Dear students,

In the new academic session 2022-23, I warmly welcome the newcomer students to the college. Student's college period is the golden period of life, young students are the basis of the progress of any country and society and the future of the nation. My request to all the students is that by attending regular classes in the college, they become a partner in nation-building while developing their intellectual, physical and spiritual development. True education is the vehicle of equality, harmony, friendship and collective feeling. So the students should be oriented towards this ideal of higher education.

The years of student life are years of concentrated hard work and intense study. The hard work and in-depth study done in these years makes the future life happy, prosperous, and useful for the nation and society. Therefore, the student has to decide at his own discretion that he has to work hard and be happy in life.

For academic upgradation and updated text material, DELNET facility is available in the college library through which international level university books can be used. The college has facilities for soft skills, use of hard skills, student counselling centre, internet facility, National Cadet Corps Unit, Rover Ranger, National Service Scheme, Youth Development Centre, Consumer Club, spacious playground and sports material. All the students should use these facilities as much as possible for a bright future. Innovation and Skill Development Centre is run for the students in the college, through which students can get training and get oriented towards employment. Free coaching classes are arranged for the students in the Competition Efficiency Project. By studying in these classes, students can get success in competitive examinations.

Only the students who have respect and faith in the teachers are eligible to acquire knowledge. Therefore, it is the duty of the students to play a relevant role for the society and the country by earning success with strong willpower and hard work, while giving full respect to their teachers.

With best wishes for a bright future.


(Dr. Gopal Singh)
