1. BECHLOR OF ARTS (B.A.) 400 seats in 04 Sections
2. BECHLOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.)- Biology 88 Seats
3. BECHLOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) - Maths 88 Seats
4. BECHLOR OF COMMERCE (B.Com.) 100 Seats
U.G. B.A. (Semester) Syllabus:-
S.No. | Course Name | Subject Name | Link |
1. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | General Hindi | Click Here |
2. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | General English | Click Here |
3. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Environment Studies | Click Here |
4. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Computer Application | Click Here |
5. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | English Litt. | Click Here |
6. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Hindi Litt. | Click Here |
7. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Political Science | Click Here |
8. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Geography | Click Here |
9. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Sanskrit | Click Here |
10. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | Sociology | Click Here |
11. | B.A. (Semester I & II) | History | Click Here |
U.G. B.Sc. (Semester) Syllabus:-
S.No. | Course Name | Subject Name | Link |
1. | B.Sc. (Semester I & II) | Zoology | Click Here |
2. | B.Sc. (Semester I & II) | Botany | Click Here |
3. | B.Sc. (Semester I & II) | Chemistry | Click Here |
4. | B.Sc. (Semester I & II) | Physics | Click Here |
5. | B.Sc. (Semester I & II) | Mathematics | Click Here |
U.G. B.Com. (Semester) Syllabus:-
S.No. | Course Name | Subject Name | Link |
1. | B.Com. (Semester I & II) | ABST | Click Here |
2. | B.Com. (Semester I & II) | EAFM | Click Here |
3. | B.Com. (Semester I & II) | Buss. Admin. | Click Here |
U.G. B.A. (Part I, II & III) Syllabus:- Click Here
U.G. B.Sc. (Part I, II & III) Syllabus:- Click Here
U.G. B.Com. (Part I, II & III) Syllabus:- Click Here
Programme and Course Outcomes:-
1. | 3-A3P | B.A.- Bachelor of Arts | Arts | The B.A programme is a combination of three elective courses opted over a wide range. Each course has been designed keeping in mind knowledge, skills, human values and social issues of relevance. | The B.A programme has been designed with the objective of imparting the best of subject knowledge along with basic computer knowledge and language competency. | It in stils critical thinking, effective communication and social interaction. The insistence is on extensive knowledge to fight competitive exams and pursue higher studies. The curriculum design emphasizes human values and subject competence. |
2. | 9-C3P | B.Com.- Bachelor of Commerce | Commerce | The course exposes the students to micro concepts of Commerce and analytical skills. | The programme helps the student understand marketing strategies, entrepreneurship, banking system, economic theories, and accounting procedures. | By the end of the programme learners get theoretical and practical exposure in the commerce sector which includes Accounts, Commerce, Marketing, Management, Economics, and Environment etc.and are competent for business, banking jobs, accountant, office job and other competitive exams. |
3. | 6-S3P | B.Sc.- Bachelor of Science | Science | The course contents are designed to provide exposure to the core subjects and equip the students for higher education. | The programme helps in the understanding of fundamental concepts, theories, practical applications and objective conclusions. | The insistence is on skills in the laboratory, competence, understanding of phenomenon, sustainable development areas, and interdisciplinary areas of science courses. |
4. | 162-SANSF | M.A.-Master of Arts | Sanskrit | The students master advanced command over Sanskrit language, grammar and history. | The programme focuses on Vedic literature to develop skills in jobs related to karmkand, and purohit in defense services. It also equips the student with science of language, Indian philosophy, and discourse on Sanskrit literature. | The specific insistence is on Sanskrit grammar, translation, and essay. Discourse course is of significance for researchers and specialized study of prominent writers like Kalidasa and Bhash. It also enables to explore phonetics, rhetorics, dramaturgy, and ancient modern poetry and job opportunities atnational and international levels. |
5. | 172-ZOOLF | M.Sc.-Master of Science | Zoology | The course provides knowledge related to Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Structure& Functionin Invertebrates, Biological Chemistry, Immunology and Physiology, Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics, Techniquesin Biology, Evolution, Statistical methods and Computer Application in Biology | Detailed account of Chordata, origin and evolution, Developmental biology, Animal ecology and Ethology. There is a wide spectrum of job opportunities like being a College and School teacher, Zoologist, Research Scientist, Conservationist, Environmental consultant, Herpetologist, Wildlife educator, Agriculture, Sericulture, Forestry,Genomics,Fishery etc. | Specific Programmes offered include Cell Biology dealing with cellt ypes, membrane structure, Structural organization, cell division cell cycle, cancer, cell and tissue culture, fixation and staining, immune system; Environmental biology which incorporates study related to earth and biosphere, environmental physiology, ecosystems, Taigaand Tundra, major biogeographic regions, management of environment, resources, environmental health, legislation, environmental toxicology, methodology for environmental analysis; Entomology which deals with the study of insects, insect fossils, evolution, classification, functional organization, insect embryology, pests, management strategies, beneficial insects, vectors of diseases, ecology and social life in insects |
6. | 103-AGEOF Geography | M.A.-Master of Arts | Geography | The number of courses Across this programme in geography equips the Student with all aspects of physical, cultural, social Environmental and tourism geography. | The master’s programme in Geography covers an extensive Area of Structural& Dynamic geomorphology, Economic Geography, Geography of Environment, Bio-geography, Agriculture Geography, Cultural Geography, Political Geography and Industrial Geography. A weekly seminar for Final year students provides exposure in Laboratory work, mapwork, Test and surveying. | The programme specific outcomes are of Immensehelpto students and opens up Opportunities for Urban Geography and planning , Regional Planning & Development, and also in the field of Tourism with the help of courses like Geography of Tourism, Geography of Population & Settlement and Remote sensing& G.I.S. |
7. | 112-BOTF | M.Sc.-Master of Science | Botany | The student can become a Researcher, Forester, Mycologist, Plant biochemist, Conservationist, Molecular biologist, College and School teacher etc. Plant biotechnology an important area of specialization contributes towards gaining knowledge of micropropagation, embryogenesis, hybridization, tissue culture, recombinant technology, gene transfer, blotting techniques and the role of biotechnology in Society | As an outcome of this programme, the student learns about microbiology, viruses, phycology, phytoplasma mycology and plant pathology including fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, Bryology, Pteridology and Gymnosperms, ecology, phytogeography, ethnobotany and economic botany, biochemistry and plant physiology including growth regulators, taxonomy, morphology, anatomy and embryology of Angiosperms, molecular biology, biotechnology, genetics, plant breeding and biometics. | The student opting for Plant Pathology is exposed to learning related to Host Pathogen interaction, Histopathology, fungi, bacterial, viral, nematode and nonparasitic diseases; those who study Plant ecology gain information about environment, ecosystem, natural resources and pollution, Desert biomes with special reference to Rajasthan; Plant Physiology lays emphasis on the study of carbohydrates, protein, coumarins & lignins, saponins and saponogenins, tools and techniques, plant growth regulators, photophysiology and stress physiology; |
Detail of POs and COs
Faculty of Arts
Programme Outcome
- Demonstrate knowledge of physical and cultural features of the earth and locate them on a map.
- Know about the basic disciplines of Geography and its sub branches.
- Know the basic concepts and terminologies used in Geography like interior of the earth, plate tectonic, sea floor spreading, population growth, disasters, composition and structure of atmosphere, hydrosphere, etc
- Differentiate between minerals and rocks, weather and climate, interior of the earth, basic industries, farming etc.
Course Outcome
The course enables the students the knowledge of:
- Solar system, Origin of the Earth: Nebular hypothesis, tidal hypothesis, Big Bang theory.
- Rocks: their types and characteristics. Cycle of erosion- W.M. Davis and Walter Penk.
- Composition and layers of atmosphere.
- Configuration of ocean bottom.
The course enables the students the knowledge of:
- Meaning, nature and components of resources & environment, Resources and environment interface. Distribution and utilization of minerals and energy resources- their economic and environmental significance. Major soil types and their distribution; problems of soil erosion ans soil conservation.
- Classification of environment: Natural and Human.
- Environmental management: Forest, soil and wild life and its awareness
- Purpose of various practical exercise is the develop curiosity about that subject
- due to these different practical exercise students know about different aspects of geography.
The course enables the students the knowledge of:
- Nature and scope of human geography Branches of human geography; Principles of human geography
- Division of mankind: spatial distribution, physical and social profile of racial groups, ethnic groups, tribal groups in the world and in India
- Humanadaptation to environment, Distribution of population, Population regions of India.
The course enables the students the knowledge of:
- Introduction: Formation and administrative setting of the state
- Agricultural and economic aspects of the state
- Power and energy resources, Demographic structure, Geographical regions of Rajasthan
- Purpose of various practical exercise is the develop curiosity about that subject
- due to these different practical exercise students know about different aspects of geography.
