1. Name of the unit: Agricultural Research Sub Station, Kumher (Bharatpur)
2. Identity of the department/ unit, aims and objectives:
Agricultural Research Sub Station, Kumher (Bharatpur) is representing Rajasthan Agroclimatic Zone III b i.e. Flood Prone Eastern Plain zone and working under A.R.S.Navgaon (Alwar). It is situated near Bharatpur- Alwar road 12 km. away from Bharatpur.
Research Mandate:
b.) Verification functions: Mustard, Chick Pea, Wheat, Pearl millet, Kharif Pulses and fodder sorghum, Improvement of fruits (Ber, Aonla, Guava, Lemon and Papaya) and spices crops. Nutrient management in Saline soils
3. Completed and ongoing Projects/ Schemes in detail
Projects completed:
a. Action research for refinement of package of practices for productivity enhancement of crops in different agro-ecological situations under RKVY.
b. Developing Technologies for stress agriculture under climate change scenario in Rajasthan under RKVY.
c. Strengthening of seed under RKVY.
d. Multi-site evaluation of Transgenic Mustard Hybrid (DMH-11) based on barnase/ barstar system conducted at ARSS, Kumher
e. Farmers Participatory Research to control viral diseases in tomato and Bhindi financed by Depptt. of Agriculture.
On going Research experiments conducting at ARSS Kumher during rabi 2013-14
A. Station trial
B. Developing Technologies for stress agriculture under climate change scenario in Rajasthan
C. ATMA project on “Effect of micronutrients on cauliflower production in Bharatpur district
Experiments are being conducted at different AES of Bharatpur district
i.) Talchhera village (Weir) – AES I
ii.) Bajhera village (Sewar) – AES II
iii.) Malipura village (Deeg) – AES III
D. Experiments in coordination with other agencies
i.) Screening of mustard varieties under saline conditions- ARS Navgaon
ii.) Screening of gram varieties under saline conditions- ATC Malikpur
iii.) Field Pea State AVT- RARI Durgapura (Jaipur)
iv. Lentil State AVT- RARI Durgapura (Jaipur)
4. Achievements, Recommendations and Findings:
1. Survey of salt affected soils and quality of irrigation water:
Soil salinity and poor quality of irrigation water have been found to be two most important constraints affecting the optimum production of crops. For assessing type of salt affected soils and quality of irrigation water 819 representative soil samples and 181 irrigation water samples have been analysed, 66.1% soil samples were found to be salt affected which were classified into following categories:
Saline- 43.5%; Saline sodic- 9.8 % and Sodic soils- 12.8%. This study is useful in salt affected soils. Gypsum requirement was worked out for saline sodic and sodic soils.
80.2% irrigation water was of poor quality which were classified as follow:-
Saline- 49.2%; Saline Sodic- 26.7% and Sodic 4.3%. 8.3% of irrigation water had high RSC ( > 5 me/l) values.
Suitable technology for managing poor quality irrigation water is being worked out.
Soil Fertility: Judicious use of fertilizers based on soil testing is one of the most important factor governing productivity of soils. Analysis of 819 soil samples for available N,P and K revealed that 85.8% soils were low in available N whereas 14.2% medium in it. Available P was low in 19.0%, medium in 39.7% and high in 41.3%. Available K2O was high in 84.5% of the samples whereas 15.5% contained medium range.
Available Micronutrient: 117 representative soil samples were analyzed for DTPA extractable 10.2% samples were deficient (< 0.60 ppm) in available zinc, 38.4% marginal (0.60-1.20 ppm) and remaining 51.8% sufficient in it. Deficiency has been further confirmed by the soil test crop response studies with wheat as a test crop as reported in the section on nutrient management in saline soils.
