Dr. B.L. Kakraliya,
Director, HRD
Dr. B.L. Kakraliya, Born on 5th May 1964 at village Raghunandanpura, District-Jaipur (Raj.). Dr. Kakraliya obtained his B.Sc. in 1984, M.Sc. (Botany) in 1986 and Ph.D. in 1990 from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
He started his professional career in September, 1988 as Sr. Tech. Asstt. (Plant Physiology) in Seed Technology Research Project at A.R.S. Durgapura, Jaipur. Then he joined as Assistant Professor on 8th May, 1996 at A.R.S. Mandore, Jodhpur in AICRP-Pearl Millet Project. Dr. Kakraliya was transferred to SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner on 18th October, 1996. He was promoted as Associate Professor in 2008 and Professor with effect from 08.05.2011. Dr. Kakraliya served as Professor & Head of the department of Plant Physiology (2013-2019) and provided his services at this campus till date 30.11.2019. Afterwards he was assigned the responsibility of Director Extension Education till date of 31.08.2020 of SKN Agriculture University, Jobner. Presently he served services as Director Human Resource & Development SKNAU Jobner
Out of 31 years of service he has been associated in teaching for last 24 years and taught almost all the courses of Plant Physiology at UG, PG and Ph.D. levels. He has specialization in Abiotic Stress Physiology & Seed Physiology. He guided 20 M.Sc. students as Major Advisor and acted as a member in the Advisory Committee of more than 50 students of M.Sc. and Ph.D. of other department.
He has published 65 research papers in International and National journals of repute, wrote 6 books and recipient of National award on Hindi Divas by Hon’ble Minister of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, several articles, book chapters. He has participates in 47 national seminar/workshop/conference/symposium and 5 international conferences and attended six summer/winter schools. He is life member of five academic societies and Fellow of three academic societies i.e Indian Society for Plant Physiology, Indian Botanical Society and Indian Society of Seed Technology.
He served as a Zonal Secretary for two term of Indian Society for Plant Physiology of central zone and organized one seminar at SKNCOA, Jobner. He also served as convener and members of various committees of university viz. Academic Council, Research Council, Committee of courses, Board of Studies and Selection committee etc. He is member of Board of Management of SKRAU, Bikaner and member of selection committee for teachers and officers of Agriculture University, Kota & SKRAU, Bikaner.
Director Human Resource & Development
In today’s highly competitive world, capacity development and trained human resource are the two key areas which can provide the edge to any organization or institute. The exposure of teachers and students to cutting edge technologies broaden their vision and enhance their capacity to provide solution to intriguing problems. In order to address the challenges of agricultural growth and up-grading quality of higher agriculture education, Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner has established the Directorate of Human Resource Development in January 2015. The Directorate has planned various activities and programmes for enhancing experiential learning of agriculture students, promoting excellence and capacity building of faculty in cutting edge areas and up-gradation of skill in emerging disciplines in higher agricultural education. This will enhance the scope and effectiveness of agricultural education, research and extension programmes of the University, leading to effective result oriented reach for rural development in Rajasthan state. Some of the planned activities are as under.
Empowering students with knowledge about fellowships and academic programme in universities/institutions of repute will motivate them for higher agricultural education. Implementation of skill development programmes for rural youth will lead to improving quality and efficiency of human resources for secondary agriculture. Establishment of newer Experiential Learning Units will help in imparting appropriate blend of knowledge and skill to under graduate students. Improvement of faculty competence through participation and organization of seminars, summer / winter schools, trainings, workshops, availing fellowship etc will be a key component of human resource development. At the same time, emphasis will be given to quality assurance in education through policy support, academic regulations, promotion policy, and review of course curricula and delivery system. Introduction of best teacher/ researcher/ student/ scholar awards will enhance competitiveness and improve the work culture. Efforts will be made for creating/strengthening of infrastructure and facilities such as smart class rooms, training hall, conference hall etc. with financial support from ICAR/ RKVY. Manpower will be developed for activities such as establishment of Nursery of vegetable, fruits and ornamental plants; Bio-fertilizers; Bio-pesticides; Processed agro-products; Vermicompost units. Trained staff will be made available for providing services of soil and water testing, seed quality testing, soil health cards and plant health clinic to the farmers.