The Logo of the college is true manifestation of the accompalishment of its  vision and mission

The circular shape depicts continuity and 360 degree progress. The yellow and orange color scheme characterises warmth, happiness, optimism, reliability and trust

The Name of the institution is written in the outer ring of the Logo in  KBC_16 font which is simple in design that  represents the clarity of modus operandi 

The Pentagon portrays a multi angle and upward approach of  functioning

Since this is a girls college, the figure inside the Pentagon denotes a girl child 

The 'WE' written inside the face of girl gives word's literal meaning symbolizing bonding. It also illustrates 'Women Empowerment' wich is the main concentration of the institution 

The pair of hands define the intention to support for upliftment

The Motto  शिक्षया सशक्तीकरणम् is in Sanskrit  means Empowerment through Education which is the principal focus and pursuit of the institution