Student union of SCRS Government College Sawai Madhopur is a vital component of college campus as it serves as the official representative body for the student community. It acts as a platform to voice the concerns, needs, and aspirations of the student body to college administration and external authorities and to advocate for students' rights, welfare, and interests, ensuring their voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes. Student unions foster a sense of belonging and community among students. SU organize various social, cultural, and recreational activities that promote interaction, networking, and the development of long-lasting friendships. SU also provide a range of essential services to students, including academic support, counselling, career guidance, and access to resources. They can also establish initiatives to help students facing financial difficulties or other challenges. The SU- SCRS GC SM participate in the formulation and implementation of college policies, ensuring that students' perspectives are taken into account. The student union's roles in this college revolve around fostering a positive campus environment, promoting student well-being, empowering student voices, and enhancing the overall college experience for every student and to bridge the gap between the students and the administration, creating a more inclusive and student-centred educational environment.

Lingdoh Committee Report on Student Union Election in India


  1. सोमवार (22-अगस्त-2022) से स्नातक व स्नातकोत्तर की सभी कक्षा�"ं के  विधार्थियों  को  छात्र वोटर कार्ड ( Student Voter Card) जारी किया जाएगा। 
  2. इसके लिए विद्यार्थी को स्वयं उपस्थित रहना होगा। विधार्थी  को मूल आधार कार्ड & नवीनतम प्रवेश शुल्क जमा रसीद & विश्वविद्यालय मुख्य परीक्षा - 2022 प्रवेश पत्र लाना होगा 
  3. प्रवेश पत्र 25.08.2022 को सायं 05.00 बजे तक ही वितरित किये जायेगें