Er. Lakhbir Singh
Estate Officer, SKNAU, Jobner
Born on 23rd May 1965 at Village Bharath of District Gurdaspur(Punjab). He passed his secondary and Higher secondary examination from Shri Guru Nanak Khalsa higher secondary school, Sri Ganganagar(Rajasthan) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematic securing distinction. He was selected in 1982 for five year engineering course at M.N.I.T. Jaipur. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree B.E. (Civil) from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur in 1987.
He joined as project engineer in a reputed bridge construction company in New Delhi. He had been instrumental in construction of fly over bridge, Pipe bridge & cross head regulator project at New Delhi. He joined the SKRAU, Bikaner in 1994 as junior engineer. He supervised various maintenance & new civil works at Beechwal, Bikaner. He was transferred to SKN college of Agriculture, Jobner in 1995. He constructed first Girls Hostel at SKNCOA, Jobner in 2000. Under the dynamic leadership of Dr. P. Joshi, Dean, SKNCOA, he was instrumental in overall renovation of old buildings of SKNCOA under one time grant of ICAR in 2001. He was instrumental in successful completion of water supply project of SKNCOA in 2008. In this project ground water was brought from Kuchiawas & Bassi Naga after laying 9 KM. long A.C. Pressure Pipeline.
He was promoted to Astt. Engineer in 2009. He supervised new construction works as well as renovation works of various centres of the University at Ajmer, Hindon, Dholpur, Alwar, Diggi & Durgapura. He was instrumental in digging 16 Tube wells in various centres of the University.
He took the charge of Estate Officer in August 2019. He is also working as Nodal Officer to monitor all the new construction of various College buildings being executed by RSRDC. He is instrumental in completion of 95% of RKVY projects successfully at various centres of SKNAU, Jobner. He is instrumental in establishing 364 KW Roof Solar plants at various centres of the University under RESCO mode.