B.Tech (Artificial Intelligence) Intake:30 Students (GAS)

Department of Artificial Intelligence came into existence in the year of 2023 with the intake of 30 students. The degree program offered by the Department is B.Tech. (Artifical Intelligence) in affiliation with Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. The AI department pioneers cutting-edge research in machine learning and deep learning techniques. It applies AI across diverse domains, from healthcare to finance, for real-world solutions. Collaborating closely with data scientists, it harnesses data for training robust AI models. Ensuring ethical deployment, it navigates the complexities of responsible AI development. Integrating AI into products, it collaborates with engineering and business development teams. Education and outreach efforts aim to disseminate AI knowledge to broader communities. Innovation-driven, it constantly pushes boundaries to advance the field of artificial intelligence. With a multidisciplinary approach, it shapes the future of technology and society.