For Detail

Geographic & Demographic Information

Jhalawar District lies in the south-eastern region of Rajasthan, at the edge of Malwa Plateau. The region, known for richness in forests, has exotic flora and fauna and a heaven for numerous species of birds which can be spotted on the roads as one drives along the lush-green fields.It is watered by several rivers, giving it a verdant look. The largset river flowing through the area is Kali Sindh which flows through the territory to join the Chambal, Rajasthan's largest river. Other rivers include Ujaad, Ahu, Parvan, Chavli, etc. Jhalawar district is known for the highest rainfall in the Rajasthan state. An average of 35 inches of rainfall keeps it cool, and gentle breezes ward off the stifling humidity.
The college is situated in Jhalawar city which is encircled by Mukaundra mountain range on the National Highway No.12. The college is spread over an environment friendly area of 7.62 acres of land. The College provides both undergraduate and post-graduate programs in the faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce. At the undergraduate level, in the faculty of Arts, there are nine departments comprising of Political Science, History, Sociology, Geography, English, Urdu, Economics, Sanskrit and Hindi. The faculty of Science is comprised of Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Applications. The Commerce faculty offers B.Com. in three streams i.e. Accountancy and Business Statistics (ABST), Business Administration, and Economics Administration and Financial Management(EAFM). The college offers Seven P.G. programs in the departments of Hindi, Political Science, History, English, Urdu, Geography and Sanskrit in Arts Faculty, ABST in Faculty of Commerce respectively. The college conducts P.G. courses in Botany, Zoology, and Chemistry in the faculty of science. The college has 3347 students on its roll including 463 P.G. and 1253 girls students. The college has well qualified teaching faculty of 48 members (30 males and 18 females) out of which 23 are Ph.D. and 8 M.Phil. The overall teacher-student ratio is 1:69. There are 25 members on the non teaching staff including technical and ministerial staff. The working days of the college are 245 days, out of which the teaching days extend up to 180. The college has adequate infrastructural facilities. It has 32 class rooms, laboratories, central library, computer center, playgrounds etc. There are Four NSS units, one NCC unit and two Rovers Scouts wing to carry out extension activities and outreach programs of the college in the nearby rural areas with the help of the student volunteers. The college provides facilities for many games viz. Kabaddi, Football, Volleyball, Handball, Hockey, Weight-lifting, Basketball, Athletics, Khokho and indoor games like Badminton, Carrom, Chess and Table Tennis. Some players have participated at national, regional and state level competitions and also won gold and silver medals in cricket, Badminton, Football and Handball. The college library has 65909 books including the very rare books on its shelves. The number of journals and periodicals subscribed by the college is 6 and 12, respectively. The library functions from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on all working days. The college has the Regional center of the Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota for distance education in all the disciplines. It helps those students who are unable to continue their studies as regular students. The college publishes a Magazine named  a “KALRAW” and a quarterly bulletin. In which the students get an opportunity to develop their creativity in writing and develop their expression capabilities.