Extension of the Date for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION and FEE DEPOSITION (06th August, 2024) for UG 1st Year (Semester-I)

Extension of the Date for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION and FEE DEPOSITION (30th July, 2024) for UG 1st Year (Semester-I)

Extension of the Date for Online Admission Renewal Programme For UG Part-II (SEMESTER-III) And UG PART-III) Session (2024-25)

Extension of date for Online Admission Programme (2024-25) UG PART-I (SEMESTER-I) (15.07.2024)

Extension of date for Online Admission Programme (2024-25) UG PART-I (SEMESTER-I) (10.07.2024)

Seat increases in UG PART-I (SEMESTER-I) For Session (2024-25) 

Extension of date for Online Admission Programme (2024-25) UG PART-I (SEMESTER-I) (03.07.2024)

Extension of date for Online Admission Programme (2024-25) UG PART-I (SEMESTER-I)

Online Admission Renewal Programme For UG Part-II (SEMESTER-III) And UG PART-III) Session (2024-25)

Online Admission Programme (2024-25) UG PART-I (SEMESTER-I)

Admission Policy (2024-25)

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG Part II And III (31 January 2024)

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG Part II And III 

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG Part II And III 

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG Part II And III 

Offline Admission Programme (2023-24) UG Part-II

Revised Online Admission Programme (2023-24) UG-I

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG Part II And III (31 August 2023)

Seat increases in UG 1st Year For Session (2023-24) 

Extension of the Date for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION and FEE DEPOSITION for (Vacant Seat) UG 1st Year (24 August, 2023) 

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG Part II And III (21 August 2023)

Extension of the Date for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION and FEE DEPOSITION (7 August, 2023) for UG 1st Year

Extension of the Date for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION and FEE DEPOSITION (2 August, 2023) for UG 1st Year

Extension of the date for Online Admission Renewal Programme UG (Part II And III) Session (2023-24)

Extension of the date for Online Admission for UG (Part-I) session 2023-24. ( last date 17.07.2023)

Extension of date for Online Admission for UG (Part-I) session (2023-24)

Online Admission Programme (2023-24) UG-I

Online Admission Renewal Programme For UG (Part II And III) Session (2023-24)

Admission Policy (2023-24)