Semester wise distribution of courses-UG
Course No. |
I Semester |
Credits |
Agron-4111 |
Introductory Agriculture and Principles of Agronomy |
3(2+1) |
PBG-4111 |
Principles of Genetics |
3(2+1) |
SChem-4111 |
Introduction to Soil Science |
3(2+1) |
Exted-4111 |
Dimensions of Agricultural Extension |
2(1+1) |
PPath-4111 |
Agricultural Microbiology |
3(2+1) |
Comp-4111 |
Introduction to Computer application |
2(1+1) |
Maths-4111 |
Elementary mathematics |
2(2+0) |
Eng-4111 |
Comprehension and Communication Skills in English |
3(2+1) |
NSNC-4221 |
- |
Total |
21(14+7) |
II Semester |
Agron-4121 |
Agricultural Meteorology |
2(1+1) |
PBG-4121 |
Principles of Plant Breeding |
3(2+1) |
PPath-4121 |
Plant Pathogens and Principles of Plant Pathology |
4(3+1) |
Ento-4121 |
Insect Morphology and Systematics |
3(2+1) |
AEcon-4121 |
Principles of Agril. Economics |
2(2+0) |
AEngg-4121 |
Fundamentals of Soil, Water and Conservation Engineering |
2(1+1) |
Bioch-4121 |
Biochemistry |
3(2+1) |
SChem-4121 |
Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management |
2(1+1) |
NSNC-4221 |
- |
Total |
21(14+7) |
III Semester |
Agron-4211 |
Field crops-I (Kharif) |
3(2+1) |
Agron-4212 |
Weed Management |
2(1+1) |
Nemat-4211 |
Introductory Nematology |
2(1+1) |
Stat-4211 |
Statistics |
3(2+1) |
Exted-4211 |
Fundamentals of Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology |
2(2+0) |
Hort-4211 |
Production Technology of Fruit and plantation Crops |
3(2+1) |
AEcon-4211 |
Production Economics and Farm Management |
2(1+1) |
AEngg-4211 |
Farm power and machinery |
2(1+1) |
SChem-4211 |
Manures and Fertilizers |
2(1+1) |
NSNC-4221 |
- |
Total |
21(13+8) |
IV Semester |
Agron-4221 |
Field crops-II (Rabi ) |
3(2+1) |
Agron-4222 |
Water management |
2(1+1) |
Schem-4221 |
Soil survey, land use planning and remote sensing |
2(1+1) |
Ento-4221 |
Insect Ecology & Integrated pest management |
3(2+1) |
Hort-4221 |
Production Technology of Vegetables & Flowers |
4(3+1) |
AEcon-4221 |
Agricultural Finance and Co-operation |
2(1+1) |
PPhys-4221 |
Crop Physiology |
3(2+1) |
Exted-4221 |
Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills |
2(1+1) |
NSNC-4221 |
NSS / NCC** |
1(0+1) |
Total |
22(13+9) |
V Semester |
BT-4311 |
Principles of Plant Biotechnology |
3(2+1) |
Agron-4311 |
Practical crop production I (kharif crops) |
1(0+1) |
Ento-4311 |
Crop and stored grain pests and their management |
4(3+1) |
PBG-4311 |
Breeding of Field / Horticultural crops |
3(2+1) |
AEcon-4311 |
Agricultural marketing, Trade and Prices |
2(1+1) |
AEngg-4311 |
Protected cultivation and Post harvest Technology |
2(1+1) |
PPath-4311 |
Diseases of Field Crops and their management |
3(2+1) |
Agron-4312 |
Rainfed Farming |
2(1+1) |
Hort-4311 |
Production technology of spices, Aromatics and Medicinal crops |
2(1+1) |
Total |
22(13+9) |
VI Semester |
Agron-4321 |
Practical crop production II (Rabi crops) |
1(0+1) |
PBG-4321 |
Principles of Seed Technology |
3(2+1) |
Exted-4321 |
Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology |
2(1+1) |
LPM-4321 |
Livestock Production and Management |
3(2+1) |
ENVS-4321 |
Environmental Science* |
3(2+1) |
Agron-4322 |
Farming Systems, Sustainable Agriculture and Organic farming |
3(2+1) |
Hort-4321 |
Post harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables |
3(2+1) |
PPath-4321 |
Disease of Horticultural crops and their management |
2(1+1) |
AEcon-4321 |
Fundamentals of Agri. Business Management |
2(1+1) |
Total |
22(13+9) |
*shall be shared between Biochemistry, Entomology and Soil Science
** shall be offered from first to fourth semester and evaluation reported at the end of fourth semester.
VII Semester
(Elective/ experiential learning courses)
