Years of establishment: Late fifties
Ten agro-climatic zones have been classified to characterize climatic distribution in Rajasthan. The Flood Prone Eastern Plain Zone III b lies at the extreme NE corner between 7607' - 2802' N latitude, comprising all tehsils of Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur, Karauli and Sawai Madhopur districts except tehsils of Khandar, Chouth ka Barwara, Malarna Dungar and Sawai Madhopur. Average rainfall of the zone is about 500 mm (Alwar district) to 650 mm in south eastern part and the soils are aridisols. Although recurrent floods occur in rainy season in about 5% of the area, yet it is one of the most potential areas in Rajasthan so far as agricultural production and productivity is concerned.
The centre was established by the State Department of Agriculture as a Seed Multiplication Farm in late fifties. The main objective was to multiply foundation and certified seeds of principal crops of the area. Research scheme on oilseeds and pulses (Non-Plan) was sanctioned in 1974-75 and the work of varietal screening and testing was initiated in Rapeseed-Mustard. In 1976, with the transfer of agricultural research to the university from state department of agriculture, the centre became Agricultural Research Sub Station, a constituent unit of the then Sukhadia University, Udaipur and later elevated to main station (Agricultural Research Station) with lead research functions on pulses and oilseeds. In 1981, a project on Intensification of Research and Training on Oilseeds and Pulses was sanctioned by ICAR to work out agronomic practices and rural social activities related to rapeseed - mustard and pulse crops. At this juncture NARP came into existence with an objective of strengthening the research capabilities of the station for solving location specific problems. The mandate of research was specified. In 1984, All India Coordinated Research Project on Oilseeds Improvement (R&M) was transferred from ARS, Durgapura, Jaipur to ARS, Navgaon, Alwar with the main responsibility of improvement of Rapeseed-Mustard group of crops in the state. A sub unit of the station was subsequently established at Kumher (Bharatpur) as Agriculture Research Sub Station in 1989, however, the sub station became operative only in 1992 after completion of the formalities of acquisition of land allotted to it by the state government.
Research mandate:
The research mandate of the two units of the zone is as follows:
Research Station |
Lead functions |
Verification Functions |
ARS, Navgaon (Alwar) |
Rapeseed Mustard (Irrigated and Rainfed), Reclamation & management of problematic soils, Crop cultivation with mineralized water. |
Pearl millet, Pigeonpea, Barley, Wheat, Clusterbean, Chickpea, Field pea, in-situ moisture conservation, Testing and modification of farm implements. |
Farm facilities:
Salient features of the Agricultural Research Station Farm, Navgaon are given below:
1. |
Total area |
56 ha |
2. |
Cultivated area |
50 ha |
3. |
Farm building and roads |
6 ha |
4. |
Soil texture Bulk density |
Sandy loam 1.41-1.58 g cm-3 |
5. |
pH 2.5 |
8.1-8.4 |
6. |
EC2 |
0.28-0.72 dSm-1 |
7. |
Organic carbon |
Low |
8. |
Available N |
Low |
9. |
Available P2O5 |
Low to medium |
10. |
Available K2O |
Medium to High |
11. |
Water holding cap., Hydraulic conduct |
10.0-13.0% , 0.55-5.26 cm/hr |
12. |
Irrigation sources |
Tube wells: 2 |
13. |
Meteorological observatory |
1 |
Staff Position:
S.No. |
Scheme |
Sanctioned Post |
Filled Post |
Vacant Post |
A |
AICRP on Rapseed-mustard |
Associate Professor |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Assistant Professor |
04 |
01 |
03 |
Technical Assistant |
03 |
03 |
---- |
Agriculture Supervisor |
02 |
02 |
---- |
L.D.C. |
01 |
---- |
01 |
B |
Non-Plan |
Associate Professor |
06 |
---- |
06 |
Assistant Professor |
14 |
02 |
12 |
Stenographer |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Office Assistant |
02 |
02 |
---- |
Driver |
01 |
---- |
01 |
L.D.C. |
04 |
04 |
---- |
Accontant |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Lab Assistant |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Agriculture Supervisor |
05 |
02 |
03 |
Lab Attendant |
08 |
08 |
---- |
Workshop Attendant |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Ploughman |
05 |
05 |
---- |
Chowkidar |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Sweeper |
01 |
01 |
---- |
Total |
62 |
36 |
26 |
Major activities: Research and Teaching
Breeder Seed Production
S.No. |
Name of Crop |
Breeder Seed (Qtls.) |
2010-11 (Qtls.) |
2011-12 (Qtls.) |
2012-13 (Qtls.) |
Total |
RGC- 986 |
3.00 |
17.38 |
---- |
20.38 |
RGC-1017 |
9.00 |
6.33 |
---- |
15.33 |
RGC-1002 |
22.00 |
25.82 |
---- |
47.82 |
RD-2035 |
119.17 |
38.40 |
---- |
157.57 |
RD-2552 |
103.05 |
273.60 |
---- |
376.65 |
Raj-3077 |
42.42 |
---- |
---- |
42.42 |
Raj-1482 |
24.74 |
---- |
---- |
24.74 |
