Explain how animals function and interact with respect to biological, chemical and physical processes in natural and impacted environments. Understand the ecology and environment with respect to the life on earth.

4. Understand the applied biological sciences or economic Zoology such as sericulture, Apiculture, aquaculture, |Industrial microbiology, rDNA technology and medicine for their career opportunities. Describe the social life and economic importance of insects.

5. Identify the taxonomic status of non-chordates up to annelids and able to discuss the evolutionary model of the group.

6. Identify the taxonomic status of chordates and discuss the evolutionary model of the group. Understand the comparative anatomy and vital systems of chordates.

7. Understand the process of development of animals.

8. Understand about the composition of food and meehanisms of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Attain knowledge about the history, branches and scope of biotechnology and gene transfer technology.



M.Sc. Chemistry Department annual seminar outcome report


Seminars are an integral part of two years post graduation course in chemistry. The final year M. Sc students are to present seminar on allotted topics, they are then evaluated by the assigned teachers and the marks are given on the basis of oral presentation and written work . For every academic session the seminar is conducted in the month of February.  Previous year students also attend their seniors' seminar . Junior batch are also allotted various topics from their syllabus and they give lecture on these topics hence they get a practice for final year presentations .

After the completion of one's presentation an open house interactive session is conducted in which the presenter reply to their peers queries related to their topic.  Teachers also ask questions to measure  candidate's confidence and in depth knowledge of the topic . For the academic session 2022-23 the chemistry PG seminar was conducted from 20-2-23 to 25 -2-23 . 46 final year students and 50 previous year students took part in seminar . Their presentations were videographed and soft copies of their work were collected at a designated email along with hard copies.

This seminar provides the students a platform for peer learning and to understand the contents of their syllabus in depth .