2. Verification of most suitable varieties of crops for the zone IIIb.
S.No. |
Crop |
Varieties |
(i) |
Mustard |
RH 819, BIO 902, RH 30, Pusa Bold, RN 393, Laxmi |
(ii) |
Wheat |
Raj 1482,CPAN 3004, Raj 3765, Raj 3777, Lok 1 |
(iii) |
Barley |
RD 2503, RD 2552, RD 2035 |
(iv) |
Gram |
RSG 44, KPG 59, RSG 888, CSJD 884 |
(v) |
Lentil |
K 75, Sehore 74-7, L 4076 |
(vi) |
Clusterbean |
RGC 936, RGC 986, RGC 1003 |
3. For mustard crop grown under unirrigated heavy texture soils application of 40 Kg N and 40 Kg S ha-1 (through gypsum) was found optimum.
4. For mustard crop 45 cm. spacing between row to row has been found optimum under tank bed, heavy texture soils.
5. The spray of Thio urea @ 0.1% at 60 DAS increases the seed yield of mustard by 10 to 12% over control. In this way an additional return of about Rs.3024 ha-1 can be fetched.
6. The application of Zinc Sulphate @ 20 Kg ha-1 significantly increases the grain yield of lentil.
7. Mixed cropping of lentil + mustard (12:2 or 6:1 rows) was found superior over lentil alone or over farmers practice (seed mixture).
8. Research conducted to find out the response of sulphur under tank bed micro farming situation revealed that increasing levels of sulphur, significantly increased the grain yield of cluster bean upto 40 kg S/ ha-1, beyond which no further response was observed.
9. Wheat (Raj 1482) irrigated with saline sodic water (EC : 10.4 dsm-1 and SAR : 10.6 ) responded significantly to N, P and Zn. Combined application of 120, 60 and 40 Kg/ ha of N, P2O5 and ZnSO4, respectively increase the grained yield of wheat by 14.0 % over control (90Kg N + 40Kg P2O5 ). It suggests that under saline conditions N, P and Zn requirement is higher as compared to non saline conditions.
10. The optimum seed rate for Gram semi bold varieties was found 80 Kg ha-1 and for small seeded varieties was found 60 Kg ha-1.
1. Response of Mustard to foliar application of agrochemicals
Treatment |
Seed Yield kg/ha |
% increase over control |
Additional Net return over control (Rs/ha) |
1998-99 |
1999-2000 |
2000-2001 |
Mean |
1. Control (No Spray) |
1875 |
585 |
1493 |
1318 |
- |
- |
2. Water Spray |
1941 |
660 |
1514 |
1372 |
4.09 |
521 |
3. Thio Urea (0.05%) Spray |
- |
- |
1618 |
- |
- |
- |
4. Thio Urea (0.1%) Spray |
2266 |
861 |
1724 |
1617 |
22.6 |
3078 |
5. 40 Kg S ha-1 basal |
- |
- |
1596 |
- |
- |
- |
6. 40 Kg S ha-1 + TU(0.05%) Spray |
- |
- |
1757 |
- |
- |
- |
7. 40 Kg S ha-1 Tu(0.1%) Spray |
- |
- |
1850 |
- |
- |
- |
8. Sulphuric acid (0.1%) Spray |
2149 |
764 |
1608 |
1507 |
14.3 |
1923 |
9. Urea (1%) Spray |
2207 |
782 |
168 |
1556 |
18.0 |
2632 |
10. Urea (2%) Spray |
- |
- |
1690 |
- |
- |
- |
11. ZnSo4 (0.5%) Spray |
- |
793 |
1685 |
- |
- |
- |
12. Boric Acid (0.2%) |
- |
779 |
1670 |
- |
- |
- |
S.Em+ |
82.5 |
27.4 |
34.2 |
- |
- |
- |
CD at 5% |
240 |
79.7 |
100.2 |
- |
- |
- |
C.V. % |
11.0 |
9.0 |
4.0 |
- |
- |
- |
On the basis of three years results, it is concluded that spray of thio urea @ 0.1% at 45 to 60 DAS increased the seed yield of mustard by 20-22% over control
2. Studies on determining optimum seed rates for selected lentil cultivars.
Treatments |
Grain Yield kgha-1 |
ATC Malikpur |
% increased or decreased |
% additional increase in lentil grain/ Kg Seed rate |
1999-2000 |
2000-01 |
Mean |
Variety |
K-75 |
706 |
1094 |
900 |
440 |
17.6 |
Sehore 74-7 |
586 |
943 |
765 |
365 |
- |
SEm + |
19 |
36 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
C.D. at 5% |
54 |
108 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Seed Rate (Kgha-1) |
20 |
560 |
833 |
696 |
-21 |
- |
30 |
645 |
1029 |
837 |
4.03 |
-5 |
14.1 |
40 |
661 |
1054 |
858 |
3.25 |
-3 |
2.1 |
50 |
677 |
1093 |
885 |
2.43 |
+0.02 |
2.7 |
60 |
687 |
1080 |
883 |
0.2 |
SEm+ |
29 |
58 |
CD at 5% |
82 |
171 |
C.V.% |
12.9 |
13.8 |
Interaction |
N.S. |
N.S. |
On the basis of two years data it is concluded that the optimum seed rate of lentil under tank bed micro farming situation is 30 kg ha-1.
1.Role of thiourea in improving productivity of wheat under tank bed situation.
Treatment |
Yield (Kg/ha-1) |
% Increase |
2000-01 |
2001-02 |
Mean |
Control |
3714 |
4133 |
3923 |
- |
Seed Soaking in water 10-12 Hrs. |
3776 |
4217 |
3996 |
2.0 |
Seed Soaking in TU 250 PPM |
3890 |
4275 |
4083 |
4.5 |
Seed Soaking in TU 500 PPM |
3989 |
4360 |
4175 |
6.4 |
SEm+ |
58 |
37 |
CD at 5% |
201 |
128 |
Control |
3654 |
4084 |
3869 |
- |
500 ppm TU spray at tillering |
3825 |
4255 |
4040 |
4.4 |
500 ppm TU spray at flowering |
3908 |
4303 |
4106 |
6.1 |
500 ppm TU spray at Tillering and flowering |
3982 |
4341 |
4162 |
7.6 |
SEm+ |
55 |
48 |
CD at 5% |
162 |
139 |
Wheat crop respond significant and commendable to seed soaking and foliar spray at tillering each by 500 ppm solution of Thio urea.
2. Studies on determining optimum seed rates for selected gram cultivars.
Treatment |
Yield (Kgha-1) |
% Increase/ Decrease |
2000-01 |
2001-02 |
Mean |
Grain Varieties |
RSG-44 |
1432 |
842 |
1137 |
7.8 |
KPG-59 |
1298 |
813 |
1055 |
- |
CD at 5% |
94 |
NS |
- |
Seed Rates (Kg/ha-1) |
50 |
1169 |
757 |
963 |
20.5 |
60 |
1388 |
843 |
1115 |
4.1 |
70 |
1437 |
852 |
1145 |
1.39 |
80 |
1466 |
857 |
1161 |
- |
CD at 5% |
133 |
53 |
CV % |
9.0 |
6.0 |
Interaction |
NS |
NS |
Chickpea RSG-44 cultivar is better under tank bed farming situation and seed rate all ready recommended as per D.R. 70 Kg/ha seed rate is confirmed.
3. Adoptability of spices – It was found that Fenugreek, coriander and fennel crops were suitable for cultivation to the Zone. Fenugugreek, Var. RMt-1 with average yield of 25 q per ha was economically suitable for cultivation in Zone IIIb. Likewise, fennel Var-RF-125 (20 q/ha) and coriander RCr 41(15 q/ha) were also suitable for cultivation. Looking to the economics of the species, the Fenugreek, crop was found most economic by providing Rs.40000 per ha, net profit followed by fennel Rs.35000 per ha and crop coriander Rs.30000 per ha net profit.
1. Response of pea cultivars for applied phosphorus
Treatment Combination |
Green Pod Yield (q/ha) |
Mean Yield |
C.B. Ratio |
2000-01 |
2001-02 |
2002-03 |
Azad P-1 + 30 Kg P205/ha |
88.22 |
60.36 |
95.32 |
81.30 |
1:3.13 |
Azad P-1 + 40 Kg P205/ha |
103.11 |
72.36 |
107.69 |
94.38 |
1:3.79 |
Azad P-1 + 50 Kg P205/ha |
96.84 |
69.25 |
103.37 |
89.82 |
1:3.49 |
Erkel + 30 Kg P205/ha |
50.42 |
36.09 |
82.69 |
56.40 |
1:3.13 |
Erkel + 40 Kg P205/ha |
56.37 |
38.37 |
86.42 |
60.38 |
1:3.42 |
Erkel + 50 Kg P205/ha |
48.74 |
34.94 |
83.76 |
55.82 |
1:2.90 |
E-6 + 30 Kg P205/ha |
48.06 |
33.88 |
78.95 |
53.63 |
1:2.99 |
E-6 + 40 Kg P205/ha |
55.17 |
38.44 |
84.25 |
59.28 |
1:3.35 |
E-6 + 50 Kg P205/ha |
53.76 |
36.72 |
77.38 |
55.95 |
1:3.20 |
S.Em+ |
1.43 |
0.61 |
NS |
C.D. at 5% |
4.41 |
1.88 |
The highest green pod pea yield (94.38 q/ha) was obtained by Azad P-1 variety and 40 Kg P2O5 ha-1 with 1:3.79 cost, benefit ratio (Rs. 30379 net return). Early variety Erkel with 40 Kg P2O5 ha-1 gave 60.38 q/ha green pod yield with net return Rs. 23958 /ha (cost benefit ratio 1:3.42).
2. Response of mustard cultivars to different levels of Sulphur
Cultivars |
Sulphur Kg/ha |
0 |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
Av. |
Rank |
Vardan |
1524 |
1857 |
2142 |
2190 |
1904 |
1924 |
II |
Jagannath |
1476 |
1714 |
1904 |
1761 |
1428 |
1657 |
Rohini |
1477 |
1619 |
2142 |
2047 |
1761 |
1809 |
RH 819 |
1286 |
1524 |
1666 |
1761 |
1809 |
1609 |
Bio-902 |
1714 |
2238 |
2095 |
2142 |
2142 |
2066 |
I |
CS-52 |
1428 |
1714 |
1857 |
1857 |
1809 |
1733 |
V |
Vaibhav |
1429 |
1666 |
1809 |
1667 |
1666 |
1648 |
TM-2 |
1000 |
1042 |
1238 |
1333 |
1476 |
1238 |
RH-30 |
1523 |
1761 |
1904 |
1857 |
1858 |
1781 |
IV |
Kranti |
1095 |
1285 |
1476 |
1477 |
1428 |
1352 |
Basanti |
1381 |
1523 |
1666 |
1714 |
1619 |
1581 |
YST-151 |
809 |
952 |
1095 |
1238 |
904 |
100 |
RH-1359 |
1238 |
1380 |
1571 |
1572 |
1523 |
1457 |
PBR-97 |
1076 |
1170 |
1333 |
1238 |
1285 |
1219 |
RN-393 |
1428 |
1714 |
1857 |
1666 |
1761 |
1685 |
Av. Kg/ha |
1324 |
1552 |
1717 |
1702 |
1625 |
1583 |
CD at 5% (Kg/ha) |
Cultivars |
- |
473 |
Sulphur |
- |
97 |
Cul x S |
- |
NS |
The highest seed yield (2066 kg/ha)was fetched with the cultivars Bio-902 followed by Vardan (1924 kg/ha), Rohini (1809 kg/ha), RH-30 (1781 kg/ha), CS-22(1733 kg/ha), RN-393 (1685 kh/ha), Jagannath (1657 kg/ha), Vaibhav (1648 kg/ha) and RH-819 (1609 kg/ha). Application of sulphur enhanced the seed yield significantly at 30 Kg/ha and above over control. The interaction was not significant.
1. Direct and residual responses of pearlmillet-wheat sequence to applied zinc
S. No. |
Treatment |
Seed yield in Kg per ha. |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
Average |
1. |
Control |
1410 |
810 |
200 |
650 |
767 |
2. |
Zn @ 25 Kg/ha D |
1660 |
1160 |
235 |
825 |
970 |
3. |
Zn @ 25 Kg/ha R1 |
1585 |
1000 |
240 |
900 |
931 |
4. |
Zn @ 25 Kg/ha R2 |
1480 |
870 |
205 |
695 |
812 |
5. |
Zn @ 25 Kg/ha R3 |
- |
840 |
200 |
675 |
571 |
6. |
Zn @ 40 Kg/ha D |
1690 |
1150 |
265 |
828 |
983 |
7. |
Zn @ 40 Kg/ha R1 |
1645 |
1020 |
285 |
908 |
964 |
8. |
Zn @ 40 Kg/ha R2 |
1570 |
920 |
200 |
733 |
855 |
9. |
Zn @ 40 Kg/ha R3 |
- |
870 |
200 |
266 |
578 |
S.Em+ |
72.40 |
53 |
19 |
24 |
65 |
C.D. at 5% |
215 |
158 |
57 |
72 |
186 |
Zinc applied to pearlmillet directly and to the preceding wheat crop improved seed yield significantly over control and zinc applied in 2nd and 3rd preceding crop seasons. However zinc applied @ 40 Kg/ha and 25 Kg/ha did not show any significant difference in seed yield of pearlmillet.
2. Study to mitigate adverse effect of crust formation due to post sowing rains on productivity of pearlmillet
S. No. |
Treatment |
Seed yield in Kg per ha. |
2000 |
2002 |
2003 |
Pool average |
1. |
Bajra broadcasting |
1535 |
416 |
339 |
896 |
2. |
Bajra + Cowpea (Line sowing) |
2390 |
533 |
362 |
1095 |
3. |
Bajra + Guar (Line sowing) |
2555 |
400 |
504 |
1153 |
4. |
Bajra + FYM @ 1.0 ton/ha seed mixed |
2665 |
383 |
412 |
153 |
5. |
Bajra + FYM @ 2.0 ton/ha seed mixed |
2675 |
483 |
430 |
1196 |
6. |
Bajra Line sowing |
2620 |
433 |
392 |
1148 |
7. |
Bajra + FYM @ 5.0 ton/ha over furrow |
2970 |
583 |
544 |
1365 |
8. |
Hoeing with khurpa |
2845 |
516 |
404 |
1255 |
9. |
Bajra + Zal sakhti @ 5.0 Kg/ha seed mixed |
2370 |
483 |
437 |
1096 |
10. |
Bajra + Zal sakhti @ 10.0 Kg/ha seed mixed |
2520 |
679 |
495 |
1231 |
S.Em+ |
155 |
57 |
28 |
125 |
C.D. at 5% |
449 |
165 |
83 |
357 |
Experiment conducted to work out the agrotechniques to mitigate the adverse effect of crust formation due to post sowing rains revealed a significant improvement in seed yield due to application of FYM @ 5 tons/ha over furrow and gave 53%, 40%, 60% and 52% higher yield than farmers practice (Broad casting method) in kharif 2000, 2002, 2003 and pooled average, respectively. Application of starch polymer @ 10 Kg/ha (seed mixed) gave better results during kh. 2002 (drought seasons).
3. Management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal through bioagents
The results of the study revealed that three sprays of recommended insecticides resulted in lowest fruit damage 31.56 and 31.27% on number and weight basis with the highest yield of 49.33 q/ha followed by six releases of T. chilonis @ 0.5 lac/ ha at weekly interval with 35.53 and 37.69% fruit damage on number and weight basis respectively resulting 43.99 q/ha yield.
4. Role of thio- urea in improving productivity of lentil
Treatment |
Grain Yield Kg/ha |
% increase over water Spray |
Net Additio nal return over control (kg/ha |
2001 -02 |
2002 -03 |
2003 -04 |
Control (Absolute) |
461 |
1151 |
1013 |
875 |
- |
- |
Water Spray at pre flowering (60 DAS) |
463 |
1173 |
1075 |
904 |
3.31 |
285 |
500 PPM TU Spray at Pre flowering(60 DAS) |
537 |
1373 |
1268 |
1059 |
21.0 |
2420 |
1000 PPM TU Spray at pre flowering (60DAS) |
560 |
1429 |
1310 |
1100 |
25.71 |
2845 |
0.1% H2SO4 spray at pre flowering (60 DAS) |
533 |
1349 |
1199 |
1027 |
17.27 |
2080 |
1% Urea spray at pre flowering (60 DAS) |
477 |
1296 |
1151 |
975 |
11.42 |
1320 |
500 PPM TU Spray at Pre flowering(75 DAS) |
512 |
1312 |
512 |
1031 |
17.82 |
2000 |
1000 PPM TU Spray at pre flowering (75DAS) |
558 |
1404 |
1363 |
1108 |
26.620 |
2955 |
0.1% H2So4 spray at pre flowering (75 DAS) |
516 |
1327 |
1272 |
1038 |
18.63 |
2245 |
1% Urea spray at pre flowering (75 DAS) |
476 |
1265 |
1113 |
951 |
8.68 |
960 |
CD at 5% |
71 |
132 |
95 |
The result showed that 1000 ppm Thiourea spray at 50% flowering (75 DAS) produced the maximum seed yield with mean yield of 1108 kg ha-1. It is quite evident from the table that spray of Thiourea found significantly superior over control & all other agrochemicals, but there was no significant effect of spray stage and dose too, but the highest net additional return of Rs. 2955 ha-1 fetched with the 1000ppm of TU at 50% flowering (75 DAS) closely followed by 1000 ppm spray of TU at pre flowering (60 DAS) by giving that additional return of Rs.2845 ha-1.
5. To test the adaptability of promising mustard varieties
S.No. |
Variety |
Yield (Kg ha-1) |
Rank |
1. |
Mahon-8 |
886 |
2 |
RB-9901 |
980 |
3 |
RGN-13 |
1046 |
4 |
CS-614-4-1 |
953 |
5 |
Aravali |
1098 |
6 |
Varuna |
1123 |
V |
7 |
RH-819 |
1163 |
IV |
8 |
BIO-902 |
1306 |
I |
9 |
RL-1359 |
1180 |
10 |
RH-30 |
1243 |
II |
Variety BIO-902 obtained highest yield (1306 kg ha-1) followed by RH-30, RL-1359, RH-819 and Varuna respectively.
6. To test the adaptability of mustard strain RN-505
S.No. |
Variety |
Yield (Kg ha-1) |
Rank |
1. |
RN 505 |
1270 |
I |
2 |
RLM-619 |
1187 |
3 |
Vardan |
1060 |
4 |
Varuna |
1158 |
IV |
5 |
Kranti |
1063 |
V |
6 |
RH-30 |
1203 |
II |
Out of 6 entries RN-505 obtained highest yield 1270 kg ha-1 followed by RH-30, RLM-610, Varuna & Kranti respectively.
7. Foliar nutrition studies in chickpea under rainfed conditions
Treatments |
Grain yield Kg ha-1 |
% Increase |
Additional return over control Rs. ha-1 |
2001-02 |
2002-03 |
2003-04 |
Mean |
Absolute control |
1250 |
1190 |
921 |
1120 |
- |
- |
Water spray |
1473 |
1301 |
970 |
1235 |
10.2 |
1460 |
Urea spray @ 2% |
1510 |
1406 |
1022 |
1312 |
17.1 |
2438 |
Urea spray @ 3% |
1515 |
1480 |
1052 |
1349 |
20.2 |
2928 |
DAP spray @ 2% |
1699 |
1575 |
1100 |
1459 |
30.0 |
4430 |
KCl spray @ 2% |
1690 |
1530 |
1082 |
1434 |
28.0 |
4176 |
SEm+ |
71 |
43 |
17 |
C.D. at 5% |
209 |
119 |
52 |
With NPKS |
1625 |
1505 |
1059 |
1396 |
11.6 |
1390 |
Without NPKS |
1408 |
1355 |
990 |
1251 |
- |
- |
SEm+ |
42 |
24 |
9 |
C.D. at 5% |
121 |
72 |
26 |
Interaction |
NS |
NS |
NS |
The highest grain yield of Chickpea was recorded with 2% DAP spray and basal application of NPKS. As far as the effect of Agrochemicals individual effect of 2% DAP spray found superior followed by 2% spray of KCl and recorded 30% & 28% increase in grain yield over control.
8. Response of methi to applied nitrogen and phosphorus
S.No. |
Treatment combination |
Yield (q/ha) |
2001-02 |
2002-03 |
2003-04 |
Mean |
1. |
0 N2 + 0 P2O5/ha |
11.55 |
11.30 |
11.08 |
11.31 |
2. |
0 N2 + 20 P2O5/ha |
12.67 |
14.83 |
11.93 |
13.14 |
3. |
0 N2 + 40 P2O5/ha |
12.88 |
14.20 |
12.18 |
13.08 |
4. |
0 N2 + 60 P2O5/ha |
12.58 |
13.76 |
12.36 |
13.00 |
5. |
20 N2 + 0 P2O5/ha |
12.44 |
12.63 |
12.03 |
12.36 |
6. |
20 N2 + 20 P2O5/ha |
14.00 |
15.73 |
13.64 |
14.45 |
7. |
20 N2 + 40 P2O5/ha |
14.88 |
18.20 |
14.58 |
15.88 |
8. |
20 N2 + 60 P2O5/ha |
14.89 |
12.63 |
14.89 |
14.13 |
9. |
40 N2 + 0 P2O5/ha |
12.88 |
14.86 |
13.40 |
13.71 |
10. |
40 N2 + 20 P2O5/ha |
14.67 |
16.63 |
14.55 |
15.28 |
11. |
40 N2 + 40 P2O5/ha |
19.78 |
19.30 |
19.29 |
19.45 |
12. |
40 N2 + 60 P2O5/ha |
18.89 |
17.30 |
18.23 |
18.14 |
13. |
60 N2 + 0 P2O5/ha |
16.89 |
17.06 |
16.18 |
16.71 |
14. |
60 N2 + 20 P2O5/ha |
16.89 |
18.63 |
15.55 |
17.00 |
15. |
60 N2 + 40 P2O5/ha |
18.44 |
17.10 |
17.44 |
17.66 |
16. |
60 N2 + 60 P2O5/ha |
18.44 |
16.63 |
17.59 |
17.55 |
S.Em+ |
1.09 |
0.68 |
0.87 |
CD at 5% |
3.14 |
2.04 |
2.51 |
The highest mean yield of methi (19.45 Q/ha) was obtained at 40 N2 + 40 P2O5/ha followed by 40 N2 + 60 P2O5/ha (18.14 q/ha) which were significantly higher than all the other treatment combinations. Combination of 40 N2 + 40 P2O5/ha was found most economic.
1. Integrated phosphorus management in lentil
S. No. |
Treatment |
Grain Yield Kg/ha |
% increase over water spray |
2002-03 |
2003-04 |
2004-05 |
Average |
1 |
Control (P2O5) & 15.6 Kg N2 ha-1 |
918 |
957 |
1027 |
967 |
- |
2 |
20 Kg. P2O5 ha-1 through DAP (7.8 Kg N2 ha-1) |
1066 |
1103 |
1191 |
1120 |
15.80 |
3 |
20 Kg . P2O5 ha-1 through Rock Phosphate (15.6 Kg N2 ha-1) |
1007 |
1122 |
1160 |
1096 |
13.34 |
4 |
PSB (15.6 Kg N2 ha-1) |
992 |
1013 |
1103 |
1036 |
7.10 |
5 |
PSF (15.6 Kg N2 ha-1) |
978 |
1004 |
1043 |
1008 |
4.23 |
6 |
20 Kg. P2O5 ha-1 through DAP (7.8 Kg N2 ha-1)+ PSB |
1111 |
1141 |
1252 |
1168 |
20.78 |
7 |
20 Kg. P2O5 ha-1 through DAP (7.8 Kg N2 ha-1)+ PSF |
1112 |
1163 |
1236 |
1170 |