1. BECHLOR OF ARTS (B.A.) 400 seats in 04 Sections

2. BECHLOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.)- Biology 88 Seats

3. BECHLOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) - Maths 88 Seats

4. BECHLOR OF COMMERCE (B.Com.) 100 Seats


U.G. B.A. (Semester) Syllabus:-

S.No. Course Name  Subject Name  Link
1. B.A. (Semester I & II) General Hindi Click Here
2. B.A. (Semester I & II) General English Click Here
3. B.A. (Semester I & II) Environment Studies Click Here
4. B.A. (Semester I & II) Computer Application Click Here
5. B.A. (Semester I & II) English Litt. Click Here
6. B.A. (Semester I & II) Hindi Litt.  Click Here
7. B.A. (Semester I & II) Political Science Click Here
8. B.A. (Semester I & II) Geography Click Here
9. B.A. (Semester I & II) Sanskrit Click Here
10. B.A. (Semester I & II) Sociology Click Here
11. B.A. (Semester I & II) History Click Here


U.G. B.Sc. (Semester) Syllabus:-

S.No. Course Name  Subject Name  Link
1. B.Sc. (Semester I & II) Zoology Click Here
2. B.Sc. (Semester I & II) Botany Click Here
3. B.Sc. (Semester I & II) Chemistry Click Here
4. B.Sc. (Semester I & II) Physics Click Here
5. B.Sc. (Semester I & II) Mathematics Click Here


U.G. B.Com. (Semester) Syllabus:-


S.No. Course Name  Subject Name  Link
1. B.Com. (Semester I & II) ABST Click Here
2. B.Com. (Semester I & II) EAFM Click Here
3. B.Com. (Semester I & II) Buss. Admin. Click Here


U.G. B.A. (Part I, II & III) Syllabus:-       Click Here

U.G. B.Sc. (Part I, II & III) Syllabus:-     Click Here  

U.G. B.Com. (Part I, II & III) Syllabus:-  Click Here


Programme and Course Outcomes:-












Bachelor of Arts


The B.A programme is a combination     of                         three elective courses opted over a wide range. Each course has been designed keeping in mind knowledge, skills, human values and social issues of relevance.

The B.A programme has been designed with the objective of imparting the best of subject knowledge along with basic computer knowledge and language competency.

It in stils critical thinking, effective communication and social interaction. The insistence is on extensive knowledge to fight competitive exams and pursue higher studies. The curriculum design emphasizes human values and subject competence.




Bachelor of Commerce


The course exposes the students to micro concepts of Commerce and analytical skills.

The    programme          helps    the student understand marketing strategies,          entrepreneurship, banking system, economic theories, and accounting procedures.

By the end of the programme learners get theoretical and practical exposure in the commerce sector which includes Accounts, Commerce, Marketing, Management, Economics, and Environment etc.and are competent for

business, banking jobs, accountant, office job and other competitive exams.




Bachelor of Science


The course contents are designed to provide exposure to the core subjects and equip the

students for higher education.

The programme helps in the          understanding          of fundamental          concepts, theories,                     practical applications and objective conclusions.

The insistence is on skills in the laboratory, competence, understanding of phenomenon, sustainable development areas, and interdisciplinary areas of science courses.



M.A.-Master of Arts


The students master advanced command over Sanskrit                 language, grammar and history.

The programme focuses on Vedic literature to develop skills    in    jobs            related                   to karmkand, and purohit in defense       services.              It     also equips the student with science of            language,                  Indian philosophy, and discourse on Sanskrit literature.

The specific insistence is on Sanskrit grammar, translation, and essay. Discourse course is of significance for researchers and specialized study of prominent writers like Kalidasa and Bhash. It also enables to explore phonetics, rhetorics, dramaturgy, and ancient modern poetry and job opportunities atnational and international




M.Sc.-Master of Science


The      course                    provides knowledge              related  to Taxonomy,                   Phylogeny, Structure& Functionin Invertebrates,                  Biological Chemistry,              Immunology and Physiology, Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics, Techniquesin Biology, Evolution, Statistical methods and Computer Application in Biology

Detailed account of Chordata, origin and evolution, Developmental                                biology, Animal ecology and Ethology. There is a wide spectrum of job opportunities like being a College and School teacher, Zoologist, Research Scientist, Conservationist,


consultant, Herpetologist, Wildlife                            educator, Agriculture, Sericulture, Forestry,Genomics,Fishery etc.

