I Semester | |||
S.N. | Course No. | Title of Subject | Credit Hours |
1 | HORT-111 | Fundamentals of Horticulture | 2(1+1) |
2 | BIOCHEM-111 | Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology | 3(2+1) |
3 | SSAC-111 | Fundamentals of Soil Science | 3(2+1) |
4 | HORT-112 | Introduction to Forestry | 2(1+1) |
5 | ENG-111 | Comprehension & Communication Skills in English | 2 (1+1) |
6 | AGRON-111 | Fundamentals of Agronomy | 4(3+1) |
7 | BIO-111/ MATHS-111 | Introductory Biology*/ Elementary Mathematics* | 2(1+1)/ 2(2+0) |
8 | AGHR-111 | Agricultural Heritage* | 2 (2+0) |
9 | EXCOM-111 | Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology | 2(2+0) |
10 | HVE-111 | Human Values & Ethics (Non-Gradial) | 1(1+0) |
11 | NSS/NCC/PEYP | NSS/NCC/Physical Education & Yoga Practices | 2(0+2) |
II Semester | |||
S.N. | Course No. | Title of Subject | Credit Hours |
1 | | Fundamentals of Genetics | |
2 | | Agricultural Microbiology (Course to be shared with Plant Pathology), | |
3 | | Introductory Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | |
4 | | Fundamentals of Crop Physiology | |
5 | | Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics | |
6 | | Fundamentals of Plant Pathology | |
7 | | Fundamentals of Entomology | |
8 | | Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education | |
9 | | Communication Skills and Personality Development | |
10 | | Introductory Agrometeology & Climate change | |
11 | | NSS/NCC/Physical Education & Yoga Practices | |
III Semester | |||
S.N. | Subject Code | Title of Subject | Credit Hours |
1 | AGRON-211 | Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif Crops) | 3 (2+1) |
2 | GPB-211 | Fundamentals of Plant Breeding | 3(2+1) |
3 | AGECON-211 | Agricultural Finance and Cooperation | 3(2+1) |
4 | AGRINFO-211 | Agricultural Informatics | 2(1+1) |
5 | AGENGG-211 | Farm Machinery and Power | 2(1+1) |
6 | HORT-211 | Production Technology for Vegetable and Spices | 2(1+1) |
7 | ESDM-211 | Environmental Studies and Disaster Management | 3(3+0) |
8 | STAT-211 | Statistical Methods | 2(1+1) |
9 | ANISC-211 | Livestock and Poultry Management | 4(3+1) |
10 | NSS | NSS | |
IV Semester | |||
S.N. | Subject Code | Title of Subject | Credit Hours |
1 | AGRON-221 | Crop Production Technology-(Rabi Crops) | 3(2+1) |
2 | HORT-221 | Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping | 2(1+) |
3 | AGENGG-211 | Renewable Energy and Green Technology | 2(1+1) |
4 | SSAC-221 | Problematic Soils and their Management | 2(1+1) |
5 | HORT-222 | Production Technology for Fruits and Plantation Crops | 2(1+1) |
6 | GPB-221 | Principles of Seed Technology | 3(2+1) |
7 | AGRON-222 | Farming System & Sustainable Agriculture | 1(1+0) |
8 | AGECON-221 | Agricultural Marketing, Trade & Prices | 3(2+1) |
9 | ENTO-221 | Insect Ecology and Principles of Integrated Pest Management | 2(1+1) |
10 | ENTO-222 | Bio-pesticides and Bio-fertilizers (Elective Course) | 3(2+1) |
V-Semester | ||
Course No. | Subject Title | Credit Hours |
PPATH-311 | Epidemiology and Integrated Disease Management | 2(1+1) |
SSAC-311 | Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management | 3(2+1) |
ENTO-311 | Pests of Crops and Stored Grains and their Management | 4(3+1) |
PPATH-312 | Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-I | 3(2+1) |
GPB-312 | Crop Improvement-I (Kharif Crops) | 2(1+1) |
EDBC-311 | Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication | 2(1+1) |
AGRON-311 | Geoinformatics and Nano-technology and Precision Farming | 2(1+1) |
AGRON-312 | Practical Crop Production-I (Kharif crops) | 1(0+1) |
GPB-312 | Intellectual Property Rights | 1(1+0) |
HORT-311 | Landscaping (Elective Course) | 3(2+1) |
VI Semester | ||
Course No. | Subject Title | Credit Hours |
AGRON-321 | Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management | 2(1+1) |
AGENGG-321 | Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture | 2(1+1) |
PPATH-321 | Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management -II | 3(2+1) |
HORT-321 | Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetable | 2(1+1) |
ENTO-321 | Management of Beneficial Insects | 2(1+1) |
GPB-321 | Crop Improvement –II (Rabi crops) | 2(1+1) |
AGRON-322 | Practical Crop Production- II (Rabi crops) | 1(0+1) |
AGRON-323 | Principles of Organic Farming | 2(1+1) |
AGECON-321 | Farm Management, Production & Resource Economics | 2(1+1) |
HORT-322 | Principles of Food Science and Nutrition | 2(2+0) |
GPB-322 | Micro-propagation Technology (Elective Course) | 3(2+1) |
VII Semester | |||
Rural Agricultural Work Experience and Agro-industrial Attachment (RAWE & AIA) | |||
S.N. | Activities | No. of Weeks | Credit Hours |
1 | General orientation & On campus training by different faculties | 1 | 14 |
2 | Village Attachment | 8 | |
3 | Unit attachment in Univ./ College/ KVK/ Research Station Attachment | 5 | |
4 | Plant Clinic | 2 | 2 |
5 | Agro-Industrial Attachment | 3 | 4 |
6 | Project Report Preparation, Presentation and Evaluation | 1 | |
Total weeks for RAWE & AIA | 20 | 20 |
VIII Semester | ||
Modules for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship | ||
S.N. | Title of the Module | Credit |
1 | Production Technology for Bioagents and Biofertilizer | 0+10 |
2 | Seed Production & Technology | 0+10 |
3 | Mushroom Cultivation Technology | 0+10 |
4 | Soil, Plant, Water and Seed Testing | 0+10 |
5 | Commercial Beekeeping | 0+10 |
6 | Poultry Production Technology | 0+10 |
7 | Commercial Horticulture | 0+10 |
8 | Floriculture and Landscaping | 0+10 |
9 | Food Processing | 0+10 |
10 | Agriculture Waste Management | 0+10 |
11 | Organic Production Technology | 0+10 |
12 | Commercial Sericulture | 0+10 |
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Name | Designation | Area of Specialization | Email | Phone No. |
Dr. Udai Bhan Singh | Professor & Dean | Horticulture | | 9414714234 |
Dr. Raj Kumar Meena | Assistant Professor | Livestock Production &Management | 8947999808 | |
Dr. Devendra Kumar Meena | Assistant Professor | Agril. Extension Education | 9161962060 | |
Dr. Sweta Singh | Assistant Professor | Agriculture Engineering | 9897576101 | |
Dr. Vishnu Shankar Meena | Assistant Professor | Agricultural Economics | | 8010973448 |
Dr. Niranjan Kumar Barod | Assistant Professor | Agronomy | | 7300139969 |
Dr. Ram Niwas Sharma | Assistant Professor | Plant Pathology | | 9784010309 |
Dr. Naveen Chandra Pant | Assistant Professor | Biochemistry | 9639653975 | |
Dr. Rahul Kumar | Assistant Professor | Soil Physics & Microbiology | 9074714200 | |
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Gupta | Assistant Professor | Entomology | | 9413051263 |
Name | Designation |
A.N.Dubey | AAO |
Murari Lal Sharma | UDC |
Lakhan Singh | Driver |