The course enables the students the knowledge of:
- Concept of region, Classification of region - geographical and economic
- Regional study of United States of America, Regional study of China, Regional study of South Africa and Brazil, Regional study of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
The course enables the students the knowledge of:
- India in the context of the South-east and South Asia, Regional and seasonal variation of climate
- Agriculture, Irrigation and multipurpose projects
- Resources: Minerals- iron ore, mica, manganese, Power- coal, petroleum, hydropower, atomic power
- Changing nature of Indian economy- agricultural growth during the plan period
- Purpose of various practical exercise is the develop curiosity about that subject
- due to these different practical exercise students know about different aspects of geography.
English Literature
Programme outcomes for English Literature
By studying literature, pupils can improve their communication abilities and behaviour attitudes to higher standards. The study of literature gives the students the opportunity to explore their creativity in reading, writing, and enhance their thinking capacity
Programme Specific outcomes
The curriculum designed for English Literature covers all the literature from early British period to post-Colonial Period. It introduces students to a wide range of literary tradition and familiarises them with different facets of each literary era. They come across a jumble of feelings and ideas. They are aware of the literary history and how it influences literary artists' minds. Additionally, it promotes pupils' reading and writing habits. The extensive reading and writing improve their command over the language.The course prepares students for future success.
Course Outcomes
BA Part-I- Paper-I Poetry and Drama
- Introducing the students with all forms and genres of poetry and drama.
- To improve communication skills in the students.
BA Part-I-Paper-II Prose and Fiction
- To acquaint them to prose and fiction.
- Reading of essays and stories encourage their creativity.
BA Part-II- Paper-I Poetry and Drama
After Completing This Course, the Students will be able to Analyze Poetry and Drama Prescribed in Their Syllabus.
BA Part-II-Paper-II Prose and Fiction
- Utilize Their Knowledge in Spoken English.
- Think About Their Aim of Life While Reading Essays, Stories and Novels of Hardy.
BA Part-III- Paper-I Poetry and Drama
- After finishing final year, the students are now familiar with all forms of poetry and drama.
- They are acquainted with post-colonial literature.
- They are also familiar with Commonwealth Literature.
- They now have an all -round approach to world literature.
BA Part-III-Paper-II Prose and Fiction
- The final year course of prose and fiction imparts recognition of Indian Prose and Fiction.
- The students have now developed understanding of the lessons imparted in the essays and stories.
Course Outcomes
BA Part I
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
- Understand the Ancient history of India
- Discuss main features of Indus-Saraswati Civilization, the contribution of Magadha Empire and the causes of their decline, the features of Gupta Dynasty.
- Explain the rise of Buddhism and Jainism, the different political power in Pre-Gupta period, the India in Post-Gupta Period.
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
- Explain Reformation and Counter Reformation, the French Revolution, Unification of Italy and Germany, the causes of imperialism in Asia and Africa, the causes and results of Second World War and the emergence of Modern China, Japan and Turkey.
- Discuss the American war of Independence, First World War, the causes of rise of Fascism and Nazism and the functions of UNO.
BA Part II
Paper- I: History of Medieval India (1206-1740 A.D.)
- After the completion of the course the student should be able to Understand the medieval history of India, Political condition, administrative and economic regulation in medieval India, The establishment of Mughal Empire and Nature of Mughal State.
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
- Outline the proto-historic Rajasthan
- Explain the origin of Rajputs, the causes and impact of Maratha penetration in Rajputana, the contribution of Prajamandals in freedom movement and the Rajasthani art and literature.
- Discuss the Peasant of Bijolia and the Feudalism in Rajput states.
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
- Explain the British expansion in Bengal, the causes of the failure of the Marathas and the economic impact of British Rule.
- Discuss the emergence of regional power, the Maratha struggle with British Power, the main features of Permanent settlement, Raiyyatwari and Mahalwari revenue settlements, the economic Impact of British Rule.
- Outline of India’s struggle for freedom
- Discuss the reorganization of Indian states.
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
- Discuss the main features of Indian culture, varna and ashram system and main centres of ancient Indian Education.
- Explain the cultural importance of the Puranas, the salient features of the Indus and Mauryan Art, the Architecture of Mughal period, the Bhakti and Sufism, the socio-religious contribution of Brahma Samaj and the socio-religious contribution of Arya Samaj.
Hindi Literature
visf{kr ifj.kke
d{kk ch, Hkkx izFke o"kZ
- lkekU; fganh
- fganh dkO; esa x|&i| ds }kjk fganh&lkfgR; dh fofo/k fo/kkvksa dk Nk=kvksa dks lkekU; lkSUn;Z&cks/k dk ifjp; djok;k tk ldsxkA
- i| dkO; esa HkfDrdky ls ysdj vk/kqfud dky rd ¼dkO;½ dk ifjp;kRed ewY;kadu fd;k tk ldsxkA
- fganh O;kdj.k dk Kku tSls % la{ksi.k] iYyou o 'kq)hdj.k ds ckjs esa crk;k tk ldrk gSA
- fofo/k lkfgfR;d fo|kvksa ds ¼x|&i| O;kdj.k vkfn½ v/;;u dks /;ku esa j[kdj mi;qZDr ;kstuk dk fuekZ.k ,oa mldk fdz;kUo;u dj ldsaxhA
- izfr;ksfxrk ijh{kk esa lkekU; fganh ij iwNs tkus okys iz’uksa dks foLrkj ls le>k ldsaxhA
ch-,- izFke o"kZ izFke iz’u i=
^^ izkphu ,oa e/;dkyhu dkO;^^
- izkphu ,oa e/;dkyhu lkfgR; Kku vftZr fd;k tk ldsxk lkFk gh Lo.kZ ;qx ds ckjs esa crk;k tk ldsxkA
- izkphu o e/;dkyhu dkO; esa n’kZu] uhfr Kku o laxhr dk tks o.kZu fd;k gS mls thou esa viukus dh lh[k ys ldrh gSaA
- vuqdwy ifjfLFkfr;ka mRiUu dj lkSn;Z cks/k ds lkFk vkt ds thou esa HkfDrdkyhu dfo;ksa }kjk tks mins’k fn, gSaA mlls ruko de dj ldsaxhA thou ds lgh ekxZ ij py ldsaxhA
- dkO;’kkL= ds lkFk &lkFk esa iz;qDr vyadkjksa dks izfr;ksfxrkvksa esa iwNs tkus okyksa iz’uksa dks lgh ls le>k ldsaxhA
ch-,- IkzFke o"kZ f}rh; iz’u i=
^^ dFkk lkfgR;^^
- x| lkfgR; esa miU;kl &dgkuh ds bfrgkl ds egRo dks Hkyh Hkkafr le>k ldasxhA
- ikB~;dze esa fu/kkZfjr miU;kl] dgkfu;ksa dks i
- mlus dgk^^ cw
- ;FkkFkZijd /kjkry dks le> ldsaxhA
- Nk=k,a ns’k dh uhao gSaA fp=k eqn~xy ds miU;kl ^^,d tehu viuh^^ ls vius gd ds izfr vkokt mBk ldsaxhA
ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ izFke iz’u i=
^^ jhfrdkyhu dkO; ^^
- ds’ko] fcgkjh] nso] in~ekdj] lsukifr jTTkc vkfn dfo;ksa ds dkO; dks i
- orZeku ifjizs{; ds e/;sutj okn&fookn dh fLFkfr esa ds’ko dh ^^ laokn ;kstuk^^ ls laokn LFkkfir djus dh dyk lh[k ik,axhA
- Hkw"k.k ds inksa dks i
- Nan] dkO;”’kkL= ¼dkO; gsrq] dkO; iz;kstu½ vkSj fganh lkfgR; ds bfrgkl ls izfr;ksxh ijh{kkvksa esa isij vklkuh ls gy dj ldsaxhA
ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ f}rh; iz’u i=
^^ ukVd ,oa ,dkadh ^^
- Hkkjrsanq gfj’panz ds ukVd ^^va/ksj uxjh^^ dks i<+&le>dj vkt ds okrkoj.k dk fo’ys"k.k ,oa ewY;kadu dj ldsaxhA
- ukVd ,oa ,dkadh dks i<+dj jaxeap ds izfr :fp tkx`r dj ik,axhA
- ukVd ,oa ,dkadh fo|kvksa dh fofo/k ckSfy;ksa dks le>dj ifBr ukVdksa ,oa ,dkafd;ksa ls cnyrs Lo:Ik ls ifjfpr gks ldsaxhA
- ukVd ,oa ,dkadh ds bfrgkl dks le>dj nksuksa esa varj dj ldsaxhA
ch-,- r`rh; o"kZ izFke iz’u i=
^^ vk/kqfud dkO; ^^
- eSfFkyh’kj.k xqIr] nq";ar] uanfd’kksj vkpk;Z tSls dfo;ksa dk v/;;u dj vk/kqfud vkSj mRrj vk/kqfud okn esa jpukvksa dh ys[kuh dks le> ik,axhA
- iar dh dfork,a ^^ekSu fuea=.k] ,d rkjk^^ ^^ukSdk fogkj^^ dforkvksa ds ek/;e ls izd`fr ls :c: gks ik,axhA lkFk gh izd`fr ls rkjrE; LFkkfir dj mlds laj{k.k o iks"k.k dh okgd cu ik,axhA
- L=h foe’kZ] nfyr foe’kZ] fodykax ¼fnO;kax½ foe’kZ dks i<+dj orZeku ifjizs{; esa lQy thou ;kiu dj ik,axhA
- vk/kqfud dky dh fo/kkvksa dks i<+dj f’k{k.k ,oa f’k{k.ksRrj dk;Zdzeksa dk lQy vk;kstu ,oa ewY;kadu dj ldsaxhA
ch-,- r`rh; o"kZ f}rh; iz’u i=
^^ fuca/k ,oa Hkk"kk ^^
- izo`fr fo’ks"k ds izeq[k fuca/kdkjksa ds O;fDrRo&d`frRo vkSj ;qxhu ifjos’k ls Nk=k,a lE;d~ :Ik ls voxr gks ik,axhA
- fuca/k ds fofo/k lksikuksa dk v/;;u djrs gq, fuca/k ds mn~xe vkSj rRoksa dks le> ik,axhA
- fuca/k ds fofo/k lksikuksa dk v/;;u djrs gq, fuca/k ds mn~xe vkSj rRoksa dks le> ik,axhA
- ^^lkfgR; lekt dk niZ.k gS^^ bl dFku dks orZeku ifjizs{; esa Hkyh Hkkafr le> ik,axhA
- Hkk"kk foKku dks i<+dj fganh ds fofo/k :iksa ,oa Hkk’kkxr fo’ks"krkvksa dks le>k ik,axhA
- Nk=k,a fganh Hkk"kk ds fofo/k :iksa esa foHksn djrs gq, Hkk"kk dk lkanfHkZd vFkZxzg.k rFkk vfHkO;Dr djus dh
- {kerk mRiUu dj ldsaxhsA
- Hkk"kk foKku dks i<+dj ,oa le>dj O;kdj.k ds fofo/k vaxksa ,oa Hkk"kk ds 'kq) iz;ksx dh vksj izo`r gks ldsaxhA
Political Science
Program Outcome for UG
Students will be able to Analysepoliticalandpolicyproblemsandformulatepolicyoptions, politicalproblemsargumentsinformationandortheories and DiscussthemajortheoriesandconceptofPoliticalScienceanditssubfields.
