ROLES OF Industry-Institute Interaction Cell:
- To give industrial exposure to Faculty members and students, thus enabling them to tune their Knowledge to cope with the industrial culture
- To organize Workshop on trending technologies by experts in the field
- To assist the Departments in organizing workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the industries
- Encouraging Engineers from industries to visit institution to deliver lectures
- To organize industrial visits for Faculty members and students
- To coordinate/ identify industrial partners for proposing ‘Centre for Excellence’.
- To assist the Training and Placement Division
- Visit of industry executives and practicing engineers to the institute for seeing research work and laboratories
- Memorandum of Understanding between the institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer
- Visits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.
- Memoranda of Understanding between the Institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer.
- Visiting faculty/professors from industries.
- Practical training of students in industries
- Memorandum of Understanding between the institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer