Academic Calendar 2020-21

Academic Calendar 2019-20

Academic Calendar 2018-19

Academic Calendar 2018-19 (English Translated)

Institutional Two Best Practices

Student feed Back Form

Procedures and Policies 

Students Satisfaction Survey Report 2018-19 

Course Outcomes, Programme Outcomes 2018-19 

Institutional Dintiguishness

AQAR 2018-19

Course Outcomes, Programme Outcomes and Programme Specific Outcomes 2019-20

SSSR 2019-20

AQAR 2019-20

Feed Back 2020-21

SSSR 2020-21

Course Outcomes, Programme Outcomes and Programme Specific Outcomes 2020-21

Code of Conduct for Students

Code of Conducts for Teaching and Non-teaching Staff

Gender Equality and Sensitisation Plans 2020-21

Safety and Security in the College

Institutional Distinguishness 2020-21

Sensitization of Students and Employees of Institute 2020-21

FDP by Faculty Members

IQAC Meeting Minutes

Conferences organised during Last Five years

Extension Activities

Best Practices 2021-22

AQAR 2020-21

Feed Back 2021-22

SSSR 2021-22

SSR 2023

AQAR 2021-22

Institutional Distinctiveness

Academic Calendar 2022-23