Course Outcome
B A Part I
Paper. 1 Foundation of Political Science
- The course contains basic knowledge of political science, Concepts, theories of political science.
- The paper helpful of students for competition exams.
Paper. ll. Indian political thinkers
- This paper provides us wide knowledge of rogon state theory, swadeshi, ahinsa etc.
- This paper is very important of classic medieval and modern periods
B A Part II
Paper. 1. Major political system
- study of the constitution of United Kingdom, united states of America, japan, china, Pakistan, France, Switzerland.
- Very important paper to know about different country constitutions.
Paper. ll. Indian political system
In the study of the paper of Indian political system students will be able to understand about Indian political system and Indian constitution.
Paper .I. Western political thinker (From Plato to Marx)
- To origin of the knowledge in political thought.
- identify the most important contribution to modern Western political thoughts and explain why their contributions are important.
Paper. II. International Relation
- to develop theoretical insight on International Relation.
- International and Regional organisation students understand the Indian foreign policy and relation between neighbouring countries.
ch, ikVZ izFke
izFke iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 & ukVd & LoIuoklonRRke
Hkkl ds lkfgR; dks le>k tk ldrk gSA ukVd ys[ku ds {ks= esa bl xzaFk ls lgk;rk feyrh gSA
bdkbZ 02& jkek;.k & ckydk.M & izFke lxZ
jkedFkk dk lkj fey tkrk gSA blls irk pyrk gS fd Hkxoku jke us u rks Hkxorh lhrk dks fudkyk Fkk vkSj u gh ’kEcwd dks ekjk FkkA
bdkbZ 03& euqLe`fr
rRdkyhu lekt O;oLFkk dh ,d >yd feyrh gSA blls ;g le> esa vkrk gS fd lekt esa D;k mfpr gS vkSj D;k vuqfprA
bdkbZ 04 & fgrksins’k
dgkuh ys[ku ds fy, ;g ,d vkn’kZ fl) gksrk gSA
bdkbZ 05 & vyadkj
dkO; xhrksa dh jpuk esa blls Ik;kZIr lgk;rk feyrh gSA
f}rh; iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 & Hkkjrh; laLd`fr ds rRo
izkphu Hkkjr dh laiw.kZ O;oLFkk dks le>us ds fy, ekud xzUFk dh rjg gSA
bdkbZ 02& i| lkfgR; & j?kqoa’k
dkyhnkl ds i| lkfgR; dks le>us ds lkFk i| jpuk esa blls izHkwr lgk;rk fey ldrh gSA
bdkbZ 03& vuqokn
laLd`r cksyuk vkSj fy[kuk nksuksa esa ;g loksZÙke lgk;d gSA
bdkbZ 04 ,oa 05 & O;kdj.k & y?kq fl)kUr dkSeqnh
laLd`r Hkk"kk esa ’kq) jpuk djus esa ;g cgqr mi;ksxh gSA blls Hkk"kk dk Kku cgqr c<+rk gSA drkZ vkSj fdz;k ds }kjk okD;ksa ds fuekZ.k esa ;g cgqr lgk;d gSA
ch, ikVZ f}rh;
izFke iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 ,oa 02 & ukVd & vfHkKku’kkdqUrye~
blls dkfynkl lkfgR; dks v�"Nh rjg ls le>k tk ldrk gSA ;fn ys[ku esa :fp gks] rks ys[ku dh 'kSyh dk vkn’kZ :Ik D;k gks] ;g blesa
feyrk gSA
bdkbZ 03& Nan
xhrksa dh jpuk djus esa ;g lcls lgk;d fl) gks ldrk gSA
bdkbZ 04& izeq[k d`r] rf)r ,oa L=h izR;;
blls ,sfrgkfld le; esa tkfr] o.kZ vkSj L=h dh fLFkfr dks le>us esa lgk;rk fey ldrh gSA
bdkbZ 05 & laLd`r lkfgR; dk bfrgkl
blls izkphudky ds Hkkjr dh lkekftd lkaLd`frd O;oLFkk dks le>k tk ldrk gSA
ch, ikVZ f}rh;
f}rh; iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 & _DlwDr
blls _Xosndkyhu lkekftd ,oa /kkfeZd O;oLFkkvksa dks tku ldrs gSaA
bdkbZ 02& bZ’kksifu’kn~
blls Hkkjrh; n’kZu dks le>us esa enn feyrh gSA
bdkbZ 03& x| lkfgR;& 'kqduklksins’k
x| lkfgR; ds ys[ku esa :fp j[kus okyksa ds fy, ;g vkn’kZ :Ik x| gSA
bdkbZ 04 & ok�"; ,oa lekl
laLd`r Hkk"kk dks cksyus ,oa mlesa fy[kus dh b�"Nk j[kus okyksa ds fy, ;g cgqr ykHkdkjh gSA
bdkbZ 05 & dkjd izdj.k
tSlk dh bdkbZ 04 esa crk;k x;kA
ch, ikVZ r`rh;
izFke iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 & dqekjlEHkoe
dkfynkl lkfgR; dks le>us ds lkFk izkS<+ i| dh jpuk esa ;g cgqr lgk;d gSA
bdkbZ 02& fdjkrktqZuh;e~
egkHkkjrdkyhu jktuhfr ifjn`’; dk blls Kku izkIr gksrk gSA
bdkbZ 03& n’kdqekj pfjre~
blls rRdkyhu jktuhfrd nqjfHklaf/k;ksa dk irk pyrk gSA lkFk gh x| ys[ku 'kSyh dk ;g mRRke iz:Ik gSA blls ys[ku eas cgqr lgk;rk fey
ldrh gSA
bdkbZ 04 & ;kKoYD;Le`fr & nk; Hkkx
Hkkjrh; U;k; iz.kkyh esa laifr ds caVokjs dks le>us ds fy, ;g cgqr mi;ksxh gSA
bdkbZ 05 & fuca/k jpuk
laLd`r fy[kuk vkSj cksyuk nksuksa esa bldk Kku mi;ksxh gSA
ch, ikVZ r`rh;
f}rh; iz’u Ik=
bdkbZ 01 & rdZlaxzg
Hkkjrh; U;k; ,oa oS’ksf"kd n’kZu dh vk/kkjHkwr
bdkbZ 02& Hkkjrh; n’kZu ds fl)kUr
blls Hkkjrh; Ng vkfLrd ,oa rhu ukfLrd n’kZuksa dh vk/kkjHkwr le> izkIr gksrh gSA
bdkbZ 03& uhfr’krde~
i| ys[ku ds fy, ;g ekun.M gSA thouksi;ksxh lw=ksa ds vfrfjDr ;g i|ys[ku esa Hkh cgqr lgk;d gSA
bdkbZ 04 & Hkxon~xhrk ¼v/;k; 02 ,oa 03½
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Programme Outcomes
As College Level Discipline Sociology is Much better Subject for Youths. Personality Development, Behavior Development Such as a Good Part of Social Citizens.
