Shri Dharam Chand Gandhi Jain Government College Behror 

                             Best Practices  



Title of the practice

Grow Trees to Preen our Campus Green.

Objectives of the Practice

  • As the title suggests that whole college family understands the importance of greenery and we want our students to understands the value and importance of growing trees.
  • The objective of tree plantation is to sensitize the students towards importance of trees.
  •  The purpose of tree plantation is to save the endangered environment and to beautify our campus as well as our life.
  • To spread the message ‘save trees, save life.
  • To create awareness among the students regarding the importance of ecology and the natural environment.
  • Trees are ultimate source of producing oxygen for the environment and reduce the level of Co2 that is carbon dioxide.


As the world is facing the problem of global warming and other environment related issues. The idea behind the plantation of trees is to spread the message that planting the trees helps to maintain clear ecofriendly environment reduces pollution and improves the green ambience.

Evidence of success

NCC, NSS, Rangers & Rovers take regular initiatives in order to inculcate in students the importance of clean and lush green environment through various awareness programmes, rallies, plantation programmes etc. on various days such as Environment Day, Harit Rajasthan Abhiyan, Khejadi Balidan  Diwas and many other days.

Problems encountered & resource required

Main problem in keeping the campus green as well as planting trees is termite soil. College takes various initiative to make the soil termite free.

  • No funds are allocated to fulfil the purpose. So funds should be allocated to serve the purpose.
  • As this college is a government body and we have very limited resources such as man power etc.
  • It is a great challenge to plant the trees on the college ground because the soil of the college is not only termite soil but it is a big barren land and to grow anything on this type of land is not easy.
  • Next problem is to manage the availability of water for land and plants. Accepting these challenges college took help from an NGO ‘Manav Jagrati  Manch’ for planting approximately 2000 medicinal, shady and other useful plants and maintain them.

Upload description & other information

 Green Audit Report


Plantation Programme in the College







Emphasis on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Objectives of the practice

Another best practice that is followed by the college is to impart education through information and communication technology (ICT) which again, impacts students’ learning and knowledge retention capacity in the best way possible. Use of ICT in academics and administration is way to enhance competencies in teaching, learning and research. Students come from different socio-economic backgrounds with little or no access to ICT for learning, use of ICT has positive impact on the learning experience of such students as it helps them to develop aptitude from descriptive to analytical, from academic to practical and to decide their future career goals better.

  • The main objective of this practice is to ensure students to learn prescribed syllabus with very effective way to gain knowledge.
  • The aim of ICT is to fulfil the gap between traditional method and innovative method of teaching & learning.
  • It is one of the essential facilities for the students to cope up with contemporary challenges.

Its Context

The college envisions setting up high standards of academics where excellence is achieved through hard work, dedication and intelligence. The college is situated in the semi urban area surrounded by rural areas. Students of the area is not much aware about the innovative process of teaching learning to gain knowledge.

The practice

College understands the need of the time and prepare students and make them aware and friendly about new technologies to impart education for their holistic development so they can accept challenges in the future.

The importance of ICT was gravely felt when the country was hit by the pandemic COVID-19, faculty members started using digital platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Google meet etc.  to conduct lectures, practical sessions and various other activities.

Evidence of success

College is imparting education through information and communication technology (ICT) which again, impacts students’ learning and knowledge retention capacity in the best way possible. Use of ICT in academics and administration is way to enhance competencies in teaching, learning and research. Students come from different socio-economic backgrounds with little or no access to ICT for learning, use of ICT has positive impact on the learning experience of such students as it helps them to develop aptitude from descriptive to analytical, from academic to practical and to decide their future career goals better.

There are four Smart Classrooms for conducting lectures, practical sessions etc. and one fully digital seminar hall for organizing various academic and awareness programs. Internet facilities are provided to all the departments of the college. College website is developed for presenting and providing information related to college activities as well as for student support services.

[website link:]

Syllabus related video lectures were provided by the educators on the college YouTube channel which gave the easy access of the study material to the students. As per the directions of the Commissionerate of College Education, Rajasthan, an online platform named as ‘GC Behror Rajiv Gandhi E-Content Bank’ was created by the college in order to provide the students with the consolidated study material of all the subjects at a single destination.


Problems encountered & resource required

Many students do not have android phones nor they have computers for practice at home.

As the students are coming from the rural background many of them do not have internet connection at home. So powerful internet is required in the college to meet up the need and challenge to teach and make the students familiar to new technologies and prepared them for future challenges. College on its part trying to impart education through new and innovative technologies. In order to fulfil its aim college has one lease line connection, few fft connection and some dongles etc. to meet the requirements of the students as well as faculty members.