About the department
Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of physical infrastructure with aim to provide basic amenities to masses. With the changing global scenario we have introduced “Sustainable development for all “as major part of our theme. The department of civil engineering, being oldest discipline, is part of government polytechnic college Jodhpur since 1958. Since , then it has flourished under esteemed guidance of academicians.
The department of Civil engineering, government polytechnic college Jodhpur, is carrying out its academic and professional responsibilities as per norms of all concerned authorities. Along with incubating future Civil engineers we specialize in carrying out various authentic Testing facilities for various disciplines per BIS standards. With our well equipped laboratories and professional staff members we are providing consultancy services to various state/central departments from last 20 years.
Faculty at glance Load Teaching Faculty
1. | Sh. Suresh Rathi | Head of Department | M.E B.E. | Profile |
2. | Sh. Virendra Singh Saini | Lecturer | M.E B.E. | Profile |
3. | Sh. Pushpendra Kumar Choudhary | Lecturer | M.E B.E. | Profile |
4. | Sh.Amit Purohit | Lecturer | Ph.D. M.E B.E. | Profile |
5. | Smt. Lalita Meena | Lecturer | B.E. | Profile |
6. | Sh.Puneet Hiranandani | Lecturer | M.E B.E. | Profile |
7. | Sh.Pankaj Jakhar | Lecturer | M.Tech.B.E. | Profile |
8. | Smt. Vandana Parajapat | Lecturer | B.E. | Profile |
9. | Sh. Brajesh Dhadhich | Technician | ||
10. | Sh. Deepak Mathur | Technician |
1. Applied Mechanics Laboratory
2. AutoCad Laboratory
3. Concrete Technology Laboratory
4. Drawing and Model Laboratory
5. Highway engineering Laboratory
6. Material Testing Laboratory
7. Public health engineering Laboratory
8. Soil Engineering Laboratory
9. Survey Engineering Laboratory