
Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye' i.e. education is that which liberates. According to Gandhi, “Knowledge includes all
training that is useful for the service of mankind, and liberation means freedom from all manner of servitude
even in the present life.” In the present scenario of globalization and a competitive market, our students have to
undergo strenuous ordeals to reach out to their dreams. We strive to prepare them for the competitive world
ahead, with their cultural and social values preserved within them.


Youth education and empowerment
The institution aims to educate the young individuals to learn to surmount their weaknesses and limitations and
set themselves on the way to the discovery of their potentialities of illumination, service and harmony. They
undergo a dynamic and humanizing process of education before stepping into the tough competitive world. The
institution encourages dialogic relations between teachers and pupils, taking into consideration their past
limitations yet immense intellectual resources. The students are encouraged to rise above their localized milieu
and possess a universal approach to become a part of mainstream education. Their limitation of acquiring
proficiency in English language, their lack of confidence, their personalities over coloured with the local
coloring undergo an educational conditioning in the institution to finally make them emerge as balanced
citizens of the country. Being accredited with “B” grade twice consecutively bears testimony to its illustrious
and glorified history, growth, development and achievements over the years.