Specific Programmes offered include Cell Biology dealing with cellt ypes, membrane                    structure,                                    Structural organization, cell division cell cycle, cancer, cell and tissue culture, fixation and            staining,               immune               system; Environmental                biology                   which incorporates study related to earth and biosphere,             environmental                   physiology, ecosystems, Taigaand Tundra, major biogeographic regions, management of environment, resources, environmental health,              legislation,            environmental toxicology,                      methodology                       for environmental              analysis;             Entomology which deals with the study of insects, insect fossils, evolution, classification, functional               organization,                            insect embryology,        pests,                        management strategies, beneficial insects, vectors of

diseases, ecology and social life in insects





M.A.-Master of





The number of courses

Across this programme in

geography                     equips                    the

Student with all aspects of

physical,   cultural,                 social

Environmental and tourism


The master’s programme in

Geography covers an extensive

Area of Structural& Dynamic

geomorphology,                               Economic

Geography,                      Geography                    of

Environment, Bio-geography,

Agriculture                            Geography,

Cultural Geography, Political

Geography     and                      Industrial

Geography. A weekly seminar

for     Final     year          students

provides        exposure                     in

Laboratory work, mapwork,

Test and surveying.

The programme specific outcomes are of

Immensehelpto students and opens up

Opportunities for Urban Geography and

planning    ,     Regional                  Planning                  &

Development, and also in the field of

Tourism with the help of courses like

Geography of Tourism, Geography of

Population & Settlement and Remote

sensing& G.I.S.



M.Sc.-Master of Science


The student can become a Researcher, Forester, Mycologist, Plant biochemist, Conservationist, Molecular biologist, College and School teacher etc. Plant biotechnology an important area of specialization contributes towards gaining knowledge of micropropagation, embryogenesis, hybridization, tissue culture, recombinant technology, gene transfer, blotting techniques and the role of biotechnology in Society

As an outcome of this programme, the student learns about microbiology, viruses, phycology, phytoplasma mycology and plant pathology including fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, Bryology, Pteridology and Gymnosperms, ecology, phytogeography, ethnobotany and economic botany, biochemistry and plant physiology including growth regulators, taxonomy, morphology, anatomy and embryology of Angiosperms, molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, plant breeding and biometics.

The student opting for Plant Pathology is exposed to learning related to Host Pathogen interaction, Histopathology, fungi, bacterial, viral, nematode and nonparasitic diseases; those who study Plant ecology gain information about environment, ecosystem, natural resources and pollution, Desert biomes with special reference to Rajasthan; Plant Physiology lays emphasis on the study of carbohydrates, protein, coumarins & lignins, saponins and saponogenins, tools and techniques, plant growth regulators, photophysiology and stress physiology;

Detail of POs and COs
Faculty of Arts



Programme Outcome

Course Outcome



The course enables the students the knowledge of:

The course enables the students the knowledge of:




The course enables the students the knowledge of:


The course enables the students the knowledge of:




The course enables the students the knowledge of:


The course enables the students the knowledge of:


English Literature

Programme outcomes for English Literature

By studying literature, pupils can improve their communication abilities and behaviour attitudes to higher standards. The study of literature gives the students the opportunity to explore their creativity in reading, writing, and enhance their thinking capacity

Programme Specific outcomes

The curriculum designed for English Literature covers all the literature from early British period to post-Colonial Period. It introduces students to a wide range of literary tradition and familiarises them with different facets of each literary era. They come across a jumble of feelings and ideas. They are aware of the literary history and how it influences literary artists' minds. Additionally, it promotes pupils' reading and writing habits. The extensive reading and writing improve their command over the language.The course prepares students for future   success.

Course Outcomes

BA Part-I- Paper-I Poetry and Drama

BA Part-I-Paper-II Prose and Fiction

               BA Part-II- Paper-I Poetry and Drama

After Completing This Course, the Students will be able to Analyze Poetry and Drama Prescribed in Their Syllabus.

            BA Part-II-Paper-II Prose and Fiction
             BA Part-III- Paper-I Poetry and Drama
                                                                    BA Part-III-Paper-II Prose and Fiction


Course Outcomes

BA Part I


         After the completion of the course the student should be able to


           After the completion of the course the student should be able to

BA Part II

Paper- I: History of Medieval India (1206-1740 A.D.)


           After the completion of the course the student should be able to



           After the completion of the course the student should be able to


           After the completion of the course the student should be able to

Hindi Literature

visf{kr ifj.kke

d{kk ch, Hkkx izFke o"kZ

- lkekU; fganh


                         ch-,- izFke o"kZ izFke iz’u i=

                        ^^ izkphu ,oa e/;dkyhu dkO;^^

               ch-,- IkzFke o"kZ f}rh; iz’u i=

                   ^^ dFkk lkfgR;^^

                   ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ izFke iz’u i=

             ^^ jhfrdkyhu dkO; ^^

                   ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ f}rh; iz’u i=

                       ^^ ukVd ,oa ,dkadh ^^

ch-,- r`rh; o"kZ izFke iz’u i=

    ^^ vk/kqfud dkO; ^^

ch-,- r`rh; o"kZ f}rh; iz’u i=

               ^^ fuca/k ,oa Hkk"kk ^^

Political Science

Program Outcome for UG

Students will be able to Analysepoliticalandpolicyproblemsandformulatepolicyoptions, politicalproblemsargumentsinformationandortheories and DiscussthemajortheoriesandconceptofPoliticalScienceanditssubfields.

Course Outcome

B A Part I

Paper. 1 Foundation of Political Science

Paper. ll. Indian political thinkers

B A Part II

Paper. 1. Major political system
Paper. ll. Indian political system

In the study of the paper of Indian political system students will be able to understand about Indian political system and Indian constitution.


Paper .I. Western political thinker (From Plato to Marx)
Paper. II. International Relation


                                                             ch, ikVZ izFke

izFke iz’u Ik=

bdkbZ 01 & ukVd & LoIuoklonRRke


                                                   Hkkl ds lkfgR; dks le>k tk ldrk gSA ukVd ys[ku ds {ks= esa bl xzaFk ls lgk;rk feyrh gSA

           bdkbZ 02& jkek;.k & ckydk.M & izFke lxZ

jkedFkk dk lkj fey tkrk gSA blls irk pyrk gS fd Hkxoku jke us u rks Hkxorh lhrk dks fudkyk Fkk vkSj u gh ’kEcwd dks ekjk FkkA

bdkbZ 03& euqLe`fr

rRdkyhu lekt O;oLFkk dh ,d >yd feyrh gSA blls ;g le> esa vkrk gS fd lekt esa D;k mfpr gS vkSj D;k vuqfprA

bdkbZ 04 & fgrksins’k

dgkuh ys[ku ds fy, ;g ,d vkn’kZ fl) gksrk gSA

bdkbZ 05 & vyadkj

dkO; xhrksa dh jpuk esa blls Ik;kZIr lgk;rk feyrh gSA

f}rh; iz’u Ik=

bdkbZ 01 & Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ds rRo

izkphu Hkkjr dh laiw.kZ O;oLFkk dks le>us ds fy, ekud xzUFk dh rjg gSA

bdkbZ 02& i| lkfgR; & j?kqoa’k

dkyhnkl ds i| lkfgR; dks le>us ds lkFk i| jpuk esa blls izHkwr lgk;rk fey ldrh gSA

 bdkbZ 03& vuqokn

laLd`r cksyuk vkSj fy[kuk nksuksa esa ;g loksZÙke lgk;d gSA

bdkbZ 04 ,oa 05 & O;kdj.k   & y?kq fl)kUr dkSeqnh

laLd`r Hkk"kk esa  ’kq) jpuk djus esa ;g cgqr mi;ksxh gSA blls Hkk"kk  dk Kku cgqr c<+rk gSA drkZ vkSj fdz;k ds }kjk okD;ksa ds fuekZ.k esa ;g cgqr lgk;d gSA

ch, ikVZ f}rh;

izFke iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 ,oa 02 & ukVd & vfHkKku’kkdqUrye~

        blls dkfynkl lkfgR; dks v�"Nh rjg ls le>k tk ldrk gSA ;fn ys[ku esa :fp gks] rks ys[ku dh 'kSyh dk vkn’kZ :Ik D;k gks] ;g blesa

    feyrk gSA

bdkbZ 03& Nan

xhrksa dh jpuk djus esa ;g lcls lgk;d fl) gks ldrk gSA

            bdkbZ 04& izeq[k d`r] rf)r ,oa L=h izR;;

blls ,sfrgkfld le; esa tkfr] o.kZ vkSj L=h dh fLFkfr dks le>us esa lgk;rk fey ldrh gSA

           bdkbZ 05 & laLd`r lkfgR; dk bfrgkl

blls izkphudky ds Hkkjr dh lkekftd lkaLd`frd O;oLFkk dks le>k tk ldrk gSA

ch, ikVZ f}rh;

