Aims and Objectives
Lead Function: Floriculture (Deshi Rose / Pushkar Valley)
Verification Function:
- Testing and verification of different crop cultivars of Kharif and Rabi season under dry farming situation.
- Research activities include testing & verification of Irrigation cotton, wheat, barley, mustard, chickpea & vegetables.
- To co-ordinate the breeder seed and TFL seed production programme.
On Going
- All India Coordinated Research Improvement Project on WHEAT & BARLEY.
- All India Coordinated Research Improvement Project on PEARL MILLET.
- All India Coordinated Research Improvement Projected on ARID LEGUME
- All India Coordinated Research Improvement Project on CHICK PEA.
- Non-Plan & NARP.
- Progeny Orchard of Fruit Plants.
- Developing technologies for stress agriculture under climate scenario in Rajasthan.
- Sulphyhydryl Bioregulator technology for increasing wheat & mustard productivity.
- Improvement of Onion for sustainable productivity and profitability in Rajasthan.
- Development of new technologies to increase the productivity and sustainability of onion under warmer condition of Rajasthan.
- Production of Planting material and seed of onion.
- Development of high yield thermal tolerance wheat variety suitable for warmer condition of Rajasthan.
- Genetic expression of yield ability in Wheat under sulphydryl enriched bio-physio environment on seed soaking, soil application & on foliar spary.
- Action research for refinement of package of practices for production enhancement of crops in different Agro-Ecological situations under RKVY.
- Development techniques for organic farming in Rajasthan.
- Farmer’s participatory action research projection drip irrigation in cotton in well irrigated area under NADP.
- Evaluation of customized fertilizers on cotton (Nagarjun)
- Development of water use high yield wheat variety suitable for limited irrigated condition of Rajasthan.
- Testing of Bt. Cotton varieties of Vikram Seeds.
- BARC - RAU Collaborative Project.
Achievements and Findings
- A field study was conducted for three years from 1996 to 1999 at ARSS Tabiji, Ajmer. Title Production Potential and Economic of Bajra and Wheat base of cropping system and found that Kharif Onion followed by Wheat gave maximum return followed by Kharif Guar and Rabi Onion.
- A field studies were conducted on effect of sulphydryl compound DTT, DTNB, TGA, TU and their combination under fully irrigated condition and limited irrigation condition reveals that foliar spray of thioglucollic acid (100ppm) and Thio-urea (100 ppm) were cost effective in both the environment.
- In Kharif season planting of onion crops at 45cms distance through ridges found suitable than flate planting (2001).
- In Kharif season, planting of blub on 15th July found significantly superior over late planting (2002).
- For Kharif onion crop ridges are made 45cms apart and planting of set on 10cms apart on the ridges.
- For sorghum cultivation in Ajmer region, varieties CSV-15, CSV-17, SPV-96 and SPV-1430 were found suitable over local variety (Deshi).
- Two foliar spray of 1000 ppm thiourea one at knee height stage and second at 20 day later found suitable for increasing grain as well as fodder yield of Sorghum (2006).
- Application of 25kg. Zinc sulphate/ha before sowing gave significantly higher bulk yield of onion (2002).
- Spray of 30 ppm GA-3 or 50 ppm NAA at 40 and 60 DAY produce significantly higher bulk yield of onion.
- To get higher bulk yield in Rabi Onion Seeding are dipped in 40 ppm solution of GA-3 or 25 ppm solution for NAA for 72 hours and then transplanting in the field (2004).
- For seed production of onion variety RO-1, 120 Kg. N/ha was recommended along with 30cm row spacking.
- A field experiment was conducted at ARSS Tabiji on the effect of foliar spray of sulphydryl compound on carbon practitioner, productivity and water use efficient of wheat under limited & water sufficient environment. Results reveals that two foliar spray of 100 ppm TGA or 500 ppm TU gave significant higher grain yield.
- Genetic expression of yield ability in wheat under sulphydryl enriched biophysio-environment.
- A field experiment conducted during Rabi 2003-2006 on seed soaking with 500 ppm TU, 50 ppm TGA and 10 ppm DTT data reveals that Wheat seed treated with 50 ppm TGA gave significantly higher grain yield followed by 500 ppm TU. Among varieties tested is no significant difference.
- A field experiment conducted during Rabi 2003-2006 on foliar spray of sulphydryl 500 ppm TU, 50 ppm TGA and 10 ppm DTT data reveals that one foliar spray of 50 ppm, TGA gave significant higher grain yield followed by 500 ppm TU.
