Women Cell

Incharge:    Dr. Sarita


1. Dr Sarita     Convener

2. Ms Yogita Chaudhary  Member

3. Ms Ankita Choudhary   Member

4. Ms Annu Mahala     Member

Rajasthan State Women Policy- 2021:  Click here (session 2023-24)

   There is a women’s cell functioning in the college under the charge of a senior lady professor. The broad objectives of the Cell are:· 

  1.  To make women aware of their rights.
  2. To make them aware of the productive roles they can play in society and nation building.
  3. To sensitize the students, and society at large, about problems of, and issues related to women.
  4. To bring about attitudinal change in men towards women.
  5. To help women become self-supporting, etc.

This cell is supposed to conduct activities like debates, essay competitions, seminars, extension lectures, workshops, presenting women role-models, conducting surveys, making studies about women’s issues, making girls interact with successful women entrepreneurs, arranging motivational lectures, etc.

In this direction Women Cell organizes so many competitions , like Mehandi, paper cutting, essay, story and poem writing, group discussion, quiz contest, debate, poster presentation, etc. 

Programme Report

Sr. No. Programme Name Date Report
4.     Click here
3.     Click here
2. Mehandi Competition                    06/08/2024                                           Click here                                         
1. Haryali Teej                                                                      07/08/2024 Click here


Sr. no. Program/Event Download Date
4. Online Quiz on Indian Women (By Women cell & IQAC Cell)  Click Here  27/10/2024
3. Various Skill Development Programmes  Click Here 03/11/2023
2. Regarding Documentary Screening on Dowry act 1986 and SHWW 2013 Click here 30/10/23
1. Competition On 15-12-2022  Click Here 15/12/2022



Dowry act 1986 and SHWW 2013 Documentary Screening on 30/10/23

Self Defence training 09/11/2022

"Various Skill Development Programme" 04/11/2023