सुवर्णरौप्यामाणिक्यवसनैरपि पुरिता: । तथापि प्रार्थयन्त्येव कृषकान भक्ततॄष्णया।। “कृषि पाराशर”
means “Even after having all the riches of the world, we are dependent on the farmers for food”. Envisioning the above lines late Sh. Rawal Narendra Singhji established College of Agriculture at Jobner even before independence. His vision to develop an agricultural research and education centre has taken a shape of a University in the year 2013 as Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University. It is a matter of honor and immense pleasure that destiny has given me an opportunity to lead this University.
SKNAU has contributed significantly by developing more than 60 high-yielding varieties of cereals, pulses, oilseed, seed spices. There are more than 16 AICRP centres operative in the University for development of better technologies for enhancing productivity and farm income. The research, educational & extension set up is huge with 13 agriculture colleges, 11 affiliated colleges 08 KVK's, 03 research stations and 04 research sub-stations and post graduate programme in 09 discipline has delivered human resources not only for NARS system but also for industries.
The VISION to strengthen the existing setup needs a strong teamwork. Action is the magic word and win-win approach is the key for achieving milestone to bring the University among the countries leading Agricultural University. Linkages needs to be established with leading universities and academic institute of repute in india and abroad. Infrastructure development with respect to strengthening research and teaching is very important besides using the available resources for generating funds. The jurisdiction areas of the university having the urban areas like Jaipur, Alwar, Ajmer etc. have immense scope to focus on urban and peri-urban agriculture. High value crops and interventions on high-tech horticulture coupled with precision farming provides opportunity for upscaling farm income. Considering the drudgery of farm operations and labour cost farm mechanization especially the miniature mechanization has to be promoted taking into cognizance of the innovations in farm machinery. There is need for Promotion of organic and natural farming models in the peri-urban areas. To preserve the available germplasm by development of MTS is essentially required either at Jobner or RARI Durgapura. On-farm demonstrations of all the technologies developed by the university can act as a living museum to present significant achievements of the university simultaneously giving opportunity to stakeholders for technology assessment. Uniting farmers under the umbrella of FPO and SHGs for increasing SRR. Self-pollinated crops can be easily managed by farmers and regional needs can be met by making a network of FPOs under the guidance of the university. Recently farm pond concept has been adopted on large scale. Introduction of fisheries by collaborating with national/state bodies can be diversified option for farm income. There is urgent need to create advanced bio-technology and molecular breeding facility for UG and PG Students either at COA Jobner or RARI, Durgapura (Jaipur).
Farmers participatory research for cultivar and technology development should be promoted so that technology can be refined with respect to farmers need. There is need to start orientation of PG research towards technology/product development. Motivation and promoting faculties for generating competitive grant projects for collaborative research in essentially required for SKNAU. Capacity building of UG and PG students can be taken way forward with having interactive sessions with industry. Promotion of vocational training for Students and preparing them for competitive exams can generate better employment for the youths. Focus will be on recruitment of best teaching and non-teaching staff at the earliest possible so that research and developmental activities get strengthened all the units of the university. Promotion of IT enabled office culture for personnel efficiency and speedy work disposal. The working environment needs to be very much cohesive, open ended scientific discussions has to be promoted and there is need to have a formal platform wherein PG Students and farmers are active members. Research, teaching and extension has to go parallel as per the demand of time, need based research is key for productive growth of SKNAU and its stakeholders.
(Prof. Balraj Singh)