- A field experiment conducted during Rabi 2003-2006 on soil application of 5, 10 and 20kg. thiourea before souring the experiment data show that no significant difference was observed in different level of Thiourea soil application.
Crop Improvement
- Contribution as co-operator in the development of Varieties:
- As per the mandate of research substation, Tabiji, Ajmer is carrying-out testing and verification function of different crop projects. As such I am associated with & involved in the respective crop project to meet the research targets, and also as per the pre-requisite for the incorporation of any recommendations or for release of crop varieties made by concerning crop scientist. To meet out the mandatory targets, experiments are being conducted at this research sub-station. The information thus generated from these experiments are taken into account before, incorporating the recommendation in the package of practices of Zone III-a or for release of the variety. The ancillary data and other related data are being supplied for crop trials.
- I was associated with various crop projects, such as AICRIP on Pearl Millet, Guar, Cotton, Cowpea and Moong in Kharif season and similarly in Rabi season, my association is with AICRIP on wheat , barley, chickpea, spices and Regional Scheme of Taramira.
S. No.
Name of Crop
Varieties (as cooperator)
Pearl Millet
RHB-177, RHB-173, RHB-154, RHB-127, RHB-90, RHB-121
Cluster Bean
RGC-986, RGC-1002, RGC-1003, RGC-1017, RGC-1038, RGC-1066, RGC-1055 & RGC-1033
RCr-101, RCV-7
RSG-876 (Desi), RSGK-6 (Kabli)
RO-59, RO-252
Vegetable Guar
- Sorghum Variety CSH-6 found suitable as dual purpose in Ajmer district with 20 Kg./ha seed rate.
- Under late sown condition Clusterbean variety Durga - Jai gave the highest net return followed by moong k-851 under rainfed condition.
- The highest net return were obtained when cluster bean was taken as a sole crop followed by 1:1 row clusterbean & Moth bean with 30cm row spacing under late sown rainfed condition.
- RGC-979 variety of Guar performed best when sown inthe month of August with seed rate of 30 Kg.ha under rainfed condition.
- Cowpea variety RC-19 proved superior over FS-86 with application of 20 Kgs nitrogen and 40 Kg. P2O5 per ha. under rainfed condition
- Moongbean varietyK-851 performed better with application of 20 Kgs N in combination with 40 Kg. P2O5 per ha.
- Under late soon condition (August) peralmillet variety HHB-67 gave the highest seed yield when planted at 30 cm row spacing.
- Preplant application of fluchloralin @ 1 Kg./ha in combination with one hoeing & Weeding after 45 days of sowing found suitable to control weeds in Kharif Onion.
- In cotton crop pre plant application of flucloralin @ 1 Kg/ha followed by one hoeing and weeding at 30 days after sowing was found sufficient to control the weeds through out the cropping season.
- Sowing of M-13 variety of Ground nut on 15th May gave the maximum pod yield than rest of the sowing date another variety.
- Chemical weed control (2-4-D) Iso Proturon, Metazuron) proved most effective in controlling weeds in wheat crop.
- To obtain higher yield of mustard it should be sown at 30 cm row spacing with application of 30 Kg. nitrogen per ha.
- For higher gross return Mustard and Barley should be sown as sole crop rather than intercropping.
- The improved variety of taramira i.e. (T-27, RT-314 & RTM-112) proved superior to local from yield point of view.
- Mustard should be sown in the first week of October and first irrigation should be given at 28 days after sowing to obtain higher production.
- Pendamenthalin proved to be most effective herbicide in wheat crop for controlling weeds when applied as preplant @ 1.0 Kg. per ha. and should be incorporated in to the soil.
- Application of 100 Kg. N with 150 Kg. K2O should be applied for higher productivity of Kharif Onion.
- In cropping sequence experiment recommended that growing of Kharif onion followed by wheat in Rabi gave maximum net return and second sequence were Kharif, Guar followed by Rabi Onion (1998).
- For onion cultivation in Rabi season weed control by application of fluchloraline @ 1.0 Kg./ha + one hand weeding at 45 days after planting gave significantly higher bulb yield on onion (1999).
- For growing of castor in Ajmer Region both GCH 4 and RHC - 1 found suitable for growing in Ajmer region with the application of 40 Kg. N and 30 Kg. P2O5 per ha. (1999).