f}rh; iz’u Ik=


bdkbZ 01 & _DlwDr

blls _Xosndkyhu lkekftd ,oa /kkfeZd O;oLFkkvksa dks tku ldrs gSaA

bdkbZ 02& bZ’kksifu’kn~

blls Hkkjrh; n’kZu dks le>us esa enn feyrh gSA

           bdkbZ 03& x| lkfgR;& 'kqduklksins’k

x| lkfgR; ds ys[ku esa :fp j[kus okyksa ds fy, ;g vkn’kZ :Ik x| gSA

           bdkbZ 04 & ok�"; ,oa lekl

laLd`r Hkk"kk dks cksyus ,oa mlesa fy[kus dh b�"Nk j[kus okyksa ds fy, ;g cgqr ykHkdkjh gSA

          bdkbZ 05 & dkjd izdj.k

tSlk dh bdkbZ 04 esa crk;k x;kA


ch, ikVZ r`rh;

izFke iz’u Ik=


bdkbZ 01 & dqekjlEHkoe

dkfynkl lkfgR; dks le>us ds lkFk izkS<+ i| dh jpuk esa ;g cgqr lgk;d gSA


bdkbZ 02& fdjkrktqZuh;e~

egkHkkjrdkyhu jktuhfr ifjn`’; dk blls Kku izkIr gksrk gSA

bdkbZ 03& n’kdqekj pfjre~

blls rRdkyhu jktuhfrd nqjfHklaf/k;ksa dk irk pyrk gSA lkFk gh x| ys[ku 'kSyh dk ;g mRRke iz:Ik gSA blls ys[ku eas cgqr lgk;rk fey

ldrh gSA

bdkbZ 04 & ;kKoYD;Le`fr & nk; Hkkx

Hkkjrh; U;k; iz.kkyh esa laifr ds caVokjs dks le>us ds fy, ;g cgqr mi;ksxh gSA

           bdkbZ 05 & fuca/k jpuk

laLd`r fy[kuk vkSj cksyuk nksuksa esa bldk Kku mi;ksxh gSA


ch, ikVZ r`rh;

f}rh; iz’u Ik=

bdkbZ 01 & rdZlaxzg

Hkkjrh; U;k; ,oa oS’ksf"kd n’kZu dh vk/kkjHkwr

bdkbZ 02& Hkkjrh; n’kZu ds fl)kUr

blls Hkkjrh; Ng vkfLrd ,oa rhu ukfLrd n’kZuksa dh vk/kkjHkwr le> izkIr gksrh gSA

bdkbZ 03& uhfr’krde~

i| ys[ku ds fy, ;g ekun.M gSA thouksi;ksxh lw=ksa ds vfrfjDr ;g i|ys[ku esa Hkh cgqr lgk;d gSA

           bdkbZ 04 & Hkxon~xhrk ¼v/;k; 02 ,oa 03½

Hkkjrh; euh"kk ds bl egku xzUFk ds bu v/;k;ks esa euq"; dh fLFkfrizKrk crk;h x;h gS] tks euq"; ds thou dk okLrfod mnns’; gSA

       bdkbZ 05 & frM+Ur izdj.k

laLd`r Hkk"kk esa 'kq+) ys[ku ds fy, bldk v/;;u gksuk cgqr vko;’d gSA bls gj Nk= dks tkuuk pkfg,A


Programme Outcomes

As College Level Discipline Sociology is Much better Subject for Youths. Personality Development, Behavior Development Such as a Good Part of Social Citizens.

Course Outcome

B.A. Part I

Paper I Principles of Sociology
Students will be able to
  1. To understand the Discipline of Sociology and Society, the Emergence of Sociology as a Discipline.
  2. Describe the Basic Concepts of Sociology.
Paper II Social Anthropology
Students will be able to
  1. Understand the Discipline of Social Anthropology, the Emergence of Social Anthropology as a Discipline
  2. Describe the Basic Concepts of Social Anthropology
B.A. Part II

Paper I Research Methodology

Students will be able to
  1. Describe the Steps of Scientific Social Research
  2. Understand the Different Research Designs Data collection tolls and data Analysis methods

Paper II Social Problems in contemporary India

Students will be able to
  1. Describe Social Problems in India
  2. Understand the Different Aspects of crime and Major Social Problems in Contemporary in India.

