M.A. Public Administration Previous 2022-23 Syllabus 

S.B.D. Government P.G. College, Sardarshahar

(Affiliated to Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner)


M.A. Public Administration Previous 2022-23

Scheme of Examination

3 Hrs Duration                             Maximum Marks: 100                                                               

The question paper shall contain three sections.

Section A (20 Marks)

Section B (35 Marks)

Section C (45 Marks)


Section A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answer should not exceed 50 words.

Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks. The answer should not exceed 200 words.

Section C shall contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one  from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three questions.The answer shall not exceed 500 words.


(This scheme is for all four papers of M.A.Public Administration Previous 2022-23 Examinations)



Paper-I Administrative Theories and Management

(प्रशासनिक विचारधाराएं एवं प्रबंध)


आधारभूत संकल्पना (Basic Concept)


संगठन की विचारधाराएं (Theories of organization)


संगठन के सिद्धांत (Principles of Organization)


संगठन की संरचना (Structure of Organization)


लोक नीति (Public Policy)


Paper II- प्रशासनिक चिंतक (Administrative Thinkers)

Unit- I

  1. कौटिल्य (Kautilya)
  1. वुडरो विल्सन (Woodrow Wilson)


1. हेनरी फेयोल (Henri Fayol)

2. एफ. डब्ल्यू टेलर (F.W. Taylor)


1. मैक्स वेबर (Max Weber)

2. चेस्टर बर्नार्ड (Chester Barnard)


1. हर्बर्ट साइमन (Herbert Simon)

2. मैकग्रेगर (McGregor)


1. रेन्सिस लिकर्ट (Rensis Likert)

2. एफ. डब्ल्यू रिग्स (F.W. Riggs)

Paper III – तुलनात्मक लोक प्रशासन  (Comparative Public Administration)

Unit I

Unit II

Unit III

Unit IV

Unit V

निम्नलिखित का संगठन एवं कार्यकरण (Organization and working of)

Paper- IV  लोक कार्मिक प्रशासन (Public Personnel Administration)

Unit I

लोक कार्मिक प्रशासन (Public Personnel Administration):

Unit II

नौकरशाही (Bureaucracy):

Unit III

यू.एस.ए. में लोक कार्मिक प्रशासन (Public Personnel Administration in U.S.A)

Unit IV
यू.के. में लोक कार्मिक प्रशासन (Public Personnel Administration in U.K.)

Unit V
फ़्रांस में लोक कार्मिक प्रशासन (Public Personnel Administration in France):