About B.Sc. Ag & MBA (Agri-business) – Integrated Degree Programme
B.Sc. (Agriculture) & MBA (Agri-business) – Integrated Degree Programme, it will be a five year full time residential integrated post graduate programme (equivalent to Master’s degree in Management) is designed to grooms young men and women into professional managers for core areas of agribusiness and allied sectors. The programme aims at providing a comprehensive coverage incorporating the foundation, functional and elective courses relevant to management discipline, in general, and agribusiness management, in particular. This will be helpful for providing quality education in agri-business management to our rural youths for providing opportunities of jobs in agricultural management in coming years and transforming agriculture from its subsistence nature to nature.
The programme specially attempts:
To impart systematic knowledge and analytical skills in agriculture and agriculture management for global agriculture economy.
To expose the students to real field situations to nurture the capabilities of setting standards of eminence in their managerial life.
To equip the students to required interpersonal skills for solving the practical problems and complexities of the field of agri. business.
To develop entrepreneurial and leadership professional with a view to managing agri-business and agro-based enterprises with strong business orientation.
The programme aims at fulfilling the requirements of each student for enabling him/her to persue a set of courses suiting to his/her career. A holistic approach is adopted in structuring the requirements of the programme. It consists of a package of the compulsory and elective courses in the field of agribusiness management along with the industrial attachment including project work as per the need of the day MBA (
To establish a reputed, self sufficient, job oriented, innovative and eco-friendly college consistent with the current change scenario of national agricultural Policy.
To provide professional expertise to the corporate sector in terms of qualified well-trained, motivated and committed manpower.
To generate managerial skills for self employment.
To provide training, research and consultancy to achieve managerial excellence in Agriculture as well as Agribusiness Management.
The mission of college of Agriculture cum Agri-business Management will be of help to agriculture and agri-based industrial sector in developing core competence by way of creating a team of qualified, well trained, motivated and committed professional agri-managers equipped with modern management theories and practical practices and appropriate behavioral values and skill with an aptitude and sensitivity for the agriculture sector and rural development.
The aspirations of the College will be:
To impart education and training to young youth for taking up the responsibility for managing any organization and agro-based income generating and developing activity.
To offer training program for business professional, policy makers and entrepreneurs for improving decision making skill and administrative competence.
To undertake research projects on client specific problem and on general facing industries segment.
To create knowledge through research relevant to management discipline and to disseminate such knowledge through publication.
To participate and to contribute to the formulation of public policy related to agriculture.
To collaborate with other institutions/ colleges in the state and in the country to fulfill the above objectives.
To organize seminar/conferences/discussion at the national and international level to fulfill the cause of Agri-business.
The key approach to attain the objectives, 5 years programme is the instructional methodology and the evaluation system of both students and teachers. The instructional methodology practiced will be interactive, through discussion on real-life case studies of the agribusiness sector, and optimum use of audio-visual aids and computer by the in-house faculty as well as by the visiting faculty, comprising practicing managers from leading agribusiness firms.
The candidates who have passed the Senior Secondary (10+2) examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer or any other Statutory Board or any examination recognized equivalent to it by the university in any of the following streams are eligible for admission.
Agriculture Biology Mathematics
A candidate must have secured at least 50% marks in the aforesaid examinations (10+2). A relaxation of 5% marks would be allowed to candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/SBC (Non creamy layer) category. The candidates taking the advantage of 5% relaxation will not be considered in UR category. Candidates having supplementary in the 10+2 examination of 2016 are not eligible for the admission.
The maximum age limit is 25 years as on 01-01-2016 i.e. candidates born before 01-01-1991 are not eligible for admission. The date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Examination mark sheet/ certificate will be considered authentic.
The admission is open to the candidates of Rajasthan domicile only or a candidate must fulfill the following conditions for admission to the various faculties:
The candidate must have studied for the last three years of qualifying examination continuously as a regular candidate in a recognized institution in Rajasthan.
Natural Father/Mother of the candidate has been continuously residing in Rajasthan for a period of last 10 years and the candidate has studied for at least 5 years during this period in a recognized educational institution in Rajasthan.
The candidate must be a bonafide resident of Rajasthan. He /she may be presently studying in any of the states other than Rajasthan.
The candidate is a son/daughter of a serving or retired employee of (a) Government of Rajasthan including Officer of All India Services borne on the State Cadre of Rajasthan or (b) Undertaking/Corporation/Improvement Trust/Municipal Bodies duly constituted by the Government of Rajasthan by an act of Law or (c) any of the Universities in Rajasthan or Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan provided that the employee has worked in Rajasthan for three years preceding the last date of submission of the application.
Candidate is a son/daughter of a permanent or retired employee of Indian Defense Service and the employee is either of Rajasthan origin irrespective of his/her place of posting or is posted in Rajasthan at the time of last date of the application for admission provided that in case the defense personnel is of Rajasthan origin, a Certificate has to be submitted by him/her from the employer to the effect that his/her State of origin is Rajasthan at the time of entry in to service.
Candidate is a son/daughter of permanent (serving/retired) employee of Para-Military Forces of India and the employee is either of Rajasthan origin irrespective of his/her place of posting or is posted in Rajasthan at the time of last date of application for admission provided that in case of Para-Military Personnel from the Rajasthan origin, a certificate has to be submitted by him/her from the employer to the effect that his/her State of origin is Rajasthan at the time of entry into service.
Candidate is a son/ daughter of a Judge of Rajasthan High Court subject to that he/she submit an undertaking/affidavit stating that such benefit is not claimed or availed by them in any other State.
As per reservation norms OBC/SBC certificate should not be more than one year old i.e. Not early than 01-03-2015 and must clearly indicate non creamy layer. Such certificate along with affidavit of non creamy layer should not be earlier than 01-03-2013. Jats from Alwar and Bharatpur districts are no more in OBC category therefore they have to fill the application form only in UR category else there candidature will cancelled. Reservation for wards of defense personals will be as per state government policy.
Number of Seats
In this programme, initially university will take 60 students on self financial scheme for academic session 2016-17 and later on intake capacity will be enhanced to 120 students in subsequent years
Admission Procedure
The Admission will be invited to the open advertisement those will be scrutinized for merit based on aggregate marks obtained on 10+2 level. The board where grading system is followed, conversion formula will be employed as per the guidelines of Govt. of Rajasthan to work out the percentage of marks. The programme will only be started subjected to the minimum number of the students i.e. 75% of intake capacity. In that case the university has no option but to defer the programme for the next year as the programme is solely based on self finance. All the rules and regulations for the students will remains the similar, which already approved and mentioned in the Information Bulletin (Faculty of Agriculture), published by the SKNAU, Jobner. Efforts will make for online admission for the Academic Session 2016-17.
Fee structure
The fee structure for self finance, B.Sc. (Ag.) & MBA (Agri - business) - Integrated degree programme will be Rs. 40,000/= extra per semester in addition to the prescribed fee of the college of SKNCOA, Jobner approved by the university.
Course Curriculum
The courses and course description shall be identical to those prescribed by the university for B. Sc (Hons.) Ag. up to first three and half years of the programme. Later on specialized courses on management internship and project work will be followed.
The programme:
The students admitted in the programme, shall have to complete a fix programme of study distributed over five academic sessions comprising ten semesters (5 years). The minimum and maximum residential requirement of the programme will be 10 and 16 semesters, respectively.
Dress Code:
The students will wear the Black pantloon and dark navy blue shirt, black tie and black shoes with white socks and in winter Maroon coat with university monogram.