Year of establishment: April, 1984
Rajasthan state has been divided into five major agro-climatic zones. Each zone is further sub divided into two sub-zones. Thus, there are ten agro-climatic zones in all under National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) launched in the state in 1981. The zones have been formed on the basis of differences in physiography, rainfall, soil types, availability of irrigation water and existing cropping pattern. The Agricultural Research Station, Fatehpur-Shekhawati is one of the agro-climatic zone IIa is called as Transitional Plain of Inland Drainage. This zone covers four districts namely Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Nagaur and eastern part of Churu district. It is located on national highway-11, around seven kilometers away from the town towards Jaipur. This station was established on 1984. The sub-station of this zone was established at Nagaur during NARP-II phase, which has come to function December 1993.
The Transitional Plain of Inland Drainage (zone IIa) comprising the districts of Sikar, Jhunjhunu, Nagaur and eastern Churu (Churu, Taranagar and Rajgarh tehsils) is situated between 260 21’ N to 280 58’ N latitude and 730 05’ E to 760 05’ E longitude and is bordered by Haryana state and Hanumangarh district in the north; Haryana state, Alwar and Jaipur districts in the east; Jaipur, Ajmer, Pali and Jodhpur districts in the south; and Bikaner and Jodhpur districts in the west. The geographical area of the zone is about 36.9 lakh hectares, which represents 10.8 per cent of the total area of the state. In all, 25 tehsils fall in the zone.
The gross irrigated area in the zone is 910 thousand hectares during 2008-09. Wells and tube wells are main source of irrigation. Other sources are negligible share in the irrigation. The irrigated area found in the zone is nearly 10.08% of the state irrigated area. The net irrigated area is 725 thousand hectares during 2008-09. The maximum area under irrigation was found in Nagaur district followed by Sikar, Jhunjhunu and Churu district.
The zone has 6 distinct micro farming situations. Major crops grown in this zone are pearlmillet (34.1%), cluster bean (12.3 %), mothbean (8.3 %), cowpea (2.7 %), mungbean (2.8 %) in kharif and mustard (9.2 %), chickpea (9.7 %), wheat (6.6 %) and barley (1.3 %) in Rabi of total cropped area of the zone. However, sesame, cotton, sorghum, groundnut, fenugreek, cumin and fennel are also grown in limited area. Kharif crops are grown sole as well as mixed, predominantly under rainfed situation. Due to limited irrigation the status of horticultural crops in the zone is confined to a few pockets. Ber, anar, anola, karonda, guava and citrus among fruits and cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, chilies, cucurbits are some vegetables which are grown in the zone.
The average productivity per hectare of kharif crops such as pearl millet, mungbean, mothbean, cowpea and cluster bean was 785, 383, 246,355 and 296 kg, respectively during 2004-09. The productivity of groundnut and sesame was 1776 and 239 kg/ha, respectively. The productivity of wheat, barley, chickpea and mustard was 2670, 2208, 1128 and 1063 kg/ha, respectively during 2004- 09. The productivity of wheat, barley and mustard is below the state average. While productivity of pearlmillet, mungbean, mothbean and groundnut are higher than the state average.
Major activities: Research
Publication of last 3 years:
Publications by the scientists
Year |
No. of publication |
Type of publication |
Books |
Manuals |
Research papers |
Reports |
Articles |
Other Pamphlets/booklets |
International Journal |
National Journal |
2010-11 |
12 |
- |
- |
- |
12 |
12 |
3 |
8 |
2011-12 |
10 |
- |
- |
- |
10 |
12 |
2 |
6 |
2012-13 |
5 |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
11 |
3 |
10 |
Activities at institutional Farm: Farm area ARS, Fatehpur
Breed seed production at ARS, Fatehpur (Qtls)
Name of crop |
Breeder seed |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
Total |
Moth |
RMO-435 |
8.72 |
7.55 |
- |
16.27 |
Moth |
RMO-40 |
5.28 |
- |
- |
5.28 |
Moth |
RMO 257 |
- |
11.86 |
5.14 |
17.00 |
Cowpea |
RC-19 |
2.73 |
1.91 |
- |
4.64 |
Cowpea |
RC-101 |
3.42 |
9.73 |
- |
13.15 |
Cowpea |
RCP-27 |
2.06 |
- |
- |
2.06 |
Moong |
RMG-344 |
7.27 |
- |
- |
7.27 |
Moong |
RMG-492 |
- |
15.49 |
- |
15.49 |
Guar |
RGC-1003 |
20.73 |
- |
- |
20.73 |
Barley |
RD-2052 |
17.42 |
- |
- |
17.42 |
Barley |
RD-2624 |
56.16 |
- |
- |
56.16 |
Methi |
RMT-1 |
4.16 |
4.39 |
- |
8.55 |
Total |
127.95 |
50.93 |
5.14 |
184.02 |
TFL seed production at ARS, Fatehpur
S. No. |
Crop |
Variety |
Quantity (qt.) |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
Total |
1 |
Moth |
RMO-435 |
1.33 |
- |
- |
1.33 |
2 |
Moth |
RMO-40 |
4.38 |
- |
- |
4.38 |
4 |
Guar |
RGC-1003 |
69.22 |
72.60 |
24.64 |
166.46 |
5 |
Moong |
SML-668 |
1.57 |
16.48 |
0.46 |
18.51 |
6 |
Moong |
RMG-62 |
2.77 |
- |
- |
2.77 |
7 |
Cowpea |
RC -101 |
2.45 |
- |
- |
2.45 |
Total |
81.72 |
89.08 |
25.10 |
195.90 |
Gross income from Seed production and other farm income (Rupee)
Year |
Income from seed production |
Other Farm income |
Total |
2010-11 |
383611 |
76135 |
459746 |
2011-12 |
2008118 |
285147 |
2293265 |
2012-13 |
2404903 |
117444 |
2522347 |
Total |
4796632 |
478726 |
5275358 |
Significant achievements:
Rabi 2010-11
1. Barley: RD-2660 & RD-2624
2. Mustard: Vasundhara & Jagnath.
3. Use of 40kg sulphur /ha through gypsum is found sutable dose for gram.
4. For organic cultivation of barley, seed treatment with neem oil 10ml/kg seed and placing of 100 sticks eucalyptus/ha (30cm long sticks and 5-10 cm deep in soil at equal distance of 10 m is found effective for control of termite.
5. Spray of emamectin benzoate 5 SG @ 100g/ha was found effective for control of gram pod borer.
Kharif 2011
Rabi 2011-12
1. New varieties
a) Wheat – RAJ-4083 & RAJ-4120.
b ) Mustard- RGN-48
2. For weed management in wheat use of metasulfuron methyl @ 4gm.a.i /ha found effective.
3. For pearlmillet –mustard crop sequence use of RDF+30 kg K2O +100kg gypsum +10kg
ZnSO4 +10kg FeSO4 per ha in mustard crop found most effective and economic.
Kharif 2012
Rabi 2012-13
1. Optimum seed rate of gram was verified @ 60-70kg /ha
2. Seed treatment with Topsin –M @ 2gm/kg followed by seedling dip in 0.1% solution of Topsin-M at transplanting time to control the pink root rot of onion.
Kharif 2013
AICRP on Agroforestry
1. Multipurpose forest tree system- In this system khejra (prosopis cineraria) Kikar (Acacia nilotica), Ardu (Alianthus exelsa) and Anjan (hadiniciria binata) were found fast growing species. Khari (Acacia senegal), Neem (Azadirachta indica), khejra (prosopis cineraria), Ardu (Ailanthus excelsa) and Anjan (Harwickia binata) were suitable for boundary plantation
2. Agrisilviculture system: Agri silviculture means use of land for the concurrent production of agricultural crops and forest trees. Khejri and desi kikar were found suitable trees and bajra and guar were suitable crops for this system which produce as much as in open field.
3. Agrihorticulture system: A combination of horticultural crops/trees and field crops are integrate in this system. Ber and aonla were found suitable fruit plants in this system, these should be planted in 6m x 6m distance.
4. Isralli babool (Acacia tortilis) were not found suitable for agri-silviculture system, however it was proved fast growing tree and matured in 15 years and it should be planted in 5m x 5m for energy plantation at uncultivable and waste lands.
5. Techniques of moisture conservation by ring ditching around the tree base (30cm deep in 2m radius) plus straw mulch have been found to improve soil moisture content.
6. Hardwickia binata (Anjan),belongs to family leguminoseae having straight bole with palatable fodder leaves is recommended as a silvipastoral tree for boundary plantation at 5mx5m in irrigated as well as unirrigated conditions, it is also tolerant to enharsh environmental condition,
7. Farmers are advised to plant Ailanthus excelsa (Ardu) on their farm boundaries where temperature does not fall below -1.0c to meet their demand for fodder and timber.
8. Tecomella undulate and Prosopis cineraria were found resistant against cold as well as hot winds.
9. Gola, Sav and Umran varieties of ber were found better at farmer’s fields.
10. Traditional method plus micro-site improvement transplanting method was suitable pertaining survival of the trees.
11. Nutrient cycling for sustainable productivity Agri-silviculture system of application of 10t FYM/ha gave significantly higher gross returns over no FYM use with p. cineraria. Further significantly higher gross return with clusterbean over mungbean, cowpea and mothbean crops.
12. Intercropping of kharif fodder crop varieties with Prosopis cineraria in which highest green and dry fodder was recorded under pearlmillet and clusterbean over all other crops.
13. The Aloe vera and Sonamukhi were found best medicinal crops in the Zone IIa.
Agrihorticulture system
Rabi 2013-14
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Pradhan Smt. Patasi Devi P.S Fatehpur, inauguration of orientation workshop of farmers under RKVY Project
ARS Fatehpur Activities