- For sowing in Rabi Onion at 4 cm P x P spacing along with application of 75 Kg. P2O5 and 150 Kg. K20 / ha were recommended (2000).
- For cultivation of Onion (Rabi) 100 Kg N (50% at transplanting and 50% at 40 days after transplanting) and 150 Kg. K2O/ha at sowing gave significantly higher bulb yield of onion (2000).
- In Kharif season planting of onion crop at 45 cms distance through ridges found suitable than flate planting (2001).
- For seed production on Onion variety Ro-1, 120 Kg N/ha. was recommended along with recommended dose of P2O5 and K2O (2001).
- Recommendation of 2.5 Kg Azosporillium or Azotobactor with 20 Kg. FYM should be applied before transplanting of onion seedling in Rabi season (2001).
- In Kharif season, planting of bulb on 15th July found significantly superior over early and late planting (2002).
- Application of 25 Kg. Zinc Sulphate / ha before sowing gave significantly higher bulb yield of Onion (2002).
- Ridges are made 45 cms apart and planting of onion set 10 cms were recommended for Kharif season (2002).
- Recommendation of 30 ppm GA-3 or 50 ppm NAA were given for higher bulb yield on onion (2003).
- To get higher bulb yield in Rabi onion seedings are dipped in 40 ppm solution of GA-3 or 25 ppm solution of NAA for 12 hours and than transplanting in the field (2004).
- Maize crop application of two foliar spray of 1000 pm Thiourea first at tillering stage and second at flowing stage gave significantly higher grain yield (2005).
- For Sorghum cultivation in Ajmer Region. Varieties CSV-15, CSV-17, SPV-96 and SPV-1430 found suitable over local variety and two foliar spray of 1000ppm Thiourea gave significantly higher grain and fodder yield of Sorghum (2005).
- Application of two foliar spray of Thioglycollic acid (TGA) 100 ppm or Thiourea 500 ppm one at flowering and second at Podinitiation gave an significant additional net return and recommended for commercial production of mustard (2006).
- Two foliar application of Thiourea 500 ppm or TGA 100 ppm first at tillering and second at ear emergence gave significantly higher grain yield of wheat (2006).
- Foliar spray of 500 ppm Thiourea solution at branching or at flowering stage was found sufficient to harvest higher productivity of cotton (2005).
- Application of FYM 3.0 t/ha or vermi compost @ 1.50 t/ha + PSB @ 6.0 kg/ha + Rhizobium is recommended for obtaining sustainable yield of moong bean under organic system of crop production.
- Crop geometry suitable for deshi rose was recommended as 12.20m x 0.80m (Row to row and plant to plant) for getting maximum yield (29.8 q/ha) with the B : C ratio of 2.2.
- Application of FYM @ 32 t/ha or vermi compost @ 16 t/ha + PSB @ 6.01 q/ha + Azotobactor @ 6.0g/hg seed is recommended for obtaining sustainable vegetable yield of Okera under organic crop production system.
- Application of FYM @ 39 t/ha or vermi compost @ 19.5 + PSB @ 6.0 kg/ha + seed treatment with Azotobactor @ 8 g/kg seed prior sowing is recommended for obtaining vegetable yield under organic crop production system.
Year of Purchase
i) Nov., 1986
ii) March, 2011
i) May 1990
ii) March, 2011
i) June, 66
ii) March, 2007
Disc. Harrow
i) March, 86 ii) March, 07
Seed Cum Fertilizer
i) 1998
ii) March, 2007
Disc. Plough
March, 2007
M.B. Plough
March, 2007
Bund Farmer
March, 2007
March, 1986
- Onion Storage and market management by Onion Research Project (RAU) Agri. Research Centre Durgapura Jaipur, writer Dr. S.N. Sharma, R.S. Sain, Dr. Kamlesh Mathur , Dr. S.K. Joshi. (Hindi Edition)
Technical Bulletin
- Brochure Published of Various Recommendations under Project Action Research for Refinement of Package of Practices for Productivity Enhancement of crops in different Agro-ecological Situations under (NADP) RKV. (2008-12)
Phone no.
Dr. S.K. Joshi
P. B. & Genetics
Sh. B.S. Rathore
Asso. Prof.
Sh. N.L. Choudhary
Asstt. Prof.

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transfer of technology programmes under extension activities at Farmers field.
ARSS Tabiji Activities