Identity of the unit
Aims and Objectives
Thrust Areas
Considering the rainfed agro climatic condition, available resources, production potential in the district and the need of the farming community, the thrust areas were identified by the team of KVK in consultation with research scientists of the zone.
On Going
In the rainfed semi-arid area like Ajmer, the frequency of failure of crop production is very high because of erratic rainfall. In same situation, the fruit plants give reasonable production and better returns for the survival of farmers in limited water.
Therefore, fruit orchards contribute towards sustainable agriculture and sustainable production considering the micro farming situation, the farmers should take up establishment of the orchards as an enterprise to earn their livelihood and survive in difficult situation. It is of paramount importance to use best and appropriate quality of seed, seedling and planting material to have best return per unit of cultivated area.
KVK Ajmer established a progeny orchard with the objective to provide true to the type and of excellent quality fruit planting material. ICAR provided a loan of Rs. 13.00 lacs for this and the activity was started from 1st April, 1996.
During the project period, assets have been created such as a water storage tank of approximately one lacs litre of water, three units of drip irrigation system, a shady house of 500 Sq.m. area, underground pipe line and micro irrigation system to provide irrigation in the orchard of 7.0 acre area. Simultaneously, 40 units of vermin compost have been established to cater the need of organic manure of orchard.
Salient Impact Points
A prestigious project on TAR-IVLP was successfully run by this KVK. Sh. K.S. Rathore, SMS (Agronomy) was the 1st master trainer at the National level. In the second phase, Prof. (Dr.) G.N. Mathur, Programme Co-ordinator acted as the master trainer for new IVLP Centre. The activities of IVLP were seen and appreciated by Dr. R.S. Paroda, the then Director General & Secretary DARE, Dr. P. Das, DDG (Agricultural Extension), Dr. A.N. Shukla, ADG (KVK), Dr. K.S. Khokhar and Dr. M.L. Purohit, Zonal Co-ordinator Zone VI, Dr. K. Pradhan, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, RAU, Bikaner and others.
Achievements of the project
Particulars | 1999-2000 | 2000-2001 | 2001-2002 | 2002-2003 | 2003-2004 |
Total number of villages covered under IVLP | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Total number of farmers covered under IVLP | 602 | 694 | 702 | 638 | 592 |
Total number of technological interventions actually implemented for the year | 16 | 17 | 13 | 28 | 17 |
Total number of technological interventions proposed for the year | 25 | 24 | 24 | 33 | 22 |
Number of technologies assessed | 13 | 14 | 10 | 13 | 17 |
Number of technologies refined | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 5 |
Salient Impact Points
Some salient indications regarding the impact of the project are as follows:
One another project under the AP-cess fund scheme entitled “Assessment of technologies under various micro-farming situations for increasing the productivity levels of field crops, vegetables and flowers on farmers field in Ajmer district of Rajasthan” was also successfully implemented by this KVK.
Achievements of the project
Impact of yield assessment of short duration varieties, integrated nutrient management practices, line sowing, improved agronomic practices, integrated pest and disease management, seed treatment, assessment of varietal suitability of important cereals crops like pearl millet, ground nut, maize, cotton, wheat and barley, important vegetable crops i.e. chillies, tomato, onion and cauliflower and flower crops like marigold, aster and chrysanthemum were assessed at farmers’ field duration 2002 to 2004. The suggested practices recorded higher yield, net monetary return and gave high BC ratio in comparison to farmers’ practice.
Small Nursery under NHM
The Directorate of Horticulture, Jaipur, sanctioned a project for establishment of small nursery for fruit and ornamental plant propagation (shade net house) worth Rs. 3.00 lacs.
Small project for production of vegetable seedlings in low cost green house (Poly House) worth Rs. 4.50 lacs was sanctioned under NHM in the year 2007-08.
Achievements, Recommendations and Findings
S. No. | Infrastructure | Funded by | Plinth area (sq.m.) |
1. | Administrative building | ICAR | 620 |
2. | Farmers hostel | -do- | 785 |
3. | Staff quarters (6) | -do- | 394 |
4. | Demonstration units | KVK | 1. Vermi compost 2. Azolla |
5. | Fencing | RCDF | 1158 sqm. |
6. | Roof top water harvesting structure (Admn. Building) | ICAR | 6 diameter (Storage capacity 55000 lit. water) |
7. | Threshing floor |
| 17 m diameter |
8. | Farm godown |
| 5.80 x 9.80 = 56.84 sqm. |
9. | Water harvesting pond | ICAR | Diameter of 21 mt. x depth of 6’ (storage capacity 28 lac lit. water |
10. | Farmers’ hostel under RMoL | State Govt. | 280 sqm. |
11. | Green house for vegetable seedlings | NHM | 325 sqm. |