Raj-3765 |
68.21 |
---- |
95.28 |
163.49 |
Raj-3077 |
---- |
81.53 |
---- |
81.53 |
Arawali |
0.30 |
0.15 |
---- |
0.45 |
Navgold(yellow) |
0.15 |
0.20 |
0.15 |
0.50 |
RRN-505 |
0.50 |
---- |
1.00 |
1.50 |
TFL Seed Production
S.No. |
Crop |
Variety |
Quantity (Qtls.) |
2010-11 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
Total |
1 |
Mustard |
Laxmi |
54.66 |
32.65 |
28.80 |
116.11 |
Bio-902 |
87.71 |
3.31 |
14.67 |
105.69 |
Arawali |
26.10 |
26.40 |
14.68 |
67.18 |
Rohini |
6.95 |
---- |
---- |
6.95 |
2 |
Barley |
RD-2035 |
---- |
38.40 |
---- |
38.40 |
RD-2552 |
---- |
---- |
204.14 |
204.14 |
3 |
Wheat |
Raj-4037 |
---- |
30.33 |
---- |
30.33 |
Raj-3765 |
---- |
25.22 |
---- |
25.22 |
Raj-1482 |
---- |
23.00 |
---- |
23.00 |
4 |
Guar |
RGC-986 |
---- |
---- |
21.00 |
21.00 |
RGC-1017 |
---- |
---- |
5.19 |
5.19 |
RGC-1002 |
---- |
---- |
2.00 |
2.00 |
Gross Income from Seed Production & other General Income
Year |
Income from Seed Production |
Other General Income |
Total |
2010-11 |
2,17,031.00 |
2012-13 |
25,37,201.00 |
8,132.00 |
25,45,333.00 |
Significant achievements:
Mustard variety Aravali (RN-393): Strain RN 393 showed consistent superiority in evaluations over locations and years and identified by the 'Variety Release Committee' during the V Annual Workshop held at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi in 1998. The variety was notified by the committee in 2001 and recommended for cultivation under rainfed condition in the state. The variety had shown multiple resistance against aphid, sawfly and webworm infestation besides moderate reaction against Alternaria blight and white rust diseases.
Mustard Variety RRN-505: Variety RRN-505 was developed by hybridization between Pusa Bhusan and ABRNT-1 followed by pedigree method of selection. The variety is suited for late sown conditions and has yield potential of 14 q/ha. It consists of open plant with 5-6 primary branches with non-pointed oval shape leaves, bright yellow flowers, about 4.8 cm long siliqua with 15-16 seeds and maturing in 124 days. The variety showed tolerance to Sclerotinia stem rot disease and moderate tolerance to frost. Test weight 4.1 g, reddish brown in colour and 40.2 per cent oil.
Mustard Variety Navgold (YRN-6): Navgold is a yellow seeded mustard variety developed from cross between Bio - 902 and BM - 185-11(Yellow) and identified in XIIth Annual Workshop & Group Meeting of AICRP on Rapeseed Mustard held at G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar during August 2005. With its leaves simple, serrated margin and pubescent; siliquae thick, medium in length bearing yellow seeds and test weight 4.3 g this variety is suited for cultivation in Mustard Zone II consisting of Rajasthan, Haryana, U.P., Punjab, M.P. and Uttaranchal. It showed 10 % higher seed yield and 15 % higher oil yield over Basanti, the only known yellow seeded mustard variety in the country.
Mustard Variety RRN 573: RRN-573 is a variey suited and adopted across the state of Rajasthan and derived from the cross between HUM-9504 (B.juncea) X GSH-1 (B.napis). It is recommended for normal sowing and irrigated conditions. It has broad leaves, tip of the siliquae bent towards one side and lesser distance between siliquae to siliquae. It matures in 135-137 days and moderate reaction against prevailing disease like white rust, alternaria blight & pest like aphids. Its oil percentage is 41.4 to 42.3 % and test weight is 4.4 gram. Its mean yield is 2073 kg/hac.
A new species - Brassica caudatus: A synthetic amphidiploid between Brassica tournefortii and Raphanus caudatus has been developed (Registration No. INGRNO 03067) with the National Identity No. IC - 296597. It is immune to commonly occurring disease 'white rust' and moderately susceptible to powdery mildew and Alternaria blight. It may be useful in development of hybrids because of its ability to cross with mustard.
CHAKRESH KUMAR 2012. A Dwarf genotype in mustard: RRN-727; International Conference on Extension Education in the Prospective of Advances in Natural Resource Management in Agriculture(NaRMA-IV) SKRAU, Bikaner: pp.90.
R.P. SHARMA, SURESH MURALIA, A.K. PATHAK 2013 Effect of organic fertilizers, bio-fertilizers, antagonists and supplemented nutrition on growth, yield on the appearance of diseases with economic feasibility of guar crop. Indian research journal of Genetics and Biotechnology Vol 5(2): 130-135.
R.P. SHARMA, SURESH MURALIA, A.K. PATHAK, SHIV KUMAR KHATIK and LALIT KUMAR 2013. Economics of Integrated Disease Management strategy in Rapeseed-mustard. Indian Research Journal of Genetics and Biotechnology Vol (3): 213-218.
SURESH MURALIA, L.K. SHARMA and G.U. KULKARNI 2013. Phenotypic stability for seed yield in Indian mustard. Progressive Research 8(2): 248-250
Prof. Chakresh kumar was nominated as a fellow of the society of Rapeseed-mustard Reseach, Sewar, Bharatpur.