Students will be able to

  1. Explain Classical Thinkers in Western Sociology and Indian Sociology.
  2. Understand the Different Thought.
  3. Critically Analysis the Work of Social Thinkers

Paper II Indian Society

 Students will be able to
  1. Explain Indian Society and Culture.
  2. Understand the Different Components in Indian society
  3. Understand Indian Demographic profile

Science Faculty




By the end of B.Sc. program in Botany, a student will:

  1. Acquire basic knowledge of various branches of Botany
  2. Inculcate interest and love of nature with its myriad life forms
  3. Acquire basic skills in the observation and study of nature and awareness of the conservation of the biosphere.
  4. Be exposed to the diversity among life forms and understand the unity behind diversity
  5. Learn the different biological techniques.
  6. Develop a scientific attitude which make her open minded, critical and curious
  7. Develop ability for the application of the acquired knowledge in life and become self-reliant and self sufficient.
  8. Develop skill in practical work, experiments, equipments and laboratory use along with collection and interpretation of biological materials and data.
  9. Be aware of natural resources and environment and the importance of conserving it.
  10. Be able to communicate effectively their views and ideas on different issues related to botany.
  11. Successfully pursue their career objectives in advanced education, professional courses, scientific career, teaching career in the school systems or related career following graduation.


The graduate of this programme will be able to:

  1. Understand the importance and scope of the discipline.
  2. Acquire a firm foundation in every aspect of Botany.
  3. Do lifelong learning due to attention drawn to the world of plants and introduction to the methodology of systematic academic enquiry
  4. Scientifically identify and list out plants in their locality
  5. Identify the role of different plants and their mode of survival in the environment
  6. Develop skills to cultivate the economically beneficial plants and thus open opportunity for  self- employment.
  7. Develop love and respect for nature
  8. Analyze the impact of deforestation on environment
  9. Understand the importance of modern branches of science like Biotechnology for the economic benefits of agriculture.

B.Sc. Part I



    The students will be able to:



Paper III: Pteridophyta, gymnosperm and paleobotany

B.Sc. Part I Practicals


PAPER -I (Taxonomy and embryology of angiosperms):

      This course contains the

Paper III -Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding, Evolution and Bio Statistics


B.SC. Part-III

Paper I- Ecology

Students will be able to understand plant communities and ecological adaptation in plants.

Learn about biodiversity and its conservation.

Understand bio remediation, global warming and climate change.


In this unit, various rules of osmosis are explained, and this unit told about water absorption, water potential and transpiration, as well as different types of ingredients required for plants.

The second unit explains the various types of forests present in the hands and the common and unusual methods of photosynthesis, as well as the various influencing cars of the publication.

Third unit deals with whole procedure of respiration and factor affecting respiration and also told about fat metabolism.

This unit told about few important aspects of plant physiology such as plant growth hormones, dormancy, photoperiodism and vernalisation.

This last unit deals with enzymology and techniques as chromatography, centrifuge, ph meter and spectrophotometer.



M. Sc. (Botany)

Course Outcome

After the completion of this course students will be able to:

Programme Outcome

 The aim of the program is to enhance students understanding in Biology And Diversity of Algae and Bryophytes, Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology, Cytogenetics, Genetics and Plant Breeding Plant Ecology, Conservation and Evolution, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany, Plant Developmental Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Plant Growth and Development, Skill Course Elective 1 Minor Research Project, Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering, Tools And Techniques In Plant Sciences, Minor Research Project.

Programme Specific Outcome

The graduates (PSO) of M.Sc. Can pursue career in following areas: Botany Food companies, Arboretum, Forest services, Biotechnology firms, Oil industry, Land Management agencies, Seed and Nursery Companies, Plant Explorer, Conservationist, Ecologist, Environment consultant, Horticulturist, Molecular Biologist, National parks, Educational institutions. Prepare the students for many competitive exams like RPSC, UPSC NET SET GATE.


B. Sc. Chemistry

Program Outcome
Nature and extent of the B.Sc. Chemistry Programme:

Chemistry is referred to as the science that systematically studies the composition, properties, and reactivity of matter at atomic and molecular level. The scope of chemistry is very broad. The key areas of study of chemistry comprise Organic chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry.    In addition, employability of B.Sc. Chemistry graduate is given due importance such that their core competency in the subject matter, both theoretical and practical, is ensure

   Aims of Bachelor’s degree programme in Chemistry:

The broad aims of bachelor’s degree programme in Chemistry are:

  1. understanding of key chemical concepts, principles and theories.
  2. To develop students’ ability and skill to acquire expertise over solving both theoretical and applied chemistry


  1. To provide knowledge and skill to the students thus enabling them to undertake further studies in chemistry in related areas or multidisciplinary areas that can be helpful for self-employment /entrepreneurship.
  2. To provide the latest subject matter, both theoretical as well as practical, such a way to foster their core competency and discovery learning.