Lekhraj | Class IV |
Chhotu Singh | Class IV |
S No. | Name of Students | JRF /Pre-PG | Subject | Name of University | | ||||
Batch 2017 | | ||||||||
1 | Akshay Yogi | JRF | Agronomy | IARI, New Delhi | | ||||
2 | Basta Ram | JRF | Soil Science | GBPUAT, Pantnagar | | ||||
3 | Raju Ram Choudhry | JRF | PBG | HAU, Hissar | | ||||
5 | Abhinav Kumar Yadav | Pre-PG | Horticulture | SKNCOA, Jobner | | ||||
6 | Ajay Kumar | Pre- PG | Entomology | RCA, Udaipur | | ||||
7 | Vikram | Pre-PG | Entomology | RCA, Udaipur | | ||||
Batch 2018 | | ||||||||
1 | Bal Jeet | JRF | Agronomy | NDRI, Karnal | | ||||
2 | Kuldeep Singh | JRF | Agronomy | NDRI, Karnal | | ||||
3 | Rohit Kumar Sharma | JRF | Agri-Business | AAU, Anand Gujrat | | ||||
4 | Prakash Chand Choudhry | JRF | Agronomy | RLBCAU, Jhansi | | ||||
7 | Narendra Kumar Bhinda | JRF | Agronomy | RLBCAU, Jhansi | | ||||
5 | Harkesh Meena | JRF | Agronomy | DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar | | ||||
6 | Govind Ram | JRF | Agronomy | NAU, Navsari, Gujrat | | ||||
8 | Rohin Choudhary | NTS | Agronomy | DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar | | ||||
9 | Monu Kumari | NTS | Horticulture | NAU, Navsari, Gujrat | | ||||
10 | Sheela Neel | NTS | Soil Science | GBPUA&T, Pantnagar | | ||||
11 | Shubham Singh Panwar | NTS | Agri-Business Management | PAU, Ludhiana | | ||||
12 | Indra Khichar | Pre-PG | Agril. Economics | SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
13 | Rajni | Pre-PG | Agronomy | SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
14 | Prem Kumar Ola | Pre-PG | Entomology | SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
15 | Sunil Kumar Solanki | Pre-PG | Horticulture | CHF, Jhalawar | | ||||
Batch 2019 | | ||||||||
1 | Mukesh Choudhary | NTS | Plant Pathology | SKAUST, Jammu | | ||||
2 | Mahendra Singh | NTS | Agronomy | RPCAU, Bihar | | ||||
| 3 | Manoj Choudhary | NTS | Agronomy | RLBCAU, Jhansi | ||||
4 | Bhojarm | NTS | Soil Science | RPCAU, Bihar | | ||||
5 | Ramesh Bunkar | NTS | Agril. Extension | MPKV Rahurii | | ||||
6 | Sagar Koli | NTS | LPM | BHU, Varanasi | | ||||
7 | Anju Yadav | Pre-PG | Horticulture | COA, Jhalawar | | ||||
8 | Babulal Dhaka | Pre-PG | Plant Breeding & Genetics | MPUAT, Udaipur | | ||||
9 | Jitendra Shekhawat | Pre-PG | Agril. Extension Education | MPUAT, Udaipur | | ||||
10 | Kavita Nitharwal | Pre-PG | Agril. Economics | SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
11 | Sumit Yadav | Pre-PG | Agril. Extension | MPUAT, Udaipur | | ||||
12 | Suresh Fagodia | Pre-PG | Soil Science | SKNAU, Jobner | | ||||
13 | Lalita Choudhary | Pre-PG | Agronomy | SKNAU, Jobner | | ||||
14 | Sonam Kumari Meena | Pre-PG | Agril. Extension Education | AU, Kota | | ||||
15 | Kavita Choudhary | Pre-PG | Nematology | SKNAU, Jobner | | ||||
16 | Mukesh Kumar Kumawat | Pre-PG | Molecular Biology & Biotechnology | MPUAT, Udaipur | | ||||
17 | Maya Choudhary | SAU Entrance | Agronomy | CCS University Merrut | | ||||
18 | Devendra Kumar | SAU Entrance | Horticulture | BBACU, Lucknow | | ||||
19 | Atar Singh Saini | CAT Examination | Agribusiness Management | SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
Batch 2020 | | ||||||||
1 | Vishnu Kumar Sharma | JRF | Horticulture | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (UP) | | ||||
