The college is situated in the rural area of Barmer district. In fact the area is surrounded by small villages where we have poor infrastructure. The higher educational institute with high class education and reliable environment are rare . The college caters to the need of college education in this poor social economic background where most of the girls are from backward classes of the society . The institute has gained distinctiveness by attaining a reputation of  being reliable and best center for higher education.

DRJ Girls College, Balotra has a well-built ethical commitment to provide equal opportunities to all individuals irrespective of gender, caste, and religion, political or other opinion. This college fulfills its objective to establishment of girls college for promotion of education to all girls of this district. College always works in the direction of the overall development of the student. To accomplish this along with the regular curriculum, various programme regarding women empowerment , National Unity Ethics Cultural exchange under cultural and literary activities , NSS , Women Cell, YDC, EBSB are organized through different committee. 

The college celebrates INDRADHANUSH Programme  every year in which variouscultural activities are held. Girls enthusiastically participate in this program.

The college encourages students to go on public meetings where they can gain more knowledge about our culture and tradition from the people. Ithelps students in terms of their inspiration and learning the diversity of Rajasthani culture.

The core values of truthfulness, honesty, mutual understanding cooperation, righteousness carried from homes, schools are further promoted through various activities at college. Such values are supported by programs and extracurricular activities highlighting moral/ethical values of our national leaders through their birth anniversary celebrations or contributions such as blood donation, collection for army day celebrations. Value inculcation is also made by celebrations various commemorative days either national or international

The college ensures that its vision and mission, in every aspect, is reflected in the personality of the outgoing students as well.

With the mutual coordination of faculties and committees, we try our best to touch every aspect of the womanhood so that the girl student while leaving the college enrolment, is humble but strong empowered being.

Students are made awarded of their physical and mental health through sports athletics, self defense trainings, health checkups and seminars, stress management programmes etc.

Scientific temperament is build up through science association which conducts academic activities.

Business ethics are inculcated through commerce association.


Legal Literacy issues

Programmes on legal literacy regarding women related issues are also organized in the college. Burning issues of social concern, relevant and imparting social responsibility through Gender equity, gender literacy, Gender Sensitization, Anti foeticidal rallies and campaigns etc. are some of the efforts the college makes to empower their girl students who are future mothers and the foundation of the future society.

Ensure safe, healthy and hygienic environment for the girl students

Women harassment grievance redressed cell had been established in the college. However, there has been no case registered to this cell. This is due to the implementation of discipline and regular counseling of the students.

Campaign ‘’Daughters are Precious” has been operated in the college. To solve the problem of health and hygiene.

§  The college is continuously practicing to achieve target in accepting new challenges and inculcating moral values into students. Our institution takes full measures regarding environmental awareness through discouraging use of plastics, thermocol items for food and beverages purposes.

§  To discourage the use of polythene bags, the Eco-club initiated and awareness drive in the city market and distributed Self- made cloth bags to the general public purchasing fruits, vegetables etc.

§  The institution being a government body, follows all the schemes implemented by them for the promotion of the economically and socially weaker section. Since a large number of girls hail from the adjoining rural areas, there is quite a big group of beneficiaries.

§  Women empowerment is added through schemes of Government of Rajasthan who provides- Free basic education for girl child.

§  Scooties to the MBC and general category girls with I division.

§  Scholarships to SC, ST, OBC and General category girl students of EWS.

§  Udaan Yojana- helpsto improve health and hygiene conditions of girls through sanitary napkin distribution scheme.

§  All the faculty members bear their moral responsibility to cater the girl students with values like discipline, moral values, respect to teachers & fellow students & mutual coordination.