Group |
Course No. |
Course title |
Credits |
Crop Production and Allied Disciplines |
PBG-4411 |
Advanced Seed Technology |
3 (1+2) |
Agron-4411 |
Applied Weed Management |
3 (1+2) |
SChem-4411 |
Vermi-composting and Organic Farming |
3 (1+2) |
Schem-4412 |
Soil , Plant and Water Analysis |
3 (1+2) |
SChem-4413 |
Soil Management |
3 (1+2) |
AP-4411 |
Dairy Cattle Production |
3 (1+2) |
PPhys-4411 |
Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture |
3 (1+2) |
AEngg-4411 |
Plasticulture in Agriculture |
3 (1+2) |
Plant Sciences and Plant Protection |
PBG-4411 |
Advanced Seed Technology |
3 (1+2) |
PBG-4412 |
Tissue Culture and Micro-propagation Techniques |
3 (1+2) |
PPath-4411 |
Bio-agents and Integrated Disease Management |
3 (1+2) |
PPath-4412 |
Detection and Management of seed borne Pathogens |
3 (1+2) |
Ento-4411 |
Non-insect Pests and Their Management |
3 (1+2) |
Ento-4412 |
Bio-control agents and Bio-pesticides |
3 (1+2) |
PPhys-4411 |
Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture |
3 (1+2) |
Nemat-4411 |
Economic Nematology |
3 (1+2) |
Horticulture and Allied Sciences |
Ento-4412 |
Bio-control agents and Bio-pesticides |
3 (1+2) |
SChem-4411 |
Vermin-composting and Organic Farming |
3 (1+2) |
PBG-4412 |
Tissue Culture and Micro-propagation Techniques |
3 (1+2) |
AEngg-4411 |
Plasticulture in Agriculture |
3 (1+2) |
Hort-4411 |
Nursery Management of Horticultural Crops |
3 (1+2) |
Hort-4412 |
Commercial Vegetable Production |
3 (1+2) |
Hort-4413 |
Commercial Fruit Production |
3 (1+2) |
PPhys-4411 |
Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture |
3 (1+2) |
Social Sciences |
AEcon-4411 |
Marketing Management |
3 (2+1) |
AEcon-4412 |
Project Formulation, Evaluation and Monitoring |
3 (1+2) |
AEcon-4413 |
Natural Resource Economics and Management |
3 (2+1) |
Exted-4411 |
Visuals and Graphic Communication |
3 (1+2) |
Exted-4412 |
Government Policies and Programmes on Agriculture |
3 (1+2) |
Stat-4411 |
Sampling Techniques |
3 (1+2) |
AP-4411 |
Dairy Cattle Production |
3 (1+2) |
AP-4412 |
Poultry Production and Management |
3 (1+2) |
Total |
18 (6+12) |
Note- In VIII Semester a student shall be required to offer six courses of 18 credits out of the eight listed in any one of the groups. The individual college will have an option to offer six course(s) out of the groups to be offered. The student can offer courses from a single group only for which he/she shall be required to submit preferences for these groups and no inter-alia group courses will be permitted.
VIII Semester
Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE)
Programme |
Duration (Weeks ) credits |
Orientation |
1 (Non Credit) |
Research Station/KVK/ including village attachment and In-situ interaction of farmers, students and research station scientists |
6 (6 credits) |
In-situ interaction of farmers, college faculty and students |
2 (in two splits)(2 credits) |
Industrial Attachment*/Skill Development/Experiential Learning Courses |
8 (8 credits) |
Educational Tour |
2 (2 credits) |
Project Report Preparation and Evaluation |
1 (Non Credit) |
*Industrial attachment shall include attachment with any of the following industries/organizations
1. Seed industries/companies
2. Fertilizer industries/companies
3. Pesticide industries/companies
4. Biotechnological industries/companies
5. Tissue culture laboratories
6. Bio-pesticide industries
7. Commercial nurseries/landscaping units
8. Food processing units
9. Agricultural finance institutions/banks/credit societies etc.
10. Non-Governmental Organizations
Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) |
18(0+18) |
Grand Total (I to VIII Semester) |
165(86+79) |