Course Outcome
B.A. Part I
Paper I Principles of Sociology
Students will be able to
- To understand the Discipline of Sociology and Society, the Emergence of Sociology as a Discipline.
- Describe the Basic Concepts of Sociology.
Paper II Social Anthropology
Students will be able to
- Understand the Discipline of Social Anthropology, the Emergence of Social Anthropology as a Discipline
- Describe the Basic Concepts of Social Anthropology
B.A. Part II
Paper I Research Methodology
Students will be able to
- Describe the Steps of Scientific Social Research
- Understand the Different Research Designs Data collection tolls and data Analysis methods
Paper II Social Problems in contemporary India
Students will be able to
- Describe Social Problems in India
- Understand the Different Aspects of crime and Major Social Problems in Contemporary in India.
Students will be able to
- Explain Classical Thinkers in Western Sociology and Indian Sociology.
- Understand the Different Thought.
- Critically Analysis the Work of Social Thinkers
Paper II Indian Society
Students will be able to
- Explain Indian Society and Culture.
- Understand the Different Components in Indian society
- Understand Indian Demographic profile
Science Faculty
By the end of B.Sc. program in Botany, a student will:
- Acquire basic knowledge of various branches of Botany
- Inculcate interest and love of nature with its myriad life forms
- Acquire basic skills in the observation and study of nature and awareness of the conservation of the biosphere.
- Be exposed to the diversity among life forms and understand the unity behind diversity
- Learn the different biological techniques.
- Develop a scientific attitude which make her open minded, critical and curious
- Develop ability for the application of the acquired knowledge in life and become self-reliant and self sufficient.
- Develop skill in practical work, experiments, equipments and laboratory use along with collection and interpretation of biological materials and data.
- Be aware of natural resources and environment and the importance of conserving it.
- Be able to communicate effectively their views and ideas on different issues related to botany.
- Successfully pursue their career objectives in advanced education, professional courses, scientific career, teaching career in the school systems or related career following graduation.
The graduate of this programme will be able to:
- Understand the importance and scope of the discipline.
- Acquire a firm foundation in every aspect of Botany.
- Do lifelong learning due to attention drawn to the world of plants and introduction to the methodology of systematic academic enquiry
- Scientifically identify and list out plants in their locality
- Identify the role of different plants and their mode of survival in the environment
- Develop skills to cultivate the economically beneficial plants and thus open opportunity for self- employment.
- Develop love and respect for nature
- Analyze the impact of deforestation on environment
- Understand the importance of modern branches of science like Biotechnology for the economic benefits of agriculture.
B.Sc. Part I
The students will be able to:
- understand about the general aspect of algae, their thallus structure, habitat, etc and by this unit students can know how to classify or identify different types of algae.
- understand the members of chlorophyta, charophyta and xanthophyta in detail and about classes of algae.
- know about the detail of red and brown algae also covers different economic values of algae,which is very important for humans because this student can get its value. This also tolds students about an important ecological component known as lichen, about its ecological importance and other values
- know about the general aspect of bryophytes as well as the details of Riccia and marchantia.
- Know the detail of anthoceros and Sphagnum as well as it tells students about the economic importance of bryophytes in different aspects, by which can be benefited.
- As food, Agaricus bisporus yeast is an important source of vitamin B and D, As medicines, Penicillin, Fungi in industry, baking industry and cheese industry, Fungi is used in enzyme production and Fungi’s very important use is in genetics research. Neurospora crassa – very good material to study DNA synthesis.
Paper III: Pteridophyta, gymnosperm and paleobotany
- The geological time scale is an important tool used to portray the history of earth. a standard time line is used to describe the age of the rocks and fossils and the events that formed them we have come to know about the evolutionary trends that helps use in further research work.
- This helps us to understand the vegetative and reproductive morphology of certain pteridophyte which will help in research work.
- This provides us tremendous knowledge about the life cycle of some pteridophyte and about heterosory and evolutionary trends in pteridophytes.
- We have come to know about diversity evolution and economic importance of gymnosperm.
- This explains the life cycle of certain gymnosperm and helps us to know about their economic importance.
B.Sc. Part I Practicals
- The study of internal structure of certain algae is well understood. We also come to know about the economic importance of algae, lichens are well understood.
- We get a detailed knowledge about various plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and virus.
- The study of Bryophytes helps us to understand their thallus structure which is beneficial in research studies.
- The internal structure of stem, leaf, sporocarp, cone of certain Pteridophytes helps us to understand the range of stellar system and reproductive organs.
PAPER -I (Taxonomy and embryology of angiosperms):
- Provides an insight about herbarium which is collection of preserved plants. This unit throws light on nomenclature of angiosperms and various system of classification
- explain various families their vegetative, floral characteristics and their economic importance.
- Angiosperms. First Pollen falls on flowers stigma sperm cell and egg cell join to form a ovule. Formation of embryo sac endosperm and seed.
This course contains the
- study about plant meristems helps us to students the structure different types of tissue in plants
- study of plant internal structure of roots, stems and anatomy of plants allows a student to conceptually integrate organismal structure and function
- study of anatomy and different types of growth patterns helps to reveal the relationships between structure, function, taxonomy, ecology etc.
- study of economic botany helps students to understand the economic productivity because it is involved study of cereal crops and ideal growing technique this is also important to environmental protection
- due to study of medicinal plants and other commercially important plants helps students to student use this knowledge to apply in daily life can be utilized this knowledge for commercial production also.
Paper III -Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding, Evolution and Bio Statistics
- This unit helps to understand about cell which is structural and functional unit of life. Cellular components work together to carry out life functions and enable organisms to meet their basic needs.
- This unit gave insight about Mendel ‘s principle of inheritance and transmission of genetic traits present on chromosomes.
- This unit is useful for students to understand about D.N.A, R.N.A and Genes that has all the instructions that a living organism need to grow, reproduce and function.
- Plant breeding is a novel branch of botany in which students ensure food security by developing varieties which are higher yielding, disease resistance and adapted to different environment.
- This unit deals with the method for collection of data, presentation of data’ analysis of data and making decision on basis of such analysis.
- This includes evolution which explains students how modern living thing have descended from ancient life forms.
- Purpose of various practical exercise is the develop curiosity about that subject
- due to these different practical exercise students know about different aspects of plant sciences
- critically evaluation of ideas and arguments by collection relevant information about the plants
- students will be able to apply the scientific method to questions in botany by formulating testable hypothesis.
B.SC. Part-III
Paper I- Ecology
Students will be able to understand plant communities and ecological adaptation in plants.
Learn about biodiversity and its conservation.
Understand bio remediation, global warming and climate change.
In this unit, various rules of osmosis are explained, and this unit told about water absorption, water potential and transpiration, as well as different types of ingredients required for plants.
The second unit explains the various types of forests present in the hands and the common and unusual methods of photosynthesis, as well as the various influencing cars of the publication.
Third unit deals with whole procedure of respiration and factor affecting respiration and also told about fat metabolism.
This unit told about few important aspects of plant physiology such as plant growth hormones, dormancy, photoperiodism and vernalisation.
This last unit deals with enzymology and techniques as chromatography, centrifuge, ph meter and spectrophotometer.
- Molecular Biology & Biotechnology is the recent branch of life sciences and by this student will know the basic gene concept and how a DNA carries all information about the life.
- NIF genes play an important role in agriculture productivity. (How yield can be increased by the use of NIF genes)
- Genetic Engineering: With genetic Engineering students can understand the process of vaccination.
- Students can design their organic farming by using natural insecticide (Bt-toxin).
- Students can prepare and use disease-free high-quality planting material and the rapid production of many uniform plants.
- Metabolites play an important role in immune system. Identification & analysis of these metabolites signal compounds and thus important for plant survival and reproductive fitness.
- Due to these different practical exercise students know about different aspects of plant sciences specially in this class about plant physiology, ecology and biotechnology.
- Critically evaluation of ideas and arguments by collection relevant information about the plants by ecology.
- Students will be able to apply the scientific method to questions in botany by formulating testable hypothesis.
- Students learn about different concepts and experiments about physiology and biotechnology can be work as a skill development in students.
M. Sc. (Botany)
Course Outcome
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Develop a conceptual understanding of principles and importance of Botany. Knowledge of fundamental topics provided in these classes, such as molecular cytogenetics, physiology and biochemistry, plant diversity, and application of statistics, would be beneficial to students. Modules on plant tissue culture, photochemistry, and analytical methods would assist them develop the abilities necessary for doing research.
- Learn how to use practical lab techniques to examine plant cell structure, reproduction, anatomy, and breeding practises for hybridization in depth. Uphold the highest standards of scientific quality in botanical research, placing a special focus on the function of plants. Develop, pick, and use transdisciplinary methodologies, resources, and current technologies. practising a subject with the ability to plan experiments, evaluate, and interpret data to come to a useful result.
- They would identify, formulate and analyze the complex problems with reaching a substantiated conclusion. Logical thinking with application of biological, physical and chemical sciences. Learning that develops analytical and integrative problem-solving approaches.
- Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development with respect to assessment, conservation and utilization of floral diversity
- Use pure culture and selective techniques to isolate fungi, plant pathogens, algae and identify them growing on media.
