1. Every employee shall, at all times, maintain professional integrity and be fully devoted to his/her duty.
  2. Every employee shall be honest, punctual and impartial in his/her official dealings.
  3. Every employee shall, at all times, be polite and well-mannered in his/her dealings with the college administration and other members of the staff.
  4. Every employee will work within the frame-work of organizational structure and hierarchy conforming to the policies and directions as may be given by the college administration from time to time apart from teaching and other assignments.
  5. Employees should strictly follow the schedule of working hours in the institution. But if it is needed, they shall stay beyond working hours for some definite purposes.
  6. Every employee is a whole-time employee of the Government; and may be called upon to perform some responsibilities/duties, as may be, assigned to him/her by the competent authority extra/beyond the scheduled working hours or on holidays and Sundays.
  7. No employee shall be absent from duty without the prior permission of the competent authority i. e. the Principal.
  8. All Employees, especially teaching faculty, are expected to improve their knowledge base through continuous learning, execution of industry projects, conducting and attending seminar, workshop etc.
  9. No employee shall take part in active politics, or be associated with any political party.
  10. An employee against whom criminal proceedings are initiated in a court of law shall immediately inform the office regarding the details thereof.
  11. No employee shall, except with the prior sanction of the competent authority, have recourse to any court of law or to the press/ media for/against any official act of the Institution.
  12. Smoking, chewing of tobacco and consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited in the campus.
  13. Whenever any employee wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redressal of any grievance, he/she must forward his/her case through the proper channel to the competent authority only.
  14. An employee who commits any offence or dereliction of duty, or does an act detrimental to the interests of the institution, will be subjected to an enquiry and punishment by the competent authority as per rule.
  15. The institution gives utmost priority to discipline; and therefore every employee is expected to maintain strict discipline and bound to abide by the service rules and regulations of the Government of Rajasthan.
  16. The institution takes a serious note of misbehavior, insubordination, habitual tardiness, irregular work habits or obscenity which is punishable as per the rules of state government.
  17. Respect the mission and goals of the institution, and strive to achieve them.
  18. Employees shall follow the directions and instructions properly given by the Principal.
  19. Use Internet in labs and classrooms only for the academic purpose. Internet/Wi-Fi facility available in the campus is to be used for academic purposes only.
  20. The parking space is limited. It can be utilized on first come first basis.
  21. Every employee is expected to maintain proper etiquettes required in an academic institution.

     22. Every employee shall abide by these rules of Institution, and shall be liable for consequences in the case of any breach of the rules by him/her.