Toppers of B. Sc. (Ag.) Hons with OGPA 6.5/10.00 or more and M. Sc. (Ag.) in all subjects with 7.5/10.00 or more are awarded gold medals.
The year wise number of fellowships secured by students
University Merit Scholarships:
University Merit Scholarship of Rs 800 per month is awarded to two M.Sc.(Ag.) students in each subject standing topper in the first semester and Rs 1200 per month to two Ph.D. students in each subject on the basis of performance at the M. Sc. (Ag.) level. The eligibility of merit scholarship is a minimum OGPA of 7.00 out of 10.00 and bonafide residents of state of Rajasthan.
Post metric Scholarship to SC/ ST/ OBC/ minorities/ PH:
Awarded to UG as well as PG students by Department of Samajik Nyay Avam Adhikarita vibhag, Govt of Rajasthan.
National talent scholarship
Awarded by ICAR to the UG students other than the resident of Rajasthan admitted through All India Joint Entrance Examination
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Senior Research Fellowship (SRF)
The scholarship is awarded by ICAR to those students who are admitted through ICAR in PG and Ph.D programme. During 2012-13, 11 students have been awarded JR by ICAR.
Scholarship for girls
The scholarship of Rs 10,000 per annum to UG (Hons) Ag and MSc (Ag) and Rs 15,000 per annum to PhD girl students in Agriculture faculty is awarded by Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Rajasthan.
Thesis contingency grant:
Thesis contingency is given to M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. students @ Rs. 500/- and RS. 800/- respectively.