- estimate the number of floral components by using enumeration and suitable sampling and techniques.
- Use appropriate plant molecular techniques and use of instrumentation related to it.
- Practice safe laboratory procedures, using appropriate protective, biosafety and emergency procedures.
- Documentation and report writing on experimental protocols, results and conclusions, study tours and filed visits etc.
- Apply appropriate techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemicals in laboratories and in industries.
- become familiar with the different branches of chemistry like analytical, organic, inorganic , physical, environmental, polymer and biochemistry Helps in understanding the causes of environmental pollution and can open up new methods for environmental pollution control.
- Develops analytical skills and problem solving skills requiring application of chemical principles, Acquires the ability to synthesise, separate and characterize compounds using laboratory and instrumentation techniques.
Programme Outcome
The aim of the program is to enhance students understanding in Biology And Diversity of Algae and Bryophytes, Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology, Cytogenetics, Genetics and Plant Breeding Plant Ecology, Conservation and Evolution, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany, Plant Developmental Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Plant Growth and Development, Skill Course Elective 1 Minor Research Project, Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering, Tools And Techniques In Plant Sciences, Minor Research Project.
Programme Specific Outcome
The graduates (PSO) of M.Sc. Can pursue career in following areas: Botany Food companies, Arboretum, Forest services, Biotechnology firms, Oil industry, Land Management agencies, Seed and Nursery Companies, Plant Explorer, Conservationist, Ecologist, Environment consultant, Horticulturist, Molecular Biologist, National parks, Educational institutions. Prepare the students for many competitive exams like RPSC, UPSC NET SET GATE.
B. Sc. Chemistry
Program Outcome
Nature and extent of the B.Sc. Chemistry Programme:
Chemistry is referred to as the science that systematically studies the composition, properties, and reactivity of matter at atomic and molecular level. The scope of chemistry is very broad. The key areas of study of chemistry comprise Organic chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. In addition, employability of B.Sc. Chemistry graduate is given due importance such that their core competency in the subject matter, both theoretical and practical, is ensure
Aims of Bachelor’s degree programme in Chemistry:
The broad aims of bachelor’s degree programme in Chemistry are:
- understanding of key chemical concepts, principles and theories.
- To develop students’ ability and skill to acquire expertise over solving both theoretical and applied chemistry
- To provide knowledge and skill to the students thus enabling them to undertake further studies in chemistry in related areas or multidisciplinary areas that can be helpful for self-employment /entrepreneurship.
- To provide the latest subject matter, both theoretical as well as practical, such a way to foster their core competency and discovery learning.
Learning Course Outcome B.Sc. Part -I
Paper- I Inorganic Chemistry
On completion of this course, the learner shall be able to:
- Apply atomic theory and its evolution, predict quantum numbers, periodic properties, physical and chemical characteristics, periodicity of properties, Characterize bonding between atoms, molecules, interaction and energetics, hybridization and shapes of atomic, molecular orbitals, bond parameters, bond- distances and energies.
- Apply the fundamental principles of s and p-block elements and chemistry of noble gases, their chemical bonding and general chemical reactivity in subsequent courses of chemistry.
Paper- II Organic Chemistry
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Explain basics of organic molecules, structure, bonding, reactivity and reaction mechanisms, aromatic compounds and aromaticity, mechanism of aromatic reactions, Stereochemistry of organic molecules – conformation and configuration, asymmetric molecules and nomenclature.
- Mechanism of organic reactions (effect of nucleophile/leaving group, solvent), substitution vs. elimination.
- Understand preparation, properties, structure and applications of saturated hydrocarbons.
Paper- III Physical Chemistry
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Analyze basic concepts of mathematics and computer application, physical properties of each state of matter and concept of liquids and colloids.
- Determination of lattice parameters of given salt, computational and calculation techniques.
- Explain chemical kinetics and chemistry in everyday life.
B.Sc. Part-I Practical
On completion this course, the students will be able to:
- Understand the principles of working with lab equipment’s, and ability to properly use them.
- Process purification of important compounds.
- Analyze, separate and identify anions and cations from various groups.
- Understand basic safety symbols in chemistry lab
B.Sc. Part -II Paper
I Inorganic Chemistry
On completion of this course, the learner shall be able to:
- Acquire knowledge of characteristic of Lanthanides and Actinides, transition metal series with comparison, the properties of non -aqueous solutions theories of acids and bases, understanding coordination compounds, their structures and properties.
- Apply Chromatographic methods and preparation of chromatograms.
- Apply Werner’s Theory and its experimental verification, demonstrate bonding theories including valence bond theory and
molecular orbital theory.
Paper II Organic Chemistry
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Explain spectroscopic methods, understand the structure of organic compounds using UV, Visible and IR spectral data.
- Describe name reactions, uses of various reagents and the mechanism of their action.
- Explain the structure, synthesis, uses and properties of different classes of organic compounds like phenols amines, arenes, and carboxylic acids.
Paper III Physical Chemistry
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Apply basic laws of thermodynamics, and thermochemistry
- Explain partial molar quantities and its attributes.
- Understand basic introduction of photo chemistry.
- Understand the concept of heat of reactions and use of equations in calculations of bond energy, enthalpy, etc.
- Understand the concept of phase rule.
- Use of thermochemical equations and thermodynamics for calculation of energy, chemical behaviour of solvent and solute, determination of transition temperature and heat of neutralisation.
B. Sc. Part-II Practical
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Prepare standard solutions of various secondary standard salts.
- Calibrate lab equipment’s like pipettes and burettes.
- Evaluate heat of neutralization.
- Determine transition temperature of some inorganic compounds
- Separate organic mixture containing two solid components by water and sodium carbonate methods.
B.Sc. Part -III
Paper I Inorganic Chemistry
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Explain coordination compounds – its nomenclature, theories, d-orbital splitting in complexes, chelate.
- Apply crystal field theory on different geometries to correlate it with stability.
- Apply HSAB principle on stability of molecules.
- Elucidate structure and bonding of Inorganic polymers.
- Elaborate thermodynamic and kinetic stability of complexes, L-S coupling, describe bioinorganic molecules with special reference to Hemoglobin and Myoglobin, and understand toxicity of various metals and mechanism of metal-biological system interactions.
- Describe basic phenomenon of nuclear chemistry.
Paper II Organic Chemistry
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Describe polynuclear hydrocarbons and their reactions.
- Analyze reaction mechanism of heterocyclic compounds, alkaloids and Terpenes
- Explain, classification, structure, reaction mechanism of synthetic drugs and dyes.
- Understand the structure, mechanism of reactions of selected heterocyclic compounds.
- Elucidate applications of heterocyclic compounds in pharmaceutics/drugs and the mechanism of action’s, structure of
carbohydrate, amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids.
III Physical Chemistry
On completion this course, the students will be able to:
- Explain quantum mechanics and its uses.
- Analyze various types of spectroscopic methods to identify molecular structure.
- Understand the basics of chemical kinetics: determination of order, molecularity, and understanding theories of reaction rates, determination of rate of opposing/parallel/chain reactions with suitable examples, application of steady state kinetics, Steady-state approximation.
B. Sc. Part-III Practical
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- Synthesize various transition metal complexes.
- Handle instruments like colorimeter and potentiometer and conductometer.
- Understand concept of chromatography (Paper Chromatography) by separation of organic compounds.
B.Sc. Part- I
After completing the Course student will be able to –
- Define Frame of reference and can differentiate between inertial and non-inertial frame of reference, Apply Galilean transformation and fictitious force, the Coriolis force and Centrifugal force in rotating frame of reference.
- Describe Michelson Morley experiment and its failure to prove the existence of either.
- Define the postulates of special theory of relativity
- Deduce and apply the Lorentz transformation
- Explain and demonstrate the length contraction and time dilations using space-time model
- Apply velocity transformation and can deduce the formula of variation of mass with velocity.
- Define motion under central force.
- Describe Kepler’s law and can relate it with conservation laws
- Analyze the gravitational laws using central force motion and relate the concept of field.
- Derive the Gauss and Poisson equations
- Explain the concepts of centre of mass
- Elaborate the motion of rockets using the learnt concepts
- Apply the momentum and energy conservation in elastic and non-elastic collisions.
- Define rigid body motion, rotational motion and moment of inertia.
- Derive and apply the Euler equations
- Define the potential well and periodic oscillations
- Analyze the differential equations of free and damped oscillations
- Apply the concepts of oscillation in various conditions –spring mass, pendulum, LC circuit etc.
- Apply the concepts of superposition in two SHMs.
After completing the course student will be able to -
- Apply the concepts of dot product and cross product up to three vectors, the geometrical meaning of gradient, curl and divergence, Conversion between surface and volume integral, curvilinear coordinates, stokes and green theorem.
- Define Elasticity.
- Describe the Young modulus, bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity.
- Deduce relation between different elastic constant
- Apply the concepts in bending of beam, Cantilever, etc.
- Define Electromagnetic induction
- Explain faraday’s law and its different forms
- Apply the concepts of Self and Mutual Inductance.
