Institutional Preparedness for NEP 2020 |
1. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary |
2. Academic bank of credits (ABC): As per the instructions of the affiliating University, ABC has been implemented from 2023-24 session. |
3. Skill development: The institution is planning to introduce courses on Skill Development, though we do not enjoy autonomy in this area. |
4. Appropriate integration of Indian Knowledge system (teaching in Indian Language, culture, using online course): Sanskrit is offered at UG level whereas Hindi is offered at both UG and PG level. All courses except languages are also offered in Hindi medium as per the policy of the affiliating university. The college provide Jainology as an optional subject at both UG and PG level. And this is the only government college in the state to offer PG in Jainology. |
5. Focus on Outcome based education (OBE): We do not have a dedicated evaluation system and rely on annual examinations conducted by the affiliating university. Performance in university examinations are taken as a measure of outcome. University results are stored in the form of TRs and excel sheets (Tabulation registers) received from university. |
6. Distance education/online education: The faculty members upload videos on the college YouTube channel ‘SBD Govt.College Sardarshahar’ for the benefit of the students. E-content is shared with the students through social media and available on the institutional website. Distance Education is not available in the college. |
Criterion 1 Curricular Aspects | Criterion 2 Student Enrollment and Profile | Criterion 3 Research, Innovations and Extension |
Criterion 4 Infrastructure and Learning Resources | Criterion 5 Student Support and Progression | Criterion 6 Governance, Leadership and Management |
Criterion 7 Institutional Values and Best Practices | DVV Extended Profile Deviations 1.1 | Clarifications Metrics 2.1.2, 3.3.1, 3.4.3, 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 6.3.3, 6.5.2, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, |