Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur is the first Ayurved University of Rajasthan and the second University of its kind in India. it was established by RAU Act -2002 (Act No. 15 of 2002) which came into force w.e.f. May 24, 2003, vide Gazette Notification no. F25 (6) Ay. /2000 dated May 24, 2003. This university gives affiliation to all the colleges/institutions of Ayurved, Unani, Homeopathy, and Yoga & Naturopathy for the Ph.D., PG, UG, Diploma, and Certificate courses. This university gives admission to its degree courses through the Joint Entrance Test at the National level/ State level.
The university has its' own three constituent colleges on the university campus viz University Postgraduate Institute of Ayurveda Studies & Research, University College of Homeopathy, and University College of Naturopathy & Yogic Science at Kadvad Campus, Jodhpur, and two other constituent colleges viz University College of Unani in University’s Charai, Tonk Campus and University College of Homeopathy, Kekri, Ajmer Campus. The main campus, Jodhpur is situated at Kadwad, Jodhpur on the Jodhpur-Nagaur Highway on over 322 acres of land. The main campus, Jodhpur is situated at Kadwad, Jodhpur on the Jodhpur-Nagaur Highway on over 322 acres of land proposed to accommodate Central Administrative Block, 196 bedded Hospital, Academic Block, Residential Quarters, Sports Complex, Herbal Garden & Herbal farm, Panchakarma Centre of Excellence, Pharmacy, a luxurious Guest House, Central Library, Canteen & Mess, etc.
BAMS, BUMS, BHMS, BNYS, B.Sc (Ayurved Nursing), MD (Ayu.), MD (Homoeo), Ph.D. (Ayurveda), and certain Diploma and Certificate courses are being conducted through its affiliated colleges, This university is recognized under section 2/F from UGC by letter no. F9-30/2003 (CPI-I) dated 15/03/2004 & CCIM, CCH etc..
The word Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words, Ayur or “ life” and Veda or “Science” therefore it means “Science of Life”. Ayurveda is the ancient system of medicine which originated in India around 5,000 years ago. It is meant for the well being of humanity.
Ayurveda has its own specialities. It believes in the concept of Prakriti i.e. an individual unique mind/body constitution of a person which is determined at the moment the conception takes place. In Ayurveda, a person is treated by balancing the inherent three physiological bases named as Doshas: Vata (air/space), Pitta (fire/water) and Kapha (water/earth). Ayurved believes that health is a state of complete equiblibrium of Self, the three Doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha, the digestive element agni (fire), the seven Dhatus (Tissues) i.e. Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja and Shukra), the proper removal of three waste products urine (Mootra), faeces (Purish) and sweat (Sveda).
The imbalance in all above mentioned basic factors causes diseases in humanity and to heal them to balance by a systematic process of therapy which includes Ayurved medication and special procedures as Panchkarma, Ksharsutra, Agnikarma, Jalaukavacharana etc., Vihar (healthy lifestyle habits), Ahar (proper diet), Sadvritta (mental hygiene) etc.
Yoga & Naturopathy
Yoga and Naturopathy are the ancient system of medicine originated in India. These are very much effective in prevention and cure of disease, rehabilitation and to maintain and promote the positive health. In present era the awareness and popularity of Yoga and Nature Cure is very fast growing in the public. People are very much aware about the efficacy and utility in keeping themselves fit and fine at physical, mental social and spiritual levels. Yoga today has taken its place in our every day life.
Yoga, meaning 'union' in Sanskrit, is one of the oldest fitness methodology in the world. The great Yogis or saints have their own approach regarding Yoga and have revealed the many practical experiences regarding this system. This practical approach has helped this system to develop in a very scientific and fruitful system of fitness. Though Yoga is also a system of medicine but on the other hand it is recognized as a perfect way to keep the humanity fit through particular yogic excercises. It is more prone to the primary aim of Ayurveda i.e. keeping the humanity fit (Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam). Yoga is system which keeps body, mind and the soul into harmony. It generates the positive energy which keeps the humans very homoestatic physically as well as mentally.
Naturopathy is a scientific system of healing which is based upon the principles of nature's inherent power. It helps to maintain health or cure from diseases through five great elements of nature. These are Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni) and Ether (Akash). Naturopathy is purely a therapy which relies totally upon the natural phenomenon. Above five elements, environment, food, excercise, diet, sun bath, fasting, pure air etc. are the natural elements which help humanity to remain fit and away from diseases or to fight with diseases.
Homoeopathy is a complete rational system of medicine based on the law of “Similia Similibus Curentur” or like cures like. It is a science of healing based on nature’s law of cure. It was discovered by Dr. Christian Samuel Hahnemann a germen citizen in 1796, after repeated experiment of drug proving on healthy human beings.
It is a rational system of treating disease by the administration of drugs which posses the power of producing similar sufferings (disease) in a healthy human beings. Principles of homoeopathy advocate that “Treat the man in disease not disease in man”. Every case is individualized by taking the totality of symptoms.
There are Certain Cardinal Principles of homoeopathy. These are-
Law of Similia Law of Simplex Law of Minimum Dose Law of Drug Dynamization Law of Drug Proving Theory of Vital Force Theory of Chronic Disease.
The homoeopathic medicines are prepared from various sources like Plants, Animals, Minerals, Nosodes , Sarcodes & Impondarabilia.
In modern era The Homoeopathic Medical Colleges are imparting teaching according to CCH curriculum & Dr.S.R.R.A.U. Jodhpur in the course of B.H.M.S. where all modern concept regarding Man as a whole &the treatment is studied in detail.The product of these colleges are serving the suffering humanity honestly.
The Unani System of medicine originated in Greece. It was Hippocrates (the Greek Philosopher-physician 460-377 BC) who freed medicine from the clutches of superstition and magic, and gave it the status of science. After Hippocrates, a number of other Greek scholars enriched the system considerably.
The other name is Galen (131-210 AD), who stabilized its foundation, on which Arab physicians like Razes (850-925 AD) and Avicenna (980-1037 AD) constructed an imposing edifice. Unani medicine got enriched by imbibing what was best in the contemporary system of traditional medicine in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, India, China and other Middle East and Far East countries.
In India, the Unani System of medicine was introduced by the Arabs. Soon it took firm roots in the Indian soil. The Delhi Sultans, the Khiljis, the Tughlaqs and the Mughal Emperors provided state patronage to the scholars and even appointed scholar of the system as state employees and court physicians. The system received an overwhelming response from the masses and soon spread all over the country.
With the advent of western medicine, it suffered a setback. But since the system enjoyed faith among the consumers, it continued to be practiced. An outstanding physician and scholar of Unani Medicine, Hakim Ajmal Khan (1868-1927) championed the cause of the Unani system in India.
In Unani Medicine there are two aspects or principles that are very important; these are:
1. The life force or thymos (also called pneuma by some authors)
2. The four vital essences or humors.