Best practice 

                                     Best Practice - I

Title: Active participation in co- curricular and extra curricular activities by all the students.

 Goal :

Co-curricular activities  make a horizon for systematic and meaningful learning opportunities and prepare students for future. Now a days in this competitive environment the overall personality development of students is must. So our aim is to educate our students in such a way that along with academic activities they must participate in extra curricular and   co- curricular activities. We find the value crisis in present scenario, so our goal is to train students with moral and ethical values and are prepared to serve society and nation.

The context:

Since the establishment of the college various extra curricular and co- curricular activities are conducted. Students are encouraged to take part in cultural and creative activities. Most of the students belong mainly to agricultural families and most of them are from rural background. Their social cultural and financial backdrop is a big hurdle for them to be fit in this competitive scenarios.

 The practice:

In order to develop qualities like leadership, patriotism, national service etc. through co- curricular activities, various cells were established. Activities are conducted by woman cell, NSS, Students union and other cells of the college throughout the year and students are encourage to participate in these events.  

One day and seven day camps are organized by NSS every Year, many important objective are attained through these camps. Students educate people about current issue Cultural week is organized every year in which along with cultural activities some creative activities are also performed.

Under regular NSS activities students actively participates. Members of NSS work day and night to encourage literacy. They educate people about measures of population control and family planning. Students are motivated to grow more and more new plants so that environment is made clean and green. Rehabilitation programmes are carried out so that people are made aware of the ill effects of drinking and related health issues.



Awareness campaign is organized, wherein people are given information about causes, effects and precautions/safety measures related to some common disease. ‘Valuing girls as the precious gift of god’ is one major objective which NSS volunteers impart  to people. People are made aware of ill-effects of social abuses like early marriage, dowry system, sexual harassment, parda system, female feticide and many more such issues in various camps of NSS. One village is adopted by NSS volunteers in the nearby community. They take care of the village, give education to villagers, make them aware about health and hygiene, and carry out plantation in that village. Students also look after the cleanliness of college campus.

Lectures from experts of different fields and local industrialist are organized from time to time under regular activities of Youth development center.

                         Evidence of success:

There can be no set parameters to measure success. When it come to evaluate success in reference to co- curricular activities it is not easy. All we can do is to observe the changes taking place in the students while they are part of our institution.

  The participation percentage in our activities has increased to a satisfying level over the years. Many students volunteer take part in social programs actively.

Problem encountered and resources required:

The ultimate measures of a man is not where he stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. To achieve a particular goal we face some or other problem. Inspite of   talent in students they are not allowed to go to other places to participate in state level competitions by parents with rural background. Students of our college are basically from rural or semi urban areas. So initially they are not acquainted with the extra curricular & co – curricular activities, developing a repo with them and convincing them to be a part of co- curricular activities is a big challenge. Due to covid situations there were some restrictions inspite we organized sufficient activities for overall development of students.   


                                     Best Practice II

         Title: Women Empowerment

     Goal :

Being Women college and majority of students come from drought and famine-ravaged rural areas, where there is miserable conditions of utter poverty, illiteracy, ill-health and superstitions. Thus they are doubly affected by the backwardness and discrimination. So, the college has taken up the cause of Women Empowerment for the students with the objectives of


 The place of women in Indian society is vulnerable. Therefore women have been becoming victims of the patriarchy. In and out women have been exploited. In spite the governmental or nongovernmental efforts to safeguard the rights of women. As a result women centric challenge issues such as social, educational, economic, political and psychological etc. In order to address such features & challenges in our college the Women cell works.

Women are biologically weak or psychologically strong still have been harassed in the academic and non-academic sector of the society. In order to empower and strengthen, they should be counselled in case of living life as social, educational, economic, political and psychological etc.

• Parents, especially in rural areas, are hesitant to send their girl children to pursue their higher education or to take up a job. This attitude acts like a block to economic independence of women.

 • In some families young women are well educated to make them eligible to adorn executive positions or to undertake entrepreneurial ventures. But other members of the family playing the decisive role may not permit her to take up such assignments. Eventually her economic independence is challenged.


Women empowerment initiatives are practised through curriculum, seminars,  club activities, entrepreneurial ventures, sports, governance practices and cultural activities.

• Organizing debates and discussions on gender equality to enable the students to realize gender sensitization, thus leading to more equality and harmony in family and society..

• Development of vocational and technical skills among the women students by providing special training to enable them to become independent earners of their living.

• Organizing the exclusive health camps for women students by women doctors and conducting awareness programmes on the importance of sanitation, personal hygiene and prevention of seasonal diseases.

                          Evidence of success:

 • Courses on women empowerment facilitate interactive mechanism between learners and teachers resulting in conceptual clarity to learners. • Departmental webinar explore successful empowerment strategies.  • Women empowerment committee members meet regularly and organises various programs related to it. Recently various activities were organised and large number of students actively participated.

The objects of our institution are regularly observed by the college stakeholders through various activities conducted by the departments. The target of such activities is to strengthen or empower women.

             Problem encountered and resources required:

Our institution is situated in the rural area. In spite of the scientific development and invention, novel aspirants who have been socially committed and academically sound could not be managed easily by the institution. Therefore it is strenuous to seek and invite to address such issues and challenges easily. It means that while practicing the Women cell had faced the problems regarding the resource persons and finance. In our college newly admitted students are from the diverse sections of society. Therefore, they wouldn’t get mingled with the college campus. To overcome their strangeness our Cell has been Headed by the female faculty. As a result students could easily interact with them in all respects. In order to address the issues of the society like gender, the said platform becomes successful in some extent. Lastly we are in short of staff so it is not easy to manage things smoothly.