12. | Small nursery for fruits & ornamental plants propagation | NHM | 300 sqm. |
13. | Model Nursery | NHM |
| Net house (2 nos.) |
| 630 sqm. Each |
| Poly house |
| 300 sqm. |
14. | Implement shade | ICAR | 14.70 x 6.70 = 98.49 sqm. |
15. | Training hall | RMoL | 4.50 x 6.40 = 28.80 sqm. |
16. | Training hall (practical) | RMoL | 7.10 x 5.40 = 38.34 sqm. |
17. | Furning chamber | ICAR |
Type of vehicle | Year of purchase | Present status |
Jeep | 2010 | Working |
Mini-bus | 1997 | Working |
Tractor | 1995 | Working |
Motorcycle | 2012 | Working |
Publications of last three years
Item | Title | Authors name |
2010-2011 |
Technical reports | Various MPRs, QPRs, seasonal reports and Half Yearly Reports, Annual Progress Reports etc. | KVK, Ajmer |
Compendium | Krishi Jankar | Dr. R.K. Sharma |
Podhshala Prabhandhan – Ek Vyavasaya | Dr. R. Porwal, Dr. R.K. Sharma | |
Research Paper | Participants response on usefulness of national training course on post harvest technology published in Rajasthan Journal of Extension Education No.19:34-37 | Bairathi , R., Soni R. L.& Sharma, R.K. |
2011-2012 | ||
Technical reports | Various MPRs, QPRs, seasonal reports and Half Yearly Reports, Annual Progress Reports etc. | KVK, Ajmer |
Compendium | Pashu Jankar | Dr. Ramakant Sharma, Dr. R. Porwal |
Krishi Mein Samanvit Jal Prabandhan | Dr. R. Porwal, Dr. R.K. Sharma | |
Podhshala Prabhandhan – Ek Vyavasaya | Dr. R. Porwal, Dr. R.K. Sharma | |
Krishak Mitra (training manual) | Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr, P.C. Choudhary, Dr. R.K. Sharma, Dr. R. Porwal | |
Literature | Extension bulletin on Kapas Meain Samanvit Keet Prabandhan | Dr. S.K. Sharma |
Extension bulletin on Pramukh Sabjiyon Meain Samanvit Keet Prabandhan | Dr. S.K. Sharma | |
A folder on Gobhi Mein Samanvit Keet Prabandhan | Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr, P.C. Choudhary, Dr. R.K. Sharma, Dr. R. Porwal | |
A folder on Tamatar Mein Samanvit Keet Prabandhan | Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr, P.C. Choudhary, Dr. R.K. Sharma, Dr. R. Porwal | |
Research Paper | Problems in reaping the benefits from kisan mandals and kisan seva kendras by the farmers published in Environment & Ecology Vol.-30(3);491-494 | Sharma, R.K. and Sharma, S. K. |
Extent of farmers participation in different extension activities under kisan mandals and kisan seva kendras | Sharma, R.K. Bairathi , R.& Sharma, S. K | |
Knowledge of Farmers about improved production technology of cumin published in International journal of seed spices2(1),January2012:83-86 | Sharma, R.K. Sharma, S. K & Sharma , Y. K. | |
2012-2013 | ||
Technical reports | Various MPRs, QPRs, seasonal reports and Half Yearly Reports, Annual Progress Reports etc. | KVK, Ajmer |
Compendium | Nursery Prabandhan – Ek Vyavsaya | Dr. R.K. Sharma, Dr. R. Porwal |
Literature | Extension bulletin on Kapas Meain Samanvit Keet Prabandhan | Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. R.K. Sharma |
Extension bulletin on Pramukh Sabjiyon Meain Samanvit Keet Prabandhan | Dr. S.K. Sharma | |
A folder on gypsum se upaj badayen | Dr. Dinesh Arora, Dr. S.K.Sharma, Dr. R. Porwal | |
A folder on azolla utpadan – Pashu Aahar ke roop mae vardan | Dr. G.N. Mathur, Dr. P.C. Choudhary, Dr. R.K. Sharma | |
Research paper | Attitude of farmers towards kisan mandals and kisan seva kendras published in Ind.R. J. of Extn. Edu. (IRJEE)Vol.-12,No.2;38-42 | Sharma, R.K. ,Sharma, S. K & Sharma A.K. |
Knowledge of chilly growers about various interventions of chilli cultivation under IVLP published in Ind.R. J. of Extn. Edu. (IRJEE)Vol.-12,No.2;25-28 | Choudhary, P. C. & Sharma, R.K. | |
Impact of fennel variety RF-125 under semi-arid conditions of Rajasthan published in International Journal of seed spices | Garhwal, O.P., Arora, Dinesh | |
Impact of frontline demonstration on adoption of improved technologies of green gram published in Environment & Ecology Vol.-31(2A);730-734 | Sharma,R.K.,Porwal, R.& Mathur, G. N. | |
Perceptions of in-service personnel on integrated pest management training published in African Journal of Agricultural research Vol.-8(37);4592-4595 | Sharma, R.K. ,Sharma, S. K & Porwal, R. | |
Effectiveness of farm telecast in seeking agricultural information by the farmers published in Journal of Community Dev. & Sustainable Development Vol. 6(2) 125-127 | Balodia, S.K. & Choudhary, P.C. | |
Seed spices – A better option for crop diversification in Nagaur district published in International Journal of Seed Spices | Garhwal, O.P., Arora, Dinesh, Sharma, S.K., Sharma, R.K. & Porwal, R |
| Name | Designation | Specialization | Telephone no. | email address |
| Dr. G.N. Mathur | Programme Coordinator | Animal nutrition | 0145-2431890, 9414496779 | |
| Dr. Dinesh Arora | Professor (CAS) |
| Dr. S.K. Sharma | Professor (CAS) |
| |
| Dr. P.C. Choudhary | Assoc. Prof. (CAS) | Extension Education |
| Dr. Raghavendra Porwal | Asstt. Prof. |
| rporwal.2010@ |
| Dr. Ramakant Sharma | Asstt. Prof. | Agriculture Extension |
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KVK Ajmer Activities