In order to develop a sense of social and civic responsibility among the volunteers themselves and to channelize the youth powers for constructive work for the benefit of society, the National Service Scheme (NSS) was launched during 1969 with intention of introducing community service and as a part of higher education system.
The SKNCOA, Jobner has been launching its National Service Scheme Program since the establishment of the University through NSS Program Coordinator, SKRAU, Bikaner with the aim to develop the personality of the students through Integrating the class room teaching with social, economical and cultural environment, Acquiring leadership qualities, scientific outlook and rational thinking and Cooperating and assisting the services rendered by Government and other agencies for social development.It was later realized that NSS should be offered in integration with course curriculum in agricultural universities so that it motivates the students to undertake community service and to participate in agriculture and rural development works to understand the community in which they live and work, gain skills in mobilizing community participation with their efforts to fulfill the motto of National Service Scheme,“NOT ME, BUT YOU’, the NSS was allotted a credit hour of 1(0+1).