Legal Education has to face the challenges in the new millennium in the wake of global changes taking place in Economic, Political and Social set-up. The services of dedicated and professionally competent advocates are necessary to meet such challenges. This is precisely what Govt. Law College is striving for. Apart from bringing for the a generation of competent lawyers and judges who readily respond to the needs of the citizens, the college also endeavors to inculcate legal awareness in society, thus bringing the law closer to the needy and the deserving. To achieve this goal, the college imparts legal education in a distinctly different manner. The advantage is that the students will be familiarized with the legal issues confronting the people and will be urged to find, interpret and analyze the law and relate it to real life problems. Therefore, Govt. Law College has a primary mission of creating a generation of able competent and humane lawyers who will not only enter the Bar & bench but will also be equipped to address effectively the imperatives of the new millennium.