2 | Mamta Kaswa | JRF | Soil Science | Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University Jhansi (UP) | | ||||
3 | Raja Ram Choudhary | JRF | Agronomy | Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Modipuram (UP) | | ||||
4 | Ankit Kumar Meena | JRF | Agro Meteorology | Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar (Odhisha) | | ||||
5 | Dhan Singh | JRF | Horticulture | Nagaland University, SASARD (Medziphema) Nagaland | | ||||
6 | Subhash Rojh | Pre- PG | Agril. Economics | COA, Bikaner, SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
7 | Mukesh Khachriya | Pre- PG | GPB | COA, Bikaner, SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
8 | Rakesh Kumar Gurjar | Pre- PG | Agril. Economics | SKNCOA, Jobner, SKNAU, Jobner | | ||||
9 | Suman Jakhar | Pre- PG | Vegetable Science | College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, MPUAT, Udaipur | | ||||
10 | Jagdish Dangi | Pre- PG | Agril. Extension Education | COA, Kota, AU, Kota | | ||||
11 | Karishma Yadav | Pre- PG | Agril. Extension Education | SKNCOA, Jobner, SKNAU, Jobner | | ||||
12 | Sarita Choudhary | Pre- PG | GPB | RCA, Udaipur, MPUAT, Udaipur | | ||||
13 | Sita Choudhary | Pre- PG | Horticulture | COA, Bikaner, SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
14 | Mangla Ram Jat | Pre- PG | Agronomy | COA, Bikaner, SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
15 | Rakesh Jitarwal | Pre- PG | Entomology | COA, Bikaner, SKRAU, Bikaner | | ||||
16 | Ajjad Khan | Pre- PG | Plant Pathology | COA, Jodhpur, AU, Jodhpur | | ||||
17 | Ankit Sharma | Pre- PG | Horticulture | SKNCOA, Jobner, SKNAU, Jobner | | ||||
18 | Surendra Bajya | Pre- PG | Plant Pathology | Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV), Jabalpur | | ||||
19 | Omprakash Yadav | Pre- PG | PBG | Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (JNKVV), Jabalpur | | ||||
20 | Sheshnarayan Kumawat | Pre- PG | Horticulture | Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Kashmir | | ||||
| | | | | | | | | |
Kharif 2020 | | |||
Crop | Variety | Production (Q) | Type of seed | Productivity (Q/ha) |
Urd | MU-2 | 8.30 | Breeder | 3.60 |
Guar | RGC-1033 | 13.88 | TFL | 8.67 |
Rabi 2020 | ||||
Gram | RSG-974 | 7.00 | Breeder | 14.00 |
Mustard | DRMR-IJ-31 | 1.35 | Breeder | 6.75 |
Gram | CSJ-515 | 3.33 | TFL | 8.32 |
Mustard | DRMR-IJ31 | 20.86 | TFL | 13.90 |
S N | Name of Students | JRF /Pre-PG | Subject | Name of University | ||
Batch 2017 | ||||||
1 | Akshay Yogi | JRF | Agronomy | IARI, New Delhi | ||
2 | Basta Ram | JRF | Soil Science | GBPUAT, Pantnagar | ||
3 | Raju Ram Choudhry | JRF | PBG | HAU, Hissar | ||
5 | Abhinav Kumar Yadav | Pre-PG | Horticulture | SKNCOA, Jobner | ||
6 | Ajay Kumar | Pre- PG | Entomology | RCA, Udaipur | ||
7 | Vikram | Pre-PG | Entomology | RCA, Udaipur | ||
Batch 2018 | ||||||
1 | Bal Jeet | JRF | Agronomy | NDRI, Karnal | ||
2 | Kuldeep Singh | JRF | Agronomy | NDRI, Karnal | ||
3 | Rohit Kumar Sharma | JRF | Agri-Business | AAU, Anand Gujrat | ||
4 | Prakash Chand Choudhry | JRF | Agronomy | RLBCAU, Jhansi | ||
7 | Narendra Kumar Bhinda | JRF | Agronomy | RLBCAU, Jhansi | ||
5 | Harkesh Meena | JRF | Agronomy | DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar | ||
6 | Govind Ram | JRF | Agronomy | NAU, Navsari, Gujrat | ||
8 | Rohin Choudhary | NTS | Agronomy | DRPCAU, Pusa, Bihar | ||
9 | Monu Kumari | NTS | Horticulture | NAU, Navsari, Gujrat | ||
10 | Sheela Neel | NTS | Soil Science | GBPUA&T, Pantnagar | ||
11 | Shubham Singh Panwar | NTS | Agri-Business Management | PAU, Ludhiana | ||
12 | Indra Khichar | Pre-PG | Agril. Economics | SKRAU, Bikaner | ||
13 | Rajni | Pre-PG | Agronomy | SKRAU, Bikaner | ||
14 | Prem Kumar Ola | Pre-PG | Entomology | SKRAU, Bikaner | ||
15 | Sunil Kumar Solanki | Pre-PG | Horticulture | CHF, Jhalawar | ||
Batch 2019 | ||||||
1 | Mukesh Choudhary | NTS | Plant Pathology | SKAUST, Jammu | ||
2 | Mahendra Singh | NTS | Agronomy | RPCAU, Bihar | ||
3 | Manoj Choudhary | NTS | Agronomy | RLBCAU, Jhansi | ||
4 | Bhojarm | NTS | Soil Science | RPCAU, Bihar | ||
5 | Ramesh Bunkar | NTS | Agril. Extension | MPKV Rahurii | ||
6 | Sagar Koli | NTS | LPM | BHU, Varanasi | ||
7 | Anju Yadav | Pre-PG | Horticulture | COA, Jhalawar | ||
8 | Babulal Dhaka | Pre-PG | Plant Breeding & Genetics | MPUAT, Udaipur | ||
9 | Jitendra Shekhawat | Pre-PG | Agril. Extension Education | MPUAT, Udaipur | ||
10 | Kavita Nitharwal | Pre-PG | Agril. Economics | SKRAU, Bikaner | ||
11 | Sumit Yadav | Pre-PG | Agril. Extension | MPUAT, Udaipur | ||
12 | Suresh Fagodia | Pre-PG | Soil Science | SKNAU, Jobner | ||
13 | Lalita Choudhary | Pre-PG | Agronomy | SKNAU, Jobner | ||
14 | Sonam Kumari Meena | Pre-PG | Agril. Extension Education | AU, Kota | ||
15 | Kavita Choudhary | Pre-PG | Nematology | SKNAU, Jobner | ||
16 | Mukesh Kumar Kumawat | Pre-PG | Molecular Biology & Biotechnology | MPUAT, Udaipur | ||
17 | Maya Choudhary | SAU Entrance | Agronomy | CCS University Merrut | ||
18 | Devendra Kumar | SAU Entrance | Horticulture | BBACU, Lucknow | ||
19 | Atar Singh Saini | CAT Examination | Agribusiness Management | SKRAU, Bikaner | ||
| | | | | | |
S N | Name of Students | Name of Game | Name of University |
2017 | |||
1 | Lekhraj Nagar | Kabaddi | HAU, Hisar |
2 | kuldeep Singh | Kabaddi | |
3 | Ramvatar Takar | Kabaddi | |
4 | Sabahrmal Jat | Atheletes | |
5 | Deepak Devanda | Volleyball | |
2018 | |||
1 | Lekhraj Nagar | Kabaddi | US, Bangalore |
2 | Vikas Kumar Fagoria | Volleyball | |
3 | Shubham Singh Panwar | Basketball | |
4 | Khushi Verma | TT | |
5 | Kuldeep Singh | Kabaddi | |
6 | Deepak Devanda | Volleyball | |
7 | Ramvatar Takar | Kabaddi | |
2019 | |||
1 | Ramvatar Takar | Kabaddi | PAU, Ludhiana |
2 | Yougendra Singh | Volleyball | |
3 | Surendra Bajiya | Volleyball | |
4 | Khushi Verma | TT and Volleyball | |
5 | Poonam | TT and Volleyball | |
2020 | |||
1 | Yogendra Singh | Volleyball | |
2 | Ashok Singh Kharabas | Volleyball | |
3 | Divya Khaturia | Table Tennis | |
4 | Anjali | Table Tennis |
S. No. | Name of Faculty | Programme attended | Institute and Place | Period |
1 | Dr Raj Kumar Meena | XIIth Agricultural Science Congress-2015 on “Sustainable Livelihood Security for Smallholder Farmers” | Organized by ICAR-NDRI, Karnal | 03-06, February, 2015 |
2 | Dr Raj Kumar Meena | Training Programme on “ Communication Skills for Effective Extension Services | Organized by DEE, SKNAU, Jobner | 20-22, September, 2016 |
3 | Dr Raj Kumar Meena | ICAR sponsored 21days Summer training programme on “Recent approaches in crop residue management and value addition for entrepreneurship development” | ICAR- Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi (UP) | July 14, August 03, 2016 |
