
Entry Requirements

(Full Time)


B.V.A. Painting

   HSC (Std. XII /10 + 2 Level) Passed

   Four Year                       ( 8 SEMESTER )


MVA PAINTING   The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree examination (12 + 4 or 10 + 5 degree course) in the respective branch, of the m       University of Rajasthan or an equivalent examination of another University of India/Abroad recognized by this University as   equivalent there to.




                                       The objective of the painting course is to provide the student with training in the skills for original and creative visual expression. The course caters to painting as an activity in which one's primary mode of expression is realized within the domain of two dimensional space and plane. However the department consciously strives to give its students the opportunity to extend and give shape to their ideas and abilities and to gain confidence and develop their powers of self criticism. The course is designed and structured to train students in all the aspects of Art covering the most essential and crucial subjects. Solid training in the basics of drawing from life, nature and from the still-life is what the course starts with. Beyond that no limits are defined in the years that they are with us, students can imaginatively soar as much as they wish and whenever they need it they will always find a critical, experienced and reassuring voice guiding them on. By the time they are ready to graduate, students mature into the forward thinking creative artists of tomorrow.

                              Experimentation is the keyword that describes the painting department. Students of this department are encouraged to chart out their own course instead of following any binding academic syllabus. All the teachers here are  for the students, helping them to develop their own style of painting and build a career as an artist. The students learning painting at Rajasthan School of Art are kept up-to-date with the latest trends in painting around the world.