Admission 2023-24
BCom First Year FInal Admitted Students 2021-22
BA First Year FInal Admitted Students 2021-22
BSc Maths First Year FInal Admitted Students 2021-22
BSc Bio First Year FInal Admitted Students 2021-22
Admission Process for 2021-22 session has started. Please apply through admission link for admission
Final Admiteed List 2018
BA Ist Year Final Admited List 2018
BCom Ist Year Final Admitted List 2018
B. Sc. Biology Ist year FInal Admited List 2018
B. Sc. Maths Ist Year Final Admitted List 2018
College Prospectus2018-19
Admission Process for 2018-19 session has started. Please apply through admission link for admission
List of students admitted for 2017-18 in the Iyear of different faculties through online admission is as follows
3. BCom Iyear
4. BA Iyear