The institution has two units of NSS consisting of 200 students. The various activities are conducted according to the calendar provided by the Commissionorate College Education, Jaipur. Three one day camp and one seven days camp are arranged annually. The students have to work for 240 hour in two years after which they are given certificates which are useful for admission in PG courses. NSS Volunteer helps in cleaning, maintaining the college campus, plantation of trees, awareness regarding helath, hygiene in nearby localities  etc. Various lectures from subject experts are delivered for guidance and motivation. During COVID-19 period different programme like Poster, Banner, Pamphlets Competition were carried online.



NSS Activity Rports 
2025-25 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21
2019-20 2018-19      


Events / Programms of current academic session

NSS activity report- 2022-23

NSS Programme Officers

NSS Unit No. Name of Programme Officer Contact No. E-Mail
1. Mr. Rahul Verma 9667458436 kathumriya.85@gmail.com
2. Mr. Devraj Meena 9950672659 meena.dev08@gmail.com
3. Mr. Pradeep Kumar 7221879169 pdk7791@gmail.com
4. Mrs Nidhi Goyal 9929334567 nidhi99293@gmail.com