Research and innovation are the pillars of quality education. The National Education Policy 2020 states that quality education builds on quality research in the institutes of higher education. Only a dynamic education setup encompassing active teaching, extensive learning, research, innovation and technology development can answer the social challenges to realise the dream of a self-reliant India. The research potential of Universities and HEIs play a vital role in imparting quality education.

The meticulously designed research policy commensurates with the vision of the college to become viable in the era of globalization with social and national commitment. The institution has 11 registered Research supervisors. scholars have been awarded Ph. D degree and more than 20 research scholars are enrolled and pursuing Ph. D under them. 

We have 2 Minor UGC Research Projects, one PDF and TRF, completed in the post Cycle II accreditation period. The prioritized research areas of the college are Subaltern  and gender issues, socio- economic development,  agriculture and industrial development,  An impressive record of 110 research articles published in UGC-CARE listed Journals/ national/international/ peer reviewed journals with ISSN number, 183 chapters/ books/papers in conference proceedings (with ISBN) are to the credit of the faculty.

Major Research Areas
Faculty of Arts
Literature Resources
Literature Resources
Open Source Journals and Database
National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)
E-PG Pathshala
Important Circulars
1.Guidelines For Research Fellowships
2 State Fellowship for NET/SET Qualified Research Scholars.
3. NET/SET Guideline 
4. Seminar/ Conference  Support Guidelines