National Cadet Corps (NCC)

Janki Devi Bajaj Government Girls College Kota has one army wing with a strength of 52 cadets. All the activities of NCC in the college are under the control of 7 Raj girls BN, NCC, Kota.  In our college, all the cadets participate actively in all the activities of NCC which are carried throughout the year. First-year regular degree students are eligible for enrollment based on eligibility norms of NCC. 85% attendance in parades is mandatory. This will enable the cadets to appear for the B & C certificate exam in the second and third years respectively. To encourage students to enrol in NCC, credits are awarded.

Aims of NCC: 

NCC Committee

1. Mr Gurmit Singh, Convener

2. Ms Kanchan Kumari, CTO Army Wing

Tentative Calender of Activities: View

1. रक्तदान शिविर 27.11.2022

2. कॉलेज परिसर में वृक्षारोपण अभियान 30.07.2022

3. हर घर तिरंगा रैली कार्यक्रम 13.08.2022

4. Independance Day parade and Nukkad Natak performance 15.08.2022

5. सिंगल यूज़ प्लास्टिक बैन पर पोस्टर प्रतियोगिता कार्यक्रम 23.08.2022

6. शहीदों की याद में शांति मार्च 30.08.2022

7. Program organized on Principle of "Each One Teach One" Dated 5.9.2022 

8. महाविधालय परिसर में स्वछता अभियान 13.09.2022

9. NCC में नवीन नामांकन " 15.09.2022

10. सड़क सुरक्षा जागरूकता कार्यक्रम " 19.09.2022

11. पुनीत सागर अभियान के तहत स्वछता प्रोग्राम " 24.09.2022

12. Rank ceremony of NCC cadets unit 7 Raj Girls Batalian" Dated 7.10.2022

13. World AIDS Day 01.12.2022