The Agriculture Research Sub Station is initiated in the year 2004 formerly it was the Krishi Vigyan Kendrea working under Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner and this centre is situated at prime location of the state and near by the national capital. Initially KVK was established at this place since Oct, 1989 and office was working temporarily on hire building at Kotputli. In the year 1998 when office building was construction completed, this office was shifted to at this office. The seed production programme of barley, mustard, methi, wheat etc. was also started at this place and simultaneously field demonstration on agronomy and horticulture crops was taken at farmers’ fields. Unfortunately due the policy of one KVK in one district this KVK was bound-up and Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner established Agriculture Research Sub Station at this centre on the Novth, 2004 and recently new KVK is also established in front of this office. Now, this centre under Sri Karan Narender Agriculture University-Jobner. The agroclimatic zone of the ARSS is III-A (Semi Arid Estern Plan). The average rainfall of the Kotputli is 541 mm. The soil of the zone are light textured sandy loam soil, the mean annual temperature between 40-430 C in the month of May and June while mean winter temperature about 10-120C during the months of December and January. The principle horticultural crops are tomato, chilii, cole crops, carrot, pea, clusterbean, leafy vegetable, watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber ,round melon, spices crops also grown by the farmers. The mainly orchards are of aonla, pome-granate, bael, guava, lime, lehswa, karonda etc. This centre having 35 ha land along with two tube well facilitated with 24 hour city line electricity. A horticultural crops based demonstration definitely impel to the farmers in this locality to adopt horticultural crops
Aims and Objectives
On Going/Completed
Achievements, Recommendations and Findings
Technical Bulletins
Photo |
Name |
Designation |
Specialization |
Phone no. |
Email_id |
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Yadav |
Professor and Officer Incharge |
Horti. Olericulture |
9414408726 | |
Sh.Brijesh Kumar Tiwari |
Assoc. Professor |
M.Sc.Ag. (A.H.) |
8890045898 | |