- Describe the Maxwell’s displacement current.
- Describe the plane electromagnetic waves
- Analyze wave equations for different polarized waves.
- Deduce and apply the boundary conditions for B, E, H and D.
- Explain and demonstrate the Total internal reflection
After completing the course student will be able to -
- Define Coulomb’s law and its vector form.
- Describe the concepts of multipoles
- Explain the concepts of field and potential.
- Calculate the torque on dipole, electrostatic energy of sphere etc.
- Define dielectrics, capacitor and dielectric constants
- Define Polarization and polarization vector Atomic and molecular polarisability, Displacement vector D,
- Explain molecular interpretation of Claussius Mosotti equation
- Define Steady current, Current density J,
- Deduce and explain the physical significance of continuity equation, Analyze the charging and discharging of condenser through resistance, Apply the charging-discharging concepts for determination of high resistance by leakage method and analyze the rise and decay of current in LR and CR circuits.
- Define Decay constant
- Analyze transients in LCR circuits, AC circuits. Apply complex number and their applications in solving AC circuit, Define and calculate force on moving charge.
- Define magnetic field, Apply concepts of force and torque in different cases.
- Define Biot and Savart's law, Apply Bio-savart laws in different cases, Apply the Electric force and magnetic force to find the path of charge particles moving in respective fields, Apply the concept to explain the functioning of CRO.
- Analyze mass spectrograph, velocity selector using concepts taught in this unit.
B.Sc. Part -II
After completing the course student will be able to -
- Demonstrate the phase space for different STATISTICAL SYSTEM.
- Define micro and macro states
- Discuss the statistical basis of thermodynamics, Define Probability and thermodynamic probability, Explain the principle of equal a priori probabilities.
- Define Constraints, accessible and inaccessible states, Apply concepts in different systems, Create link between micro and macroscopic physics, Relate Probability and entropy
- Interpret statistical second law of thermodynamics, State and apply Boltzmann canonical distribution law.
- Deduce law of Equipartition of energy, Transits the concepts to quantum statistics, Apply the concepts to 1-D and 3-D harmonic oscillator, Analyze and compare M.B., Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics.
- Define the laws of thermodynamics, Calculate the work done by and on the system, Differentiate state and path function
- Define and differentiate reversible and irreversible changes, Explain Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Apply Carnot theorem to derive the second law of thermodynamics, Elaborate Different versions of the second law, Define the thermodynamic scale of temperature; its identity with the perfect gas scale.
- Define Third law of thermodynamics, Define Thermodynamic variables, Differentiate extensive and intensive variable.
- Derive Maxwell's general relations, Apply Maxwell’s equations in various cases.
- Define Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation.
- Analyze Spectral distribution of blackbody radiation.
- Define and explain Wien's displacement law, Rayleigh-Jean's law,
- Explain the concept of ultraviolet catastrophy
- Define Planck's quantum postulates,
- Interpret the behaviour of specific heats of gases and solids at different temperature
After completing the course student will be able to -
- Define Ideal Gas: Kinetic model, Derive of Boyle's law, Define the temperature at molecular level,
- Estimate of r.m.s speeds of molecules, Explain Brownian motion, estimate of the Avogadro number, Define Equipartition of energy.
- Define and calculate the specific heat of gas, Analyze adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, Apply the concepts to atmospheric physics, Explain Transport phenomena in gases, Explain the concept of real gas, Differentiate the ideal and real gas, Plot P-V curve and analyze it.
- Define and explain the Joule Thomson effect, Explain the process of Liquification of gases, State the Maxwell postulates, Deduce the Maxwell velocity distribution equation, Plot graphs for distribution, apply the distribution laws for statistical analysis.
- Explain and apply the concept of acoustics of buildings
- Define the waves
- Derive the equation of wave
- Apply the wave equation to find the velocity of wave
- Explain the gravity waves
- Apply the superposition principle to explain the standing waves
- Explain the formation of Chaldani’s figures.
- Explain the application of ultrasonic waves.
- Explain the working of human ears
- Analyze the sound loudness using Bel and decibel units.
- Analyze the sound of different musical instrument and explain the formation of music from them
- Measure the frequency and velocity of wave by different experiments
- Apply the concepts to explain working of SONAR and RADAR.
After completing the course student will be able to -
- Define and apply the Fermat principle
- Explain and apply the concepts of image formation by multiple and thick lens systems
- Explain the different aberration in image formation
- Apply different techniques to remove the aberrations
- Define interference in waves
- Create the condition for interference in light
- Analyze the interference in different optical systems
- Define the Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and distinguish them.
- Apply the Fresnel diffraction concepts to explain the light’s behaviour in different conditions
- Analyze the gratings using Fraunhofer concepts
- Explain the different process at atomic level for light emission
- Explain the conditions of lasing action
- Elaborate the different laser systems
- Explain the holography and its applications in different fields
B.Sc. Part III
PAPER -I- Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Molecular Physics
After Completing course student will be able to
- Define Blackbody
- Describe Blackbody spectrum
- Explain Plank’s Radiation Law, Photoelectric effect and Compton effect
- Analyse and briefly explain Diffraction and interference of particles, Origin of Quantum Define Uncertainly principle and justify it.
- Apply the concept of uncertainty in various cases such as diffraction at a single slit, particle in a box and its applications (i) Nonexistence of electron in nucleus, (ii) Ground state energy of H-atom (iii) Ground slate energy of harmonic oscillator.
- Define and analyse Schrodinger equation- Time dependent and lime independent form.
- Explain significance of the wave function & its interpretation.
- Define probability current density and gives its physical significance
- Apply operators in quantum mechanics,
- Define fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics, eigen function and eigen value, degeneracy. orthogonality of eigen functions' commutation relations.
- Explain Ehrenfest theorem, concept of group and phase velocities, wave packet.
- Apply time independent Schrodinger equation and stationary state solution.
- Solve the problems like -particle in 1-D box and 3-D box
- Potential step and rectangular potential barrier. Calculation of reflection and transmission coefficient.
- Apply barrier problem for alpha decay (tunnel effect),
- Solve square well potential problem
- Apply the Schrodinger equation to 1-D harmonic oscillator
- Explain the hydrogen atom on the basis of Schrodinger equation.
- Explain the Hydrogen spectrum
- Analyze normal spectral lines, fine and hyperfine line by using spin of electron, vibration of bonding rotation of molecules
- Apply Raman Effect to find the molecular structure
Paper-II- Nuclear and Solid-State Physics
After Completing course student will be able to
- Explain the results of Rutherford theory of alpha particle scattering,
- Define and analyze the properties of nucleus- Quadrupole moment (Q.M)
- Determine the shape of nucleus using O.M.
- Explain and calculate the nuclear spin.
- Analyze the nuclear potential and elaborate properties of nuclear forces.
- Apply semiempirical mass formula
- Explain nuclear fission and fusion using nuclear liquid drop model
- Apply nuclear fission concepts to explain the nuclear reactor
- Explain the formation of energy in sun using nuclear fission
- Analyze the concepts to explain the working of particle detector and counter.
- Define lattice, Bravais crystal and miller indices
- Apply X-ray diffraction method to find the crystal structure
- Use the concept of phonon to explain the specific heat of solid
- Explain the conductivity of solid by understanding crystal structure and different theorems
Paper-III- Electronics and Solid-State Devices
After Completing course student will be able to
- Define Norton, thevenin etc. theorem
- Apply the theorem to analyze the circuits
- Explain the mechanism of formation of conductor and semiconductor
- Define semiconductor, holes
- Explain working of P-N junction
- Explain working of different semiconducting devices
- Apply semiconductor for rectification process
- Explain working of Transistor
- Elaborate the concepts to explain the different biasing of transistor
- Explain the Amplifier
- Apply the Amplifier in different mathematical process
- Define the Feedback in amplifiers
- Explain the oscillators on the basis of feedback in amplifier
Mathematics B.Sc.
(Mathematics) Programme Outcome
- Enabling students to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics as an interesting and valuable subject of study.
- Ability to analyze a problem, identify and which may be appropriate to its solution.
- Enhancing students’ overall development and xz solving skills, creative talent and power of communication necessary for
various kinds of employment.
- Ability to pursue advanced studies and research in pure and applied mathematical science.
Programme Specific Outcome of B.Sc. Mathematics
- Think in a critical manner.
- Formulate and develop mathematical arguments in a logical manner.
Course Outcomes
B.Sc.– Part I
Paper-I – Algebra
The students will be able to
- Learn to solve system of linear equation and its application, solve mastics, determinate, inverse metrics and rank of metrics and to find roots of cubic, biquadratic and carden and ferreris method, to find graphs, roots and primes integer, the significations of the notation of a group, subgroup, normal subgroup, and homomorphism.
Paper- II- Calculus
The students will be able to
- Describe the concepts and applications of derivative and higher order derivatives, partial derivatives, basic concepts of differentiation and integration, Introduction to curve, pedal equation and maximum or minimum, concept of asymptotes and envelopes and beta and gamma function, Quadrature ,volume, area of surface revolution, double and triple integral.