Learning Course Outcome B.Sc. Part -I

       Paper- I Inorganic Chemistry

On completion of this course, the learner shall be able to:

Paper- II Organic Chemistry

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

Paper- III Physical Chemistry

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

B.Sc. Part-I Practical

On completion this course, the students will be able to:

B.Sc. Part -II Paper

I Inorganic Chemistry

On completion of this course, the learner shall be able to:

molecular orbital theory.

Paper II Organic Chemistry

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

Paper III Physical Chemistry

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

B. Sc. Part-II Practical

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

B.Sc. Part -III

Paper I Inorganic Chemistry

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

Paper II Organic Chemistry

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

carbohydrate, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids.

III Physical Chemistry

On completion this course, the students will be able to:

B. Sc. Part-III Practical

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:




B.Sc. Part- I


After completing the Course student will be able to –


After completing the course student will be able to -


After completing the course student will be able to -


B.Sc. Part -II


After completing the course student will be able to -



After completing the course student will be able to -



After completing the course student will be able to -


B.Sc. Part III

PAPER -I- Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Molecular Physics


After Completing course student will be able to

Paper-II- Nuclear and Solid-State Physics

After Completing course student will be able to


Paper-III- Electronics and Solid-State Devices

After Completing course student will be able to




Mathematics B.Sc.           

 (Mathematics) Programme Outcome

various kinds of employment.

Programme Specific Outcome of B.Sc. Mathematics

Course Outcomes

B.Sc.– Part I

Paper-I – Algebra

The students will be able to


 Paper- II- Calculus

The students will be able to


 Paper- III- Vector Calculus

The students will be able to


B.Sc.– Part II

Paper- I- Higher Calculus

The students will be able to

Paper- II- Differential Equation

After Completing course student will be able to


Paper- III- Mechanics

The students will be able to

B.Sc.– Part III

Paper – I - Advanced Algebra

After Completing course student will be able to


Paper - II – Analysis

The students will be able to


                           III- Numerical Analysis & Optimization Techniques

The students will be able to



BSC. Zoology Program Outcomes

The department of Zoology as a course subject for undergraduate students gain knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences, understands the complex interactions among various living organisms and analyze complex interactions among the various animals of different phyla their distribution and their relationship with the environment.

Program Specific Outcomes

1. Aware students about knowledge and skills in the fundamentals and systematics of Animal Kingdom.

2. Gain knowledge of anatomical structure and various metabolic functions of organs.

3. Understand various physiological processes at molecular level of animals from different phyla

4. Awareness about environment and its conservation processes, pollution control and its importance.

5. Gain knowledge for protection of vulnerable and endangered species.

6. Understand about various concepts of genetics and its importance in social well being

7. Information and skill advanced biological techniques for experimental purpose.

8. Develop empathy and love towards the animals.

Course Outcome

B Sc Part I Paper I- Taxonomy, Diversity and Functional Anatomy of Lower Non-Chordata

1. Ability to love and understand the fascinating world of Invertebrates

2. Get a concrete idea of the evolution, hierarchy and classification of Invertebrate phyla

3. Understand the basics of systematics by learning the diagnostic and general characters of various groups

4. They will acquire knowledge about acoelomate and pseudocoelomate parasites their lifecycles epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

B Sc Part I Paper II- Taxonomy, Diversity and Functional Anatomy of Higher Non-Chordata

1. Imparts knowledge regarding the various Invertebrate species and the regulatory processes to safe guard them

2. With the study of this paper students gain knowledge in the area of responses to systematic position, general organization and affinities of Annelida to Echinodermata

B Sc Part I Paper III- Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology

1. Students will understand structure, positions and functions of plasma membrane and all cellular organelles in details.

2. They will acquire knowledge about chromosomes and cell divisions, mitosis and meiosis

3. Students will gain knowledge about Catabolism and Anabolism

4. Students will understand about various bacteria and viruses and diseases spread by them their diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

5. They will study about AIDS, SARS, secondary diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

B Sc Part I Practical
  1. Dissection of different systems of Invertebrate animals are to be studied such as Prawn, Pila and Unio

2. Permanent slides are prepared from different organs to study the details of their structures prepared by students

3.Prepared slides in this part to understand the structure and arrangement of different muscular regions