4 | Dr Raj Kumar Meena | Training Programme on “ Promotion of Public-Private Partnership under Extension Reforms | Jointly Organized by EEI, Anand & DEE, SKNAU, Jobner | 1-4, August, 2018 |
5 | Dr Devendra Kumar Meena | International conference on advances in agricultural biological & applied sciences for sustainable future. (ABAS-2018) | Agricultural Technology Development Society. Swami Vivekananda Subharati University, Merrur (UP) | 20-22, October, 2018 |
6 | Dr. Jitendra Singh | International conference on global research initiatives for sustainable agriculture & allied sciences. | RARI, Durgapura (Jaipur) Raj | 28-30, October,2018 |
7 | Dr Devendra Kumar Meena | National conference on Agricultural Sciences & sustainable environment. | Society for scientific & social development (SSSD-2018) Shobhit, University, Merrut (UP) | 24-26February, 2018 |
8 | Dr D K Meena Dr Jitendra Singh Dr A K Yadav Dr N C Pant Dr Rahul Kumar | 21 days Orientation Programme | SKNAU, Jobner | 14 August-03 September, 2019 |
9 | Dr.S.S Punia | Advance in organic manure production and biogas technology for entrepreneurship development and empowerment of farmer. | RARI, Durgapura (Jaipur) Raj | 8-28, November,2019 |
10 | Dr. Devendra Kumar Meena | Global perspective in agricultural & applied sciences for food and environmental security. | (GAAFES-2019) Kumaun University, Nainital (UK) | 01-02, December, 2019 |
11 | Dr. Sweta Singh | International conference on 3rd global meet on science and technology for ensuring food & nutrition security. | (GMAT 2019) National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Ajmer (Raj) | 01-03, December, 2019 |
12 | Dr. Jitendra Singh | Innovation in plant and animal sciences for sustainable agriculture & rural development | RARI, Durgapura (Jaipur) Raj | 07-09, December, 2019 |
13 | Dr Sheela Kharkwal | 27th Annual Conference of Agricultural economics research association (India) | Department of Economics & Sociology PAU, Ludhiana | 17-19, December,2019 |
14 | Dr Sweta Singh & Dr Sheela Kharkwal | 21 days Orientation Programme | SKNAU, Jobner | 6-26 February, 2020 |
Kharif 2019 | | |||
Crop | Variety | Production | Type of seed | Productivity |
Urdbean | MU 2 | 5.07 | Breeder | 3.38 |
Sesamum | RT-351 | 2.87 | Commercial | 1.91 |
Rabi 2019-20 | ||||
Mustard | DRMRIJ 31 | 13.17 | Breeder | |
Mustard | DRMRIJ 31 | 27.20 | TFL | |
Gram | RSG 974 | 23.80 | TFL | |
Lentil | Kota Msoor 1 | 15.05 | Breeder | |
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Winner team of COA, Bharatpur in inter-collegiate dance competetion 2019 |
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Glimpse of first Annual Function AAHAN-2019 |
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College Library |
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Yoga Day celeberation |
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Students motivational lecture |
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Republic Day Celeberation |
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Campus cleaning by NSS Volunteers under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan |
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Awareness Campaign by NSS Volunteers |
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COA, Farm |
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Students practical at field |