Paper- III- Vector Calculus
The students will be able to
- Student will able to Acquire the basic knowledge of vector differentiation and vector integration, Compute the curl, gradient and the divergence of vector and Evaluate line, surface, double and triple integral and use these integrals to verify the seminal integral theorems (Green’s theorem in the plane, Gauss’ divergence theorem and Stokes’ theorem)
- Students will be able to Find equation in various form sphere, cones, cylinder & central coincides and its applications.
B.Sc.– Part II
Paper- I- Higher Calculus
The students will be able to
- Gain Knowledge of fundamental concepts of real numbers, value of the limit of a function at a point, sequence and series, continuous functions, differentiable functions and related theorems and problem solving on MVT, Rolls, langrage’s, Taylors and maclaurins theorem.
Paper- II- Differential Equation
After Completing course student will be able to
- Understand the order, degree and various standard forms of differential equations.
- Determine solutions to first order linear differential equations and solutions to first order exact differential equations.
- Determine solutions to second order linear homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficient.
- Obtain power series solutions of differential equations and identify and obtain the solution of Clairaut’s equation.
- Acquire the idea of Monges method for solving the second order linear partial differential equations.
Paper- III- Mechanics
The students will be able to
- Explain basic idea of equilibrium condition, type of forces, geometry of the motion of particle in plane curve, i.e., position, velocity, and acceleration and how those quantities are related through calculus, Newton’s lows of motion and examines their application to wide variety of problems, forces and friction.
B.Sc.– Part III
Paper – I - Advanced Algebra
After Completing course student will be able to
- define ring and subrings, ideals and concept related to ideal, integral domains and fields.
- Introduction to vector space and subspace, the study of systems of Linear equations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Orthogonally and Diagonalization.
Paper - II – Analysis
The students will be able to
- Compute sums, products, quotients, conjugate, modulus, and argument of complex numbers · Define and analyse limits and continuity for complex functions as well as consequences of continuity. Students will be able to Conceive the concepts of analytic functions and will be familiar with the elementary complex functions, differentiability and power series expansion of analytic functions.
- Understand the basic methods of complex integration and its application in contour integration.
III- Numerical Analysis & Optimization Techniques
The students will be able to
- Students will be able to Understand the mathematical tools that are needed to solve optimization problems.
- Formulate the nonlinear programming models.
- Use some solution methods for solving the nonlinear optimization problems.
- Examine the appropriate numerical differentiation and integration methods to solve problem.
BSC. Zoology Program Outcomes
The department of Zoology as a course subject for undergraduate students gain knowledge and skill in the fundamentals of animal sciences, understands the complex interactions among various living organisms and analyze complex interactions among the various animals of different phyla their distribution and their relationship with the environment.
Program Specific Outcomes
1. Aware students about knowledge and skills in the fundamentals and systematics of Animal Kingdom.
2. Gain knowledge of anatomical structure and various metabolic functions of organs.
3. Understand various physiological processes at molecular level of animals from different phyla
4. Awareness about environment and its conservation processes, pollution control and its importance.
5. Gain knowledge for protection of vulnerable and endangered species.
6. Understand about various concepts of genetics and its importance in social well being
7. Information and skill advanced biological techniques for experimental purpose.
8. Develop empathy and love towards the animals.
Course Outcome
B Sc Part I Paper I- Taxonomy, Diversity and Functional Anatomy of Lower Non-Chordata
1. Ability to love and understand the fascinating world of Invertebrates
2. Get a concrete idea of the evolution, hierarchy and classification of Invertebrate phyla
3. Understand the basics of systematics by learning the diagnostic and general characters of various groups
4. They will acquire knowledge about acoelomate and pseudocoelomate parasites their lifecycles epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment
B Sc Part I Paper II- Taxonomy, Diversity and Functional Anatomy of Higher Non-Chordata
1. Imparts knowledge regarding the various Invertebrate species and the regulatory processes to safe guard them
2. With the study of this paper students gain knowledge in the area of responses to systematic position, general organization and affinities of Annelida to Echinodermata
B Sc Part I Paper III- Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology
1. Students will understand structure, positions and functions of plasma membrane and all cellular organelles in details.
2. They will acquire knowledge about chromosomes and cell divisions, mitosis and meiosis
3. Students will gain knowledge about Catabolism and Anabolism
4. Students will understand about various bacteria and viruses and diseases spread by them their diagnosis, symptoms and treatment
5. They will study about AIDS, SARS, secondary diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
B Sc Part I Practical
- Dissection of different systems of Invertebrate animals are to be studied such as Prawn, Pila and Unio
2. Permanent slides are prepared from different organs to study the details of their structures prepared by students
3.Prepared slides in this part to understand the structure and arrangement of different muscular regions
4. Study of Invertebrate specimens identified and classified the specimens which are present in the departmental museum
5. Detect carbohydrate, protein and fat in given food material using biochemical test
6. Identify the phases of cell division
7. They will come to know about cell membrane permeability
B Sc Part II Paper I- Chordata and Evolution
1. Students will understand the classification, structure, function and biology of chordates of different taxonomic classes
2. They will acquire knowledge about comparison of the following organ systems of vertebrates with special reference to evolutionary aspects Scoliodon, Rana, Uromastix, Columba, Oryctolagus. Study about integument, Alimentary canal, heart and evolution of aortic arches, respiratory system, urinogenital system
3. Students will have knowledge of evolutionary thought by Lamarckism, Darwinism, Origin of Life, Evidences of organic evolution, Genetic basis of evolution, Hardy Wein Berg’s Law, natural selection, isolation mechanism, variation, adaptation, with specific reference to flight adaptation, aquatic adaptation and desert adaptations
4. They will have knowledge of geological time scale, fossils, dating of fossils, principle Zoo geographical regions of the earth and their mammalian fauna, extinct forms: Archaeopteryx, Dinosaurs, Evolution of horse
B Sc Part II Paper II- Mammalian Physiology and Immunology
1. Students will know the physiology of digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion.
2. Understand the functions of important physiological systems including the cardio, respiratory, renal, reproductive and metabolic systems
3. Understand how these separate systems interact to yield integrated physiological responses
4. They will gain knowledge about nerve impulse and muscle contraction
5. Imparts in depth knowledge of tissues, cells, molecules involved in host defense mechanisms
6. Understanding of types of immunity
7. Interaction of antigens antibodies complements other immune components
8. Understanding the immune mechanisms in disease control, vaccination, process of immune interactions
B Sc Part II Paper III- Developmental Biology
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Discuss basic concepts and develop knowledge on major developing processes
2. Explain the development of different organs and organ systems
3. Analyze the mechanisms regulating developing processes
4. Evaluate the different technologies adopted in assisted reproduction
5. Apply the concepts in new area of developmental biology
B Sc Part II Practical
1. Dissection of different systems of Scolidon
2. Permanent slides are prepared from different organs to study the details of their structures prepared by students
3. Prepared slides in this part to understand the structure and arrangement of different muscular regions
4. Count total leucocytes and RBC from blood samples
5. Prepare temporary slide of various stages of chick embryo to identify different stages
6. Identify adaptations in animals
7. Explain the stages of human evolution
8. Explain the evidences of evolution
9. Estimation of Haematocrit value, total hemoglobin, blood coagulation time experiment, blood urea estimation, estimation of blood glucose level.
B Sc Part III Paper I- Mammalian Neuroendocrinology and Behavior
1. This paper gives idea about the glands which work inside the body and secretes a chemical called hormone. How it is classified, how it works and the regulation of these hormones are discussed here. It gives clear picture of its functions
2. Apply the knowledge of endocrinology to understand hormone related disorders
3. Explain the secretion and transportation of hormones to maintain homeostasis
4. Students will have knowledge of ovary and placenta, ovarian cycles and their neuroendocrine control, endocrinology of ovulation, implantation, parturition and lactation. Testis and testicular cycles and their hormonal control
5. Pheromones and their role in reproductive function and behavior
6. Understand the concepts of Ethology, methods of studying behavior and a brief idea about pheromones, biological clocks, orientation
7. Understand the concept of social behavior and social organization of Black Buck and rhesus Monkey. Social communications among animals.
8. Migration of fishes and cryo preservations
B Sc Part III Paper II- Genetics and Biotechnology
1. They will gain knowledge of Mendelian principles, interaction of genes, linkage and crossing over, human genetics, blood grouping
2. On completion of this course students are able to understand about the genetic material (Nucleic acids) and DNA replication
3. Understand about various types of RNA and process of Transcription and Translation
4. Understand the genetic code, Mendelism and multiple Allelism
5. Understand the concept of gene and gene interaction and sex-linked inheritance
6. Understand the terms Mutation, Eugenics, Gene Regulation, Cytoplasmic inheritance
7. They will come to know elementary idea about genetic engineering, gene cloning and recombinant DNA technology
8. Students will learn microbes in Medicines, Antibiotics, Vaccine, Antibodies, Antigens
9. They will learn about environmental biotechnology: use of microorganisms in metal and petroleum recovery, pest control, waste treatment, processing of industrial waste
10. Use of food and drink biotechnology
11. Monoclonal antibodies and their applications
B Sc Part III Paper III- Animal Ecology and Biostatistics
1.The students will be able to identify and critically evaluate their own belief, values and actions in relation to professional and societal standards of ethics and its impact on ecosystem and biosphere due to the dynamics in population
2. The learner will be able to link the intricacies of food chain and food web and link it with human life for its betterment and for non-exploitation of the biotic and abiotic components
3. To study population, community ecosystem, zoo geographical distribution of animals, wildlife conservation, pollution, etc.
4. Students will have knowledge of fresh water lentic habitat, lotic habitat, deep sea fauna, marine habitat, estuarine habitat; their fauna and adaptations
5. They will learn about concept of ecosystem. Trophic levels – food chain, food web and energy flow in an ecosystem
6. Biostatistics teaches them to use the best data analysis methods in their research projects
7. Students will gain knowledge about statistical methods of measure of central tendencies, probability
8. Learns the problem-solving methods
B Sc Part III Practical
1. Study of museum specimen, identified and classified the specimen of phylum Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals
2. They gain knowledge from the prepared slides, the structure and arrangement of different cells in endocrine glands
3. Measurement of various parameters of water such as pH, CO2, O2, Cl, salinity, alkalinity and acidity
4. They will learn about antennal grooming in cockroach, study of photo tactic response of Tribolium,response of Paramecium towards stimulus.
5. They will understand about construction of frequency tables, histogram, polygons, pie charts, mean, median, mode, t-test and Chi square test
Commerce Faculty
1: After completing three years for Bachelors in Commerce (B.Com.) program, students would gain a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of Commerce and Finance. Especially for the students it will give the scope for self-employment as well as for getting good jobs of the competitive market.
2: The commerce and finance focused curriculum offers a number of specializations and practical exposures which would equip the student to face the modern-day challenges in commerce and business.
3: Learners will be able to prove proficiency with the ability to engage in competitive exams like CA, CS, ICWA and other courses.
Program Specific Outcome / Course Outcome:
B.Com Part I
- Financial Accounting: After completing this course student will be able to have an insight into the basics of Accounting Concepts and Principles to have the foot hold in Accounts. Preparing accounting information for planning and control and for the evaluation of finance. Students will be familiarized with the concept of Branch account and its system and to understand the Scope of departmental accounting. student will be able to proper accounts of any organization.
Paper- II
- Business Statistics: After completing this course students will be able to acquire new skills on the application of statistical tools and techniques in Business decision-making. Student will be familiarizing with the concept of statistics. This course will support student to analysis statistical research.
B.Com Part II
- Income Tax (B.COM II): Students will be able to demonstrate progressive learning of various tax issues and tax forms related to individuals. By this student will learn basic concepts in Income-Tax. To help them to apply the provisions and complete incomes under various heads. It helps to build an idea about income of an individual and its tax. It helps students to understand provisions of tax for individual, firm and HUF.
Paper- II
- Cost Accounting (B.COM II): It will make students familiarize with the basic concepts of cost and various methods and techniques of costing. Aimed to familiarize the concept of cost accounting. Helps to gather knowledge on preparation of cost sheet in its practical point of view. it facilitates the idea and meaning of material control with pricing methods. It will support student to calculate the cost of any project.
B.Com Part III
- Corporate Accounting (B.COM III): After completing this course students will be able to understand and appreciate the Provisions of the companies act 2013. It will give them an exposure to calculate the value of Goodwill and shares. Students can get an idea about internal reconstruction.
Paper- II
- Taxation (GST And Audit) (B.COM III): The learning Goods and Services Tax (GST) enables the commerce students and the business community to ease interaction with GST authorities. Especially for the students it will give the scope for self- employment as well as for getting good jobs of the competitive market. To enable the students to learn the concepts indirect tax and GST from the pre-GST period to post- GST period.
Business Management
Course outcome
Business Management
B.Com. Part-I
Paper-I Principles of management
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Evaluate the global content for taking managerial actions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
- Assess managerial practices and choices relative to ethical principles and standards.
- Apply their knowledge into management practices.
- Specify how the managerial functions can be executed in a variety of circumstances and with different type of people/employees.
Paper-II Business law
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Define various important terminologies of the different acts of Business Law like The Indian contract Act, The Sale of goods Act, Consumer Protection Act etc.
- Apply the knowledge at the time of making an agreement or contract.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic business or commercial law.
- Identify the contract remedies and transactions involving the sale of goods.
B.Com. Part -II
Paper-I-Company Law
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Describe the company and its types, management and various provisions regarding operation of company.
- Plan to incorporate a company according to requirement.
- Demonstrate knowledge of companies act while employed in a company.
- Predict various jobs opportunities in corporate sector.
Paper-II –Principles of Marketing.
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Design their marketing management career.
- Analyze business environment with different aspects like Economic, Social, Ethical, and behavioral etc.
- Select a new market opportunity.
- Apply the knowledge concepts to face various challenges and issues of marketing in present era.
B.Com. Part-III
Paper-I Insurance
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Define the life and general insurance and distinguish between the two.
- Analyze current insurance plans with investment point of view.
- Demonstrate knowledge of insurance contracts and various provisions.
- Develop skills to facilitate insurance product cost, pricing, marketing and distribution.
Paper –II Industrial law
After the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Explain the different types of terminologies under various industrial acts.
- Discuss different types of health and welfare provisions of workers.
- Outline the important causes and impact of industrial disputes.
- Prepare a healthy environment in their workplace to establish good Industrial relations.
- Elaborate industrial dispute settlement procedure.
B.Com. Part I
Students completing this course will be able to:
- Explain the role of business economics in Business decisions and business forecasting, basic Economic Problem with various Concepts of National Income.
- Analyze price and output determination under different market structure along with the concept of revenue and cost.
- Evaluate the consumer equilibrium and producer’s equilibrium
- Discuss theories of Rent, Wages, Interest and Profit.
Students completing this course will be able to:
- Discuss the Factors Affecting Economic Environment, Indian Economy, Impact of Economic Reforms on Indian Economy, Major Problems of Indian Economy, Economic Growth and Development, Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy, World Trade Organization and Indian Agriculture
- Explain the importance and objectives of Economic Planning, Agricultural Credit, Agricultural Productivity in India, New Agricultural Strategy and Green Revolution, Basic characteristics of Economy of Rajasthan, Role of Public Sector in India and its Problems, Dairy Development Programme and Tourism Development in Rajasthan, Constraints in Economic Development of Rajasthan and Remedies.
- Outline the Main Features of Indian Planning with Special Reference to Five Year Plans World Trade Organization and Indian Agriculture, Small Scale Industries and Handicrafts.
- Demonstrate the problems of Unemployment, Poverty and Disparity of Income and Wealth, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneur, Role of Multinational Corporations in Indian Economy.
B. Com. Part II
Students completing this course will be able to:
- Explain Functions of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Financial Analysis and Balance Sheet, Techniques of Financial Analysis, Preparation of Statement of Changes in Working Capital, Preparation of Cash Flow Statement, Dividend Models and Their Relevance.
- Discuss Significance of Ratio Analysis, types of Ratios, Fund Flow Analysis, Working Capital Management, Cost-Volume- Profit Analysis, Factors affecting Inventory Level and Techniques of Inventory Control, Factors affecting Dividend Policy.
- Outline the Difference between Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement, Financial Planning and Forecasting, Concept of the Cost, Factors affecting Capital Budgeting
Students completing this course will be able to:
- Discuss the Type of Money, Value of Money, Quantity Theory of Money, Fisher, Cambridge & Keynes Approach, Importance of Money Market, Structure, Constituents, Instruments, Characteristics, Sources of Difference in Rates of Interest, Importance of Cash less Economy, Importance and challenges in Present Indian Economy
- Explain Recent Trends in Indian Money Market, Inflation and Deflation, Monetary Policy and Techniques of Credit Control, Fiscal Policy, Meaning of core & Internet Banking and their types, Basics of Electronic Data interchange (EDI).
- Outline the Main Components of Financial System, Recent Trends in Indian Capital Market, Banking and Financial System Reforms, RBI Functions, Credit Policy in Present Setting and its Limitations.
B.Com. Part III
Students completing this course will be able to:
- Discuss Business Budgets and Budgeting: Preparation of budgets, budget co-ordination. Essentials of an effective Budgeting, Forms of Cash Budget, Forecasting, Steps in the preparation of Performance Budgets, Standard Costing, Analysis of Variance.
- Explain Analysis of the current budget of the Govt. of India and Rajasthan, Essentials of Business Forecasting, Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting.
- Outlines of Zero-Base Budgeting, Reporting to Management and Information system.
Students completing this course will be able to:
- Explain Importance of International Trade, Problems of International Trade, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Foreign Aid to India, Patents, Determination of Foreign Exchange Rate, Exchange Control in India, Role of FEMA and RBI in Foreign Exchange System.
- Discuss World Trade Organisation, GATT, Uruguay Round, World Trade Organization and its Objectives, Functions, WTO and India.
- Outline of GATS, TRIPs, TRIM, UNCTAD, EXIM Bank of India, ECGC of India.