4. Study of Invertebrate specimens identified and classified the specimens which are present in the departmental museum

5. Detect carbohydrate, protein and fat in given food material using biochemical test

 6. Identify the phases of cell division

7. They will come to know about cell membrane permeability

B Sc Part II Paper I- Chordata and Evolution

1. Students will understand the classification, structure, function and biology of chordates of different taxonomic classes

2. They will acquire knowledge about comparison of the following organ systems of vertebrates with special reference to evolutionary aspects Scoliodon, Rana, Uromastix, Columba, Oryctolagus. Study about integument, Alimentary canal, heart and evolution of aortic arches, respiratory system, urinogenital system

3. Students will have knowledge of evolutionary thought by Lamarckism, Darwinism, Origin of Life, Evidences of organic evolution, Genetic basis of evolution, Hardy Wein Berg’s Law, natural selection, isolation mechanism, variation, adaptation, with specific reference to flight adaptation, aquatic adaptation and desert adaptations

4. They will have knowledge of geological time scale, fossils, dating of fossils, principle Zoo geographical regions of the earth and their mammalian fauna, extinct forms: Archaeopteryx, Dinosaurs, Evolution of horse

B Sc Part II Paper II- Mammalian Physiology and Immunology

1. Students will know the physiology of digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion.

2. Understand the functions of important physiological systems including the cardio, respiratory, renal, reproductive and metabolic systems

3. Understand how these separate systems interact to yield integrated physiological responses

4. They will gain knowledge about nerve impulse and muscle contraction

5. Imparts in depth knowledge of tissues, cells, molecules involved in host defense mechanisms

6. Understanding of types of immunity

7. Interaction of antigens antibodies complements other immune components

8. Understanding the immune mechanisms in disease control, vaccination, process of immune interactions

B Sc Part II Paper III- Developmental Biology

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Discuss basic concepts and develop knowledge on major developing processes

2. Explain the development of different organs and organ systems

3. Analyze the mechanisms regulating developing processes

4. Evaluate the different technologies adopted in assisted reproduction

5. Apply the concepts in new area of developmental biology


B Sc Part II Practical

1. Dissection of different systems of Scolidon

2. Permanent slides are prepared from different organs to study the details of their structures prepared by students

3. Prepared slides in this part to understand the structure and arrangement of different muscular regions

4. Count total leucocytes and RBC from blood samples

5. Prepare temporary slide of various stages of chick embryo to identify different stages

6. Identify adaptations in animals

7. Explain the stages of human evolution

8. Explain the evidences of evolution

9. Estimation of Haematocrit value, total hemoglobin, blood coagulation time experiment, blood urea estimation, estimation of blood glucose level.


B Sc Part III Paper I- Mammalian Neuroendocrinology and Behavior

1. This paper gives idea about the glands which work inside the body and secretes a chemical called hormone. How it is classified, how it works and the regulation of these hormones are discussed here. It gives clear picture of its functions

2. Apply the knowledge of endocrinology to understand hormone related disorders

3. Explain the secretion and transportation of hormones to maintain homeostasis

4. Students will have knowledge of ovary and placenta, ovarian cycles and their neuroendocrine control, endocrinology of ovulation, implantation, parturition and lactation. Testis and testicular cycles and their hormonal control

5. Pheromones and their role in reproductive function and behavior

6. Understand the concepts of Ethology, methods of studying behavior and a brief idea about pheromones, biological clocks, orientation

7. Understand the concept of social behavior and social organization of Black Buck and rhesus Monkey. Social communications among animals.

8. Migration of fishes and cryo preservations

B Sc Part III Paper II- Genetics and Biotechnology

1. They will gain knowledge of Mendelian principles, interaction of genes, linkage and crossing over, human genetics, blood grouping

2. On completion of this course students are able to understand about the genetic material (Nucleic acids) and DNA replication

3. Understand about various types of RNA and process of Transcription and Translation

4. Understand the genetic code, Mendelism and multiple Allelism

5. Understand the concept of gene and gene interaction and sex-linked inheritance

6. Understand the terms Mutation, Eugenics, Gene Regulation, Cytoplasmic inheritance

7. They will come to know elementary idea about genetic engineering, gene cloning and recombinant DNA technology

8. Students will learn microbes in Medicines, Antibiotics, Vaccine, Antibodies, Antigens

9. They will learn about environmental  biotechnology: use of microorganisms in metal  and petroleum recovery, pest control, waste treatment, processing of industrial waste

10. Use of food and drink biotechnology

11. Monoclonal antibodies and their applications

B Sc Part III Paper III- Animal Ecology and Biostatistics

1.The students will be able to identify and critically evaluate their own belief, values and actions in relation to professional and societal standards of ethics and its impact on ecosystem and biosphere due to the dynamics in population

2. The learner will be able to link the intricacies of food chain and food web and link it with human life for its betterment and for non-exploitation of the biotic and abiotic components

3. To study population, community ecosystem, zoo geographical distribution of animals, wildlife conservation, pollution, etc.

4. Students will have knowledge of fresh water lentic habitat, lotic habitat, deep sea fauna, marine habitat, estuarine habitat; their fauna and adaptations

5. They will learn about concept of ecosystem. Trophic levels – food chain, food web and energy flow in an ecosystem

6. Biostatistics teaches them to use the best data analysis methods in their research projects

7. Students will gain knowledge about statistical methods of measure of central tendencies, probability

8. Learns the problem-solving methods

B Sc Part III Practical

1. Study of museum specimen, identified and classified the specimen of phylum Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals

2. They gain knowledge from the prepared slides, the structure and arrangement of different cells in endocrine glands

3. Measurement of various parameters of water such as pH, CO2, O2, Cl, salinity, alkalinity and acidity

4. They will learn about antennal grooming in cockroach, study of photo tactic response of Tribolium,response of Paramecium towards stimulus.

5. They will understand about construction of frequency tables, histogram, polygons, pie charts, mean, median, mode, t-test and Chi square test






Commerce Faculty




1: After completing three years for Bachelors in Commerce (B.Com.) program, students would gain a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of Commerce and Finance. Especially for the students it will give the scope for self-employment as well as for getting good jobs of the competitive market.

2: The commerce and finance focused curriculum offers a number of specializations and practical exposures which would equip the student to face the modern-day challenges in commerce and business.

3: Learners will be able to prove proficiency with the ability to engage in competitive exams like CA, CS, ICWA and other courses.


Program Specific Outcome / Course Outcome:
B.Com Part I


  1. Financial Accounting: After completing this course student will be able to have an insight into the basics of Accounting Concepts and Principles to have the foot hold in Accounts. Preparing accounting information for planning and control and for the evaluation of finance. Students will be familiarized with the concept of Branch account and its system and to understand the Scope of departmental accounting. student will be able to proper accounts of any organization.

Paper- II

  1. Business Statistics: After completing this course students will be able to acquire new skills on the application of statistical tools and techniques in Business decision-making. Student will be familiarizing with the concept of statistics. This course will support student to analysis statistical research.
B.Com Part II


  1. Income Tax (B.COM II): Students will be able to demonstrate progressive learning of various tax issues and tax forms related to individuals. By this student will learn basic concepts in Income-Tax. To help them to apply the provisions and complete incomes under various heads. It helps to build an idea about income of an individual and its tax. It helps students to understand provisions of tax for individual, firm and HUF.
Paper- II
  1. Cost Accounting (B.COM II): It will make students familiarize with the basic concepts of cost and various methods and techniques of costing. Aimed to familiarize the concept of cost accounting. Helps to gather knowledge on preparation of cost sheet in its practical point of view. it facilitates the idea and meaning of material control with pricing methods. It will support student to calculate the cost of any project.
B.Com Part III
  1. Corporate Accounting (B.COM III): After completing this course students will be able to understand and appreciate the Provisions of the companies act 2013. It will give them an exposure to calculate the value of Goodwill and shares. Students can get an idea about internal reconstruction.
Paper- II
  1. Taxation (GST And Audit) (B.COM III): The learning Goods and Services Tax (GST) enables the commerce students and the business community to ease interaction with GST authorities. Especially for the students it will give the scope for self- employment as well as for getting good jobs of the competitive market. To enable the students to learn the concepts indirect tax and GST from the pre-GST period to post- GST period.





   Business Management

                   Course outcome

                                                                                   Business Management

B.Com. Part-I

Paper-I Principles of management

After the completion of this course students will be able to:

                                                                                            Paper-II Business law

After the completion of this course students will be able to:


    B.Com. Part -II
 Paper-I-Company Law

After the completion of this course students will be able to:


Paper-II –Principles of Marketing.

After the completion of this course students will be able to:


B.Com. Part-III
Paper-I Insurance

After the completion of this course students will be able to:


Paper –II Industrial law

After the completion of this course students will be able to:



B.Com. Part I


Students completing this course will be able to:


Students completing this course will be able to:

B. Com. Part II


Students completing this course will be able to:


Students completing this course will be able to:

B.Com. Part III


Students completing this course will be able